Yeah, This REALLY Makes Sense

| April 10, 2015

We’ve all heard that Purple Hearts were finally authorized for those at Fort Hood gunned down by that turncoat terrorist, Hassan Nidal.  So, that means they’re recognized as having been injured in combat, and will receive all the “bennies” due them – right?

Perhaps.  But then again, maybe not – as shown by the case of then-SSG Shawn Manning.

Manning applied for retroactive combat-related benefits associated with his Purple Heart.  He was shot by Nidal multiple times, and still has two bullets in his body.

On 6 April, the Army sent Manning a letter in response to his application.  They rejected his application for combat-related benefits on technical grounds.  The linked article gives the details.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.  And in case you’re wondering:  yeah, that last sentence was indeed 100% pure sarcasm.

C’mon, DA.  This decision is so obviously, ludicrously wrong that it’s not even funny.  You need to fix this error pronto.

Are you listening, Mr. McHugh?  Mr. Carter?  Hello?

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Big Army, WTF?

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Sounds like the VA is in charge.

Dave Hardin

I know this guy at Ft Bragg that can fix his records. He should have known better than to submit real paperwork to the VA.


Hmmm. Is Picard available for a trip to Switzerland? I have some people I want him to talk to.


Backing up. If it was just ‘workplace violence’ and he was no doubt injured/disabled at his workplace while doing his job–how would his workplace be any less responsible for taking care of him? Time to lawyer up, I’d think.


Yep. Exactly the issue that bothers many of us.

My first response is, “What difference does it make?” Would we owe them less medical attention and care had the injuries been from a roof falling on them instead of from a shooter?

Beyond that, I simply want them to accurately document the circumstances of the injuries so that appropriate treatment can be given and so that measures can be taken to see that such injuries don’t happen again. Whether the source of the injury is criminal or accidental, future prevention can only happen if honest assessments are made.


Well O Well. After going through the Army MEB Proscecess I do believe they are likely and capable of pulling all kinds of BS lol… This is so sad on so many fronts I don’t even know where to start


The same administration that lunches with Raoul Castro and negotiates with the Ayatollahs, but refuses to care for it’s injured warriors.

This is far beyond shameful.


Oh, you have hit the nail on the head…HARD!


Total horse shit. I receive benefits for blowing out my knee and back and it wasn’t combat related. These guys need to be taken care of just the same. The idiots making these decisions need to be dragged out and shot in the knees. See how fast they get taken care of.


Examples need to be made. Serious head on pikes type examples.


Heads? let’s go vlad the impaler on them. If paper pushers high up the ladder started getting staked, they might get something done


Gee, I thought that kind of crap was settled long ago when someone at work started going postal and shot up the post office where he worked.

It doesn’t matter if it’s combat-specific or simply on-the-job, it’s still the employer’s place of work. In this case, it’s the Army as employer.

The people making this idiot statement that it was the use of a privately-owned weapon instead of military-owned are grasping at straws. THEY are the ones who should be sued right into the damned ground for being gopher-hole lawyers. This kind of quibbling will last until the current jackass – I mean, incumbent – incumbent is gone.

These people were injured on the job. The location is immaterial. The Army/Dept of Dimwits owes them, period.** Kick some ass and take names and make sure that the noise is loud and unpleasant.

**When I was in the Navy, we were told you can’t sue the Navy, but you can sue the individuals. There’s a huge difference there.

John Robert Mallernee
John Robert Mallernee

Tension at Purple Heart ceremony, due to long history of United States Army efforts to avoid presenting the awards.

John Robert Mallernee

Now, what about retroactive Hostile Fire Pay (or whatever they call it nowadays) for EVERY soldier stationed on Fort Hood, Texas during November of 2009?

Also, any soldier stationed at Fort Hood, Texas during November of 2009 should be reimbursed for the cost of all verified pieces of United States mail sent by them from Fort Hood, Texas.

John Robert Mallernee

I just finished watching the video recording of the Purple Heart and Defense of Freedom award ceremony at Fort Hood, Texas.

It was interesting to observe a Canadian soldier standing in the audience, attired in camouflaged combat fatigues.

There was a goof, a truly MAJOR goof – – – ,

At the very end, they obviously ran out of medals, and had to take the Purple Heart from the fellow they’d just given it to, so they could hand it to the gal whose Defense of Freedom award had apparently been forgotten.

When I was in the United States Army, rifle squads and color guards would have been wearing stripped pistol belts and bloused jump boots with their dress uniform.

But, that was a long time ago, and things change, especially in the Army.

I noticed that I didn’t see anyone in the audience wearing civilian clothes who rendered “Present Arms” in a military fashion.

Surely, some of those guys must have been veterans.

After all these years have gone by, doesn’t everybody now know that veterans in civilian clothes are now authorized to render “Present Arms” in the military manner?

For further clarification, see my post, “PROPER CIVILIAN WEAR OF MILITARY MEDALS” at my personal blog, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”.

The URL is:

I’m glad some of those guys showed enough respect to wear a proper suit and tie when attending that ceremony.

Surprisingly, when the bugler sounded, “TAPS”, the microphones failed to pick up any of the sound.

When the commanding general at Fort Hood gave his opening remarks, he mentioned the phrase, “when shots rang out”.

I have never heard shots “ring out”.

When rounds were passing by my head, I heard a very sharp, “CRACK!”, “CRACK!”, CRACK!”

They were 7.62mm green tracers.

Our side used red tracers.

Their side used green tracers.

Did somebody make up rules about that ahead of time?

Sure is a coincidence, huh?

Mox nix.

John Robert Mallernee


Disgusting bureaucratic bull@#$%.

It can’t stand.


All the SM wounded or killed on 9/11 got PHs within days – with benefits.

WTF, over.