Rand Paul offended the liberal media? Oh, please…
The true enemy of American conservatives and the American Constitution is the liberal media. The most powerful weapon the liberals/socialists/communists/Democrats have is a compliant media, which willingly carries their unchallenged message to an unsuspecting American people, far too many of whom have no idea they are being propagandized every bit as much as Soviet Russians or Mao’s Chinese.
With that in mind, it is difficult to accept the conservative media jumping all over Rand Paul for standing up for himself and his beliefs when being “interviewed” by liberal media harpies whose claws are out, their beaks seeking political blood and their bias and harmful intent clearly and fully evident. To Paul’s everlasting credit, he has set the stage that he will be no Romney or McCain, bullied and battered by a hostile mainstream media, cowering in fear of alienating them and their broadcast powers.
Listening to the crying conservative media, I am appalled at how they are unified in their condemnation of Paul for doing exactly what so many of us out here in flyover country find so refreshing. The Republican who will win my vote in the primaries will do just what Rand Paul has done: stand up against the liberal bullying that all Republican candidates can expect from these media necromancers, who have slavishly sold their professional souls to the cause of world socialism.
A word of advice to the rest of the Republican candidates who will ultimately enter this 2016 presidential contest: do not be cowed by the media’s negative response to Rand Paul’s fine stand against media bias. Embrace Paul’s bravery and emulate it. Let the American people see how poorly they are served by this media monstrosity that is nothing more than the propaganda bureau of the Democratic Party. Do not let them roll over you with their elitist arrogance and coastal chutzpah. Stand up as Rand Paul did, and let them know that their days of dominance are over. Remember this: you are the candidate, and that makes you newsworthy to them. If you are defiant and unwilling to be rolled, you then become even more newsworthy, and they will seek you out with even more fervor and with a more combative intent to make you look bad. They will not ignore you, no matter what your campaign experts tell you. Like blood, controversy leads.
Do not lose sight of this truth: As long as you stand up and fight them, you will be igniting the patriotic blood of tens of millions of Americans who are sick and tired of living in a nation where the national and regional media represent only the liberal political view. Oh, and we don’t care if the liberal interviewers are female or male; rip their rears without regard for gender. Those info-babes tout themselves as tough feminists who should be treated as equals? Well, fine. Treat them as equals, and bust their butts just as embarrassingly as you possibly can.
Show some courage, dudes; it’s damned near a lost quality in the Republican Party.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
Balls too.
Show them. Show us your BALLS!
While I’ll agree with you in part, there is a to got about it with looking/sounding like your losing your cool/temper. From what I’ve read and listened too. Rand did go off the rails a little bit and his approach did make me think: is this the guy I want on the trigger?
Not saying they don’t need to be called to the carpet but it has to be done in a way that makes them look like they are in the wrong not the person taking/holding them to task.
Can’t type this morning. First sentance should have been ‘there is a way to go about it’.
I can’t fault him for sounding like he did.
#1-One interview was SUPPOSEDLY by a “conservative” interviewer (Megyn Kelly – FOX).
#2-The harrying, twisting, misdirection, and not allowed to answer without interruption would be enough to make Job swear in anger.
Saw this too, She was way out of line in harping on him about his interviewing manner. He’s running for, arguably, the most important political position on earth and she, a pretty media face, felt that her opinions were more important.
to hell with the media…those communists offend me everytime I see or hear them!!
Yeppir !!!!
I really don’t see how anyone can see him as going off the rails or being controversial in his interviews. To me he looks like a man that won’t allow himself to be pushed around. Have we as a people become so pussy that a man standing up for himself is seen as a negative quality?
Second that.
The media, as a group, have no manners and think of themselves as important, when they are not nearly as important as they think they are. They forget the one thing that can take their jobs away from them: THE INTERNET W/VIDEOS. 🙂
Absolute freakin’ WORD