Carlos Mullen saving the world

| August 28, 2015

Carlos Mullen

David sends us a link to Fox News which reports that Carlos Mullen, an Army veteran is being credited with saving the life of a six-year-old when the child had drowned in the pool at a resort where Mullen and his fiance were staying;

Carlos Mullen and his fiancée Christina Lamothe were on the third floor of Westgate Resort in Orlando when they heard screaming coming from the pool area. They say that people were calling out for a lifeguard, but there was no lifeguard in sight.

Mullen jumped into action, rushing to the pool to perform CPR on a 6-year-old boy who had just been pulled from the pool by his brothers.

Mullen credits his military training for his quick-thinking and for teaching him CPR.

Category: Real Soldiers

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As Carlos made his way from the third floor room all the foriegn and civilian tourist stood, watched and recorded the events on their iPhones!

Good job Carlos!

If you were not there, the rest of them all would have just stood still and said, “look, she is not breathing”.


MCPO: my son-in-law came across a car on fire with a man in it. Everyone was doing what you said: recording it with their phones. He ran over a pulled out the guy (who was in diabetic shock).


I see it almost everyday in NYC. Everything from a small child who has fallen to a elderly person in cardiac arrest … It seems like iPhone filming is the new cool thing to do!

Old Trooper

BZ Carlos!!


Once again, as with the train situation last week…..American Exceptionalism!


So the left want’s to down size are military and hold back funding like the outstanding training we give are troops like this guy.

They need to understand that when they do that it will diminish are ability to react any were any time and yes training play’s a big part in that something to think about. BZ to Carlos acting above and beyond to save a life the way you were trained.


Considering they only envision the military as a multi-sexual social experiment to do social work and sing the world’s most diverse chorus of “Kumbaya”, I am not sure they give a damn about that.


Well done Carlos Mullen! Damned well done sir. Thank you for the uptick in public opinion of veterans and retirees.


Let’s see if the incompetent Army brass can manage to get OFF THEIR ASS and give this man a soldiers medal?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I like these stories a great deal, these stories indicate the true nature of the vast majority of veterans. We might be a foul mouthed lot at times, but there’s no one better as a neighbor when you have a problem.
Young men and women who are trained to make decisions and act with a sense of purpose are clearly far and few between based on the actions of most of the assclowns standing around gawking while a little boy’s life ebbed away in front of them.

Just my $0.02 YMMV, as it probably should.