Damn, I Missed This Yesterday

| May 3, 2015

Sorry I missed this yesterday, but better late than never.

Four years ago yesterday, a tall ugly bastard named Usama began his eternal dirtnap. Hope he enjoys his 72 virgins, and all have this countenance:

Burn in hell, bin Laden. Burn in hell.

Category: Historical, Terror War

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Dave Hardin

DAMN IT HONDO ! I am sitting here trying to have my coffee, attempting to muster enough give a shit to face the world, you go and post that picture.

If I had a face like that, I would shave my ass, stand on my hands and walk backwards.

I would rather be burning shitters this morning than looking at that.

Sometimes you are a cold man HONDO.


LMAO….. Hondo…. For God sakes…. It’s Sunday. The picture is appalling. lol. 🙂


As my son says, “SEAL Team went to Pakistan, shot Bin Laden in the head and fed him to the sharks”.

In addition, the actions of our Intel and SPEC OPS communities lifted the collective spirit of all good patriotic Americas and truly gave us something to be so proud and thankful for … Those men and women of the armed forces willing to go in harms way on our behalf.

That is all!


I always thought she was kinda cute. 😉



You ain’t right. I don’t care what it says in your name.


….in the head, of course! 🙂 My wife reminds me daily. lol


Just because your seeing-eye dog humps someone’s leg, it doesn’t mean she’s cute.
It means you need another dog…


Gotta disagree with you in one small regard, there, Hondo. UBL isn’t taking a “dirt nap”. He is, instead, as the wise guys put it, “sleepin’ with the fishes.”

3/17 Air Cav

HONDO………way to early to look at that mug. I’ve seen better on the backside of a Nestle’s Crunch!


I wonder just how many who read here have awakened in a strange room with a killer hangover, rolled over and been totally horrified at seeing something like that in the bed next to him?

Maybe Jonn ought to run a contest: Ugliest Woman I Ever Woke Up With.

I’m thinking the Navy probably has a lock on first place but then us paratroopers have been known to have some seriously low standards when over-imbibing.

And perhaps to fully embrace the new military, we should include ugly men.


What the hell happened with the italics Jonn? It was supposed to end after with.

Mike Kozlowski

…And the next day my grandson (Michael J. Kozlowski III, call sign ‘Joey’) was born.

It’s distinctly possible that folks here know people who were there. If any of you do…please tell them ‘thanks’ from this Wing Wiper of Very Little Brain. Joey will have to deal with a very unpleasant world…but thanks to the SEALs and all the other people who put the mission together and made it happen,…he won’t have to deal with that.




Last year I participated in a retirement at DEVGRU as a Side Boy (only non-SEAL in the eight) for a good friend of mine.

My family met most if not all of the Squadron who was there (not including those who quit, got fired or are now feathering their own nest).

They are an impressive bunch of mostly Chiefs and Junior to Mid-grade Officers. The senior leaders are very professional and extremely mindful of their humble ways of executing their “business”.

“It is just business”, they will tell you.


Brigitte Bardot…wat happened?

T-Bird Henry

Don’t you mean “Jabba the Hutt, Wha Hoppen?!”


President Obama led the way like a Ranger on that mission. He wasn’t actually on a helicopter wearing a helmet and carrying a weapon like Michael Dukakis, but he watched in on TV in the situation room. It was awesome!

Remember this dramatic scene?



Hold up there Joe. Brian Williams says he was there together with Obama on the chopper that crashed. So, it’s just gotta be true!


Well, if I wasn’t awake and alert on duty today; I sure as hell am now!

Of course, I’m also a bit nauseated and won’t be able to eat lunch…

But she and UBL do make a lovely couple; dontcha think?


medic09…It’s her “Wait till you see what I’m gonna do to you in the bedroom”, eyes that get me.

I think I just threw up in my mouth!

CC Senor

OBL’s burial at sea.


That’s great, I’ve never seen it before.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Damn Hondo… why in the world did you have to post the pic of Danny-boi’s first love???


And here’s the rest of the view of Bin Laden’s virgins from the neck down.



Which reminds me of the Iowahawk post on this. One of the funniest things I’ve ever read.


steve G

Not 72 virgins, 72 Virginians. Washing and Jefferson are daily kicking his ass

Big Steve

Both Osama AND Helen Thomas were exceedingly ugly people. Inside and out.

T-Bird Henry

Personally I’d like to think that he is sharing Satan’s Cesspool right now with Adolf Hitler rotting and festering away.


actually I dont think bin ladin lived to see 2002.