Yer Sunday Funny: A Poor Choice of Words
One day many years ago, I was at a military training school as a student. The instructors there – as was the norm – were giving the students a royally hard time.
Also as was the norm, some of the students were put in temporary leadership positions (squad leader, platoon leader, etc . . .) during different times during the course. And in one case, that resulted in a truly interesting evening formation.
One particular evening, the instructors were apparently displeased with that days’ performance. They decided to screw with the students by calling an evening formation and “conducting some additional training” (or maybe just chewing our asses – for reasons I’ll explain, we never really found out what was intended that night).
One of the instructors called aside the student appointed to the class senior leadership position at the time – the student company commander, if I recall correctly. He told the senior student to have the rest of us students assembled in formation at a time that was about when it would be starting to get dark.
The senior student asked him, “What’s the uniform?” The instructor answered with words to the effect of, “I don’t care what they wear, just have them out there on time!”
As anyone who’s ever served with “Joe” knows, that was NOT the best way to phrase “just have everybody out there in uniform”. (smile)
I’d served for a couple of months on a temp assignment with the senior student. He was a great guy – but he could be one helluva smartass at times, too. And here he rose to the occasion.
The senior student assembled everyone. He told us, “OK, they’ve called an evening formation. But the instructor said he didn’t care what we wore. So wear the most outlandish sh!t you can think of to the formation.”
I wish I had pictures of the result. It was a military comic masterpiece.
I can’t remember what I was wearing – my imagination and creativity were not really “clicking” that day, so it definitely wasn’t memorable. But I do remember some of the others, and they had come up with masterpieces.
I think we had guys in bright red shorts and all sorts of outlandish civilian t-shirts, plus guys in their skivvies and shower shoes (I don’t think anyone showed up buck naked). I think we had a couple of guys wearing just a towel, too. But I really remember four guys.
One guy had taken the head off a mop and used it as a wig. I think he had his steel pot on holding the mop head in place. (I think he had a pair of garish civvie sunglasses, too, but I can’t remember for sure.) He was out front, so I got a good look at him and remember him.
If you’ve served in the Army, you’ve heard the term “green weenie”. Well, one guy gave us all a real-life example of same. He had taken a pair of the old knee-high OD-green boot socks, unrolled them, stuffed one of them full of other rolled socks (or maybe t-shirts), and was wearing either skivvies or shorts. That . . . sock was hanging out from under his shorts literally far enough to hit his knees. The Jolly Green Giant would have been envious.
But the two other guys took the cake.
They each got two helmet liners – this was the old steel-pot days, so I guess it could have been their own steel pot and liner instead. They found some way to keep them in place on the front of their chests, then managed to pull a t-shirt on over them. It looked for all the world like both were wearing a 42 bra with about an M-size cup. (smile)
One of them managed to provide the pièce de résistance for the whole show. He was there TDY from a unit where he’d been able to acquire and bring with him a small portable LZ strobe; they flash fairly rapidly, and are bright as hell. He put it on a string (or maybe his dog-tag chain) and wore it as a necklace.
He then hung the landing strobe between the two helmet liners, outside the t-shirt. I can’t remember for certain if he also managed to find a mop head for a wig. As the formation fell in, he turned on the LZ strobe.
There were a bunch of other crazy-ass getups, but those are the ones I remember.
At the appointed time, the senior instructor came out. The senior student called the formation to attention, and then reported to the instructor.
The instructor saw the formation, and you could see he was stunned – and pissed. For a minute I thought he was gonna stroke out on us.
Then he kinda smiled a bit, and said something to the effect, “Well, that’s what I get for saying I didn’t care what you wore.”
As I recall, the guy spoke to us for about 5 or 10 minutes, but that was all. I think we got our asses chewed some, but I don’t really remember what for.
But standing in that formation was priceless.
Category: Pointless blather, Who knows
Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! We want PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, Marine_7002 – so do I. I’d give a helluva lot for a picture of that formation, but I’m pretty sure none exist. None of us students took one, and I’m fairly sure none of the instructors did either. (smile)
“this was the old steel-pot days, so I guess it could have been their own steel pot and liner instead. They found some way to keep them in place on the front of their chests, then managed to pull a t-shirt on over them. It looked for all the world like both were wearing a 42 bra with about an M-size cup”
This is encouraged now. Hands in the pockets or a tattoo below is against “good order and discipline” but dressing like a girl isn’t.
Little did you realize that you were overcoming your cisgendered male privilege for a preview of the future 2015 military.
DAY-UM, Hondo, OUCH.
