Why I still have faith in our economy
During this economic downturn, during the doom and gloom of the media and politicization of the finger pointing and blame-gaming, I’ve maintained my paltry investment in the American economy mainly because I have faith in Americans and capitalism.
Boo Radley sent me this video last night about the place her husband works, an American institution that is maintained by real Americans and it reinforces my faith, despite Harry Reid’s gloomy predictions last night;
One quote from the article in particular struck me;
Jim Ward told Channel 3’s Mike O’Mara, “My dad was here for 30 years. My brother has been here for 35 years. I’ve been here for 32 years and my son has been here for 10. That’s the way RIDGID works. This is where we want to be.”
Building this country has always been a family tradition until recently when it’s become a family business to bilk the American taxpayer (these folks who’ve spent their lives making wrenches) out of free money. These folks in Elyria, Ohio are still building the American Dream one Rigid wrench at a time.
Category: Politics
HEY! Thanks Jonn!
People are genuinely proud to be with Ridge Tool.
I might have a couple of those calendars laying around. 😉
There’s lots of us out here Jonn. My wife and I have worked this company for 23 and 29 years respectivly. We make good American products for companys all over the world. We aren’t getting raises this year after a record year in sales prepairing for more slow downs but the company has done this before and managed not to have a lay off in over 50 years. I have been looking for that old bumper sticker, the one that said something to the effect, “out of work, hungry, need a place to stay? Move into your Toyota.” I know I’m probably going to get the old “they’re made in America” but please before someone does that please remember where those profits go, it’s not into the American economy.