Maybe we need a new law…

| August 28, 2015

Maybe we need a new law banning mixed-race, homosexual ex-reporters from owning guns. Hey, a guy who’s pretty obviously mixed-race and openly homosexual, as well as a documented ex-reporter, killed two people in Virginia yesterday, and all the usual left-wing gun-grabbers are focusing on only one aspect of the crime: the inanimate handgun used by the mixed-race, homosexual ex-reporter who committed the despicable act. These lefties use every sensational killing as an excuse to call for more gun restrictions, almost like your neighborhood dogs that start howling when they hear a siren go off somewhere across town.

My reasoning is that if it weren’t for the actions of the mixed-race homosexual ex-reporter, we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all. So obviously it is those three elements of the crime, every bit as much as the fact that a handgun was used, that we should be looking at to prevent future reoccurrences, right?


Of course, you readers see the preposterousness of the above argument. The fact that the perp was a mixed-race homosexual ex-reporter has no bearing on the events that transpired except the last element: his being fired most likely was a triggering event for this tragedy. And had we possessed laws that forbade mixed-race homosexuals from buying guns, these killings took place at such close proximity that a machete or an ax would have served as effectively as the handgun.

Once again, the siren of tragedy has gone off, and every liberal gun-grabbing mutt who hears it begins to howl for more gun control and more restrictions on the rights of non-criminal free citizens. Amidst their liberal caterwauling, one good idea has come to me as a result of this latest tragedy. While I obviously hold no animosity against persons of mixed race or homosexuals, the same can’t be said for ex-reporters, or more precisely, all reporters, who should, to my way of thinking, all be made ex-reporters. Even without banning them from owning guns, we’d all be better off for it. Maybe we could ban them from owning computers and smartphones.

Maybe we need a new law…

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Commissioner Wretched

What gets me is the way the gun-grabbing liberals seem to forget that the gun itself is just a tool. It only does what the person holding it wants it to do. Guns don’t fire by themselves (under normal circumstances) … they require humans to pull the trigger.

If we’re going to “fix” anything, we need to fix the people who would use such tools against their fellow man. More gun laws won’t solve anything, since we don’t enforce the laws we already have.


Key word is “fix”, fix the idiots that should not spawn!!


If we could just ban reporters from ever saying anything at all without first doing extensive fact-checking, then verifying it through at least five (5) layers of supervision, and then waiting a minimum of 24 real hours to reverify (yes, I make up words, too) everything, we might get bare facts instead of hysterics.

We could ban smartphones and electronic social media, too, and make people send handwritten letters and memos again. And they could learn longhand, too.

Well… I can dream, can’t I?

B Woodman

You forgot “gay prostitute”. Yes, I’d heard he was that, too.
So “mixed-race, homosexual, gay prostitute, ex-reporters”.
Ummm. . . and add in Obaomao Libtard (he was often seen wearing an Obama pin DURING ON-AIR NEWS REPORTING.

So, “mixed-race, homosexual, gay prostitute, Libtard, ex-reporters”. Think that about covers it?



Veritas Omnia Vincit

Who taught this asshole that he had a right to be pissed off and offended at everything any white person ever said? He complained when his colleagues stated they had reporters in the field because field meant cotton fields to him and was a reminder of slavery, he complained when his boss brought in fruit for the news crews and watermelon was included in the fruit as he felt he was being singled out as a black man with the water melon… That kind of thinking leads to these kind of outcomes because some asshole who feels entitled somehow didn’t get what he felt was his (a news career) and couldn’t handle the reality of failure so he responded with violence. We are raising a nation of entitled little special snowflakes who never hear the word “no” from their parents and feel the rest of the world should never say “no” either. Those kids aren’t being equipped to handle reality in a world that doesn’t really care whether or not they live or die and we see the results of that with violence on occasion but more often as a kid in his 30s or 40s still depending on mommy and daddy for sustenance. Independence requires the ability to deal with failure and rejection and to continue to persevere. We’ve confused the pursuit of happiness with the perception that we are entitled to happiness. They are hardly the same thing. I’d be willing to bet that this guy was a jerkoff his entire life and he was never someone who fit into any system of work rules anywhere…but I am also convinced that it would be extremely difficult to deal with this as a mental health issue because I’m not certain he has a history of actually committing any crimes or having any incidents where the legal system could intervene in a mental health capacity. I’ve often made the comment, (when I am intent on being offensive) that if we were to outlaw being a black or hispanic male between 16-40 in certain neighborhoods crime could be reduced by almost… Read more »


Goes back to my statement that we don’t have a “gun violence” problem, we have an asshole problem


Exactly Sir. My wife worked for years with a woman who was a born member of the Yakima Indian Nation. She had no problem joking that she would “scalp” or “hatchet” coworkers if they messed up one of her client files. She would make her Indian “whoop calls and dance” when she was excited or upset at even her football team.

However whenever someone of non aboriginal American heritage said anything even remotely sounding like an insult to her heritage, a Human Resources and union complaint was filed by her. Over the twenty years they worked in the same office this woman filed no less than 63 grievances and complaints against management and coworkers. For instance, she over heard two men speaking of playing “Cowboys and Indians” as kids and when it was all said and done they were chastised by management and had the ubiquitous “letter” added to their personnel files. Another coworker speaking with her no less as they routinely did, of their favorite football teams having played against each other the Sunday night before, stated she thought it was okay for the Redskins to have that name and it was not meant as an intended offense to Indians. The coworker never saw the blind side coming. Not over the term Redskins you see but because she used the word “Indian”, instead of “Native American”, which was one of her favorite “I gotcha” complaints to get someone in trouble. They even had staff meetings to be sure everyone knew the proper terms for all races. Always beginning with “It is only proper to refer to someone as a Native American, never, ever as an Indian. Some folks aren’t worth the air they consume.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Those fucking indians, always whining because, in spite of their rhetoric to the contrary about being great warriors, they started out defending New England and ended up in California…


I had a couple of asshole break room lawyers here as well, the easy fix is to lay them off during a slow period. Since we aren’t union I don’t have to deal with seniority or any other bullshit. I just lay off the turds…I tell them how sorry we are that we don’t have any work currently and I hook them up with unemployment and they are no longer a problem….unions make that far more difficult especially when it comes to removing a turd who also happens to be a protected class….


Did that obnoxious cow know that scalping was taught to eastern tribes by French trappers? That the scalps turned in to the trappers brought wampum or cash money to the scalpers? Scalping is not an NA or INDIAN thing. It’s French.


Where did you get that he was of mixed race? Not to take away from your general theme, I just hadn’t seen that anywhere before.


No. He was an attention whore with an agenda. See my link to Reuters below.


If anything should have been a flag, he was literally a fan of the Columbine and Va Tech shooters. Supposedly the SC shooting tipped him over the edge of thinking such a thing was a good idea. I almost wonder whether a more effective measure in cases like these is total anonymity for the shooter – they seem to like the idea that their pathetic little lives will be splattered over all the headlines. Maybe the best form of prevention is to guarantee them that no one will ever hear of what they did, no one will pore over their insignificant lives looking for clues… they will not turn themselves into 15 minutes media icons, they will turn themselves into a black hole. Wonder if that would b a better deterrent?

A Proud Infidel®™

Given how colleges today do all they can to coddle their little snowflakes and tell them how precious and special they are while insulating them from common sense, logic, and the real world, I wonder how many more dysfunctional snot heads like him will be turned loose on the real world? I’m beginning to think he went apeshit when he realized he wouldn’t be able to go through life being a perpetually offended “Professional Victim” demanding whatever he wanted when he wanted it on a silver platter.

Roger in Republic

It’s not just colleges. Did you know that they make trophies down to Seventeenth place for kids sports?

Roger in Republic

Perhaps we need a law akin to the Anti Jewish laws that NAZI Germany passed in the 1930’s. They would simply state that if either of your grandparents were Democrats, or had ever voted for a Democrat, you would be prohibited from owning or possessing any type of weapon.

Silentium Est Aureum

Well, look at the bright side–at least the gene pool is a little cleaner, doubly so since there’s no chance of his having created any progeny.


Here’s a thoughtful article from Reuters, about Vester the Festeringboil’s real needs that prompted his rampage:

And in regard to the butt-hurt Yakima broad, well, my tribe is the Celts, so I don’t give a damn what she thinks. But she most definitely is an attention whore.


I did not know you were a basketball fan…..