I had to do some strenuous work in the yard yesterday, and I’m aching this morning. The laughing fits ain’t helping.
What? No one came wrapped in toilet paper?
No one wore a washcloth monokini?
When I was attending SONAR A-school at ASWTRACENPAC San Diego in 1979, the Command Master Chief would hold a weekly formation of all the students on the base (pretty small base). He would read the Plan of the Day and put out any other pertinent information, and at the end he always concluded with “Does anyone else have something that they need to put out?”. One day, while standing in formation, I became aware that whatever I had eaten the night before had decomposed and formed a pocket of gas inside of me that could probably heated North America through the month of February.
This day, when the Master Chief asked “Does anyone else have anything else they need to put out? I let out a fart of Biblical proportions that actually echoed off of the buildings behind the formation. There was a moment of stunned silence, and then, without missing a beat, the Master Chief said “Alright, we’ve heard from that asshole. Anyone else?” And the whole formation cracked up.
Did you properly “clear backblast area” before engaging target? (smile)
I’ve been in a formation where something like that happened. But, the SM in question interrupted the BXO. Unfortunately, it was a beer fart. Fortunately, it was down wind from my position. It caused a female standing behind and to the right of him to actually puke.
The BXO said, “fuck it,” and dismissed us in mid sentence.
One of my favorite interservice-school stories was when I ( as a Marine Sergeant) attended BNCOC at Fort Sill.
The Army did NCO school differently then the Marines, wheras the Corps had Marines from multiple MOSs and focused mostly on leadership the Army was very focused on MOS training.
One of the non-MOS classes had to do with uniform regs for the Army, and of course it was late on a payday Friday. The few Marines in the class were bored shitless, as were most of the Army guys.
The class was almost over and we had the question and answer session. There were a few semi-intelligent questions, then we had the class kiss-ass start asking a bunch of stupid questions. I guess he was trying to impress the accademy Sgt Major, who was monitoring the class.
We could tell even the instructor was getting a bit miffed at the guy.
He finally came up with some weird ass question: “If my uncle served with Patton in the 3rd Army, could I wear his unit crest on a civilian suit?”
Before the instructor could answer I yelled out “If my great great grandaddy was killed with Custer can I walk around with an arrow shoved up my ass?”
I got 5 demerits and COQ all weekend behind that,
Totally worth it.
Be clear and concise with your orders. That lesson became very clear to me when I was stationed on the West Coast and a CB that had just trf from Diego Garcia ask me if he could go home for the weekend.
This was in the days of 72 hr liberty and out of bounds restrictions. When he did not return by Mon I got a little worried. He showed up on Tue and said he had been to New Orleans, his home town.
Except his being 1 day late in returning, there was not much I could do about the out of bounds thing. Damn verbal request.
The way I heard it was:
Don’t give an order that can be understood. Give an order that can not be misunderstood.
I have many stories like that and I think the Marine Corps is more prone (and tolerant) to it than the Army for some reason.
When I was on Sea Duty a bunch of us were all going to a Halloween party at my girlfriends house except one guy decided to stay back on ship. At the last minute he decided he wanted to go and we were stumped for a costume (he was huge and had a passing resemblance to Frankenstein…literally)so we went down to sick bay thinking maybe we could get some bandages or something.
The Corpsman had a great idea…Merthiolate! We painted him up so he glowed orange and had a great party. Next day we had the Guard shift formation (we were on Port and Starboard back then)and he showed up in his Bravos with his face, neck and arms still tinged with orange and I still remember the look on the face of the Detachment Gunny!
Later on in my career when I was graduating from Warrant Officer’s Basic Course (TBS)we had a mess night in dress whites and a bunch of us wore red polka dotted under drawers….I thought our PMI was going to stroke out.
One day at the start of the year, 1SG asked for comments, T___ hollered that she was getting rid of 192 pounds of ugly fat–her divorce was going to be finalized.
Our entire class did something similar — but not that drastic! We all showed up in formation wearing the Groucho Marx nose-glasses-moustache disguise.
That was a great formation and was a great morale booster. I guess we were weeks from graduation and were allowed to “act out” once in a while.
At BNCOC/CA at Fort Sherman, Panama in ’84 or so, our class had a pair of BRASS artillery rounds to polish to standard. Well after a huge chewing out over not meeting the standard, some knuckle head thought to CLEAN them, the best idea was to use GREEN SCRATCH PADS on the shiny brass.
Until maybe the day before graduation, the ‘brushed’ finish did not meet standards but it was funny as hell.
Thanks Hondo, for making my crappy ass Monday better.
In the S1 office, flying solo, doing everyone else’s job but mine…