BDS in the WaPo comments

| December 12, 2008

Against my better judgement, I ventured into the slimy well of Washington Post comments about the article I posted below in regards to the 10 SF operators being awarded the Silver Star today. I’d hoped that I would find that there are some things that the regular denizens of the Washington Post website can appreciate about the US and Americans in general. Although a majority of the comments were positive, there were some trolls;

BDS runs deep and the phony soldiers just can’t keep their stupid mouths shut.

Yeah, um who’s burning the Afghan girls with acid, numbnuts? And fighting a seven-hour gun battle is hardly “retreated as fast as they could”, hero.

If you had really been an infantryman in Iraq, you’d have learned that unless you witness something for yourself, you really shouldn’t question the valor of others. And I don’t know of any real infantryman who’d give the Air Force credit for anything. Oh, and getting your eyebrows singed lighting the shit can isn’t friendly fire, numbnuts.

Yeah, praise the troops and restart the draft. These are the kinds of troops we get when we DON’T have a draft, lady.

Um, we didn’t attack – the Afghans themselves ejected the foreign entity that had occupied their country and terrorized them for a decade with our help. Read a book.

Like I said, most of the comments were fairly positive, but some folks just can’t help themselves from being total jerks.

Category: Politics

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Don’t go to places like that John, it’ll make your head explode. The “people” who post there don’t give a s**t about the military, our country or anything, other than Obamunist, Reid, Pelosi talking points and getting their hands out for their own personal bailout. They aren’t fit to read about men like this, much less comment on the actions of heroes.


Yeah, what UpNorth said.


Thanks usnretwife. And, Jonn, sorry on the mis-spell of your name.

Fox News Zombie

Carefull John, don’t go judging the actions of other vets like WilliamB1. Your words were pure slander if you ask me. Maybe someone should look into your service… just sayin’… it goes both ways John.

Jonn wrote: I think you should look into my service. It might shut your stupid yap for the remainder of the Christmas break.

Fox News Zombie

See how it feels when people assume something about your service without knowing you? You don’t like it do you?

Lesson learned Jonn. Not the first time I had to teach the troops a lesson.

Jonn wrote: Like I said – look into my service, I don’t really care. What I don’t like is smarmy little college kids who think they know something yapping like yorkies. Teach me something.

Fox News Zombie

Here we go again… Who are you making assumptions about now Jonn?


Slow learner. Often requires multiple explanations and excessive oversight even on the simplest concepts.

That is what I would write on your eval to explain the low marks I give you. But overall I would grade you as “Promotable” based solely on your blind loyalty to the service.

Jonn wrote: Please ask LT Nixon to reach over and slap you for me. How’s that for an assumption? The longer we play this game the closer I get to you. Care to continue?


I want a front row seat for that butt whippin’ Jonn. Sheesh! What a wimp he must be.


I smell more phony soldiers and wannabe’s who shop at the surplus store. You tell them and i’ll back you up (22 years military service) and the wimps can look at my record also. What are the liberal cowards going to do when the conservatives quit volunteering to protect their asses? I can already hear the whimpering when the get drafted. Momma them mean on TI/DI’s make me get up and work. Both foreign concepts to a liberal living in Momma’s basement. Canada doesn’t want the cowards anymore, they already have enough democrats traitors riding their welfare system.

Fox News Zombie

HA! LOL! Nice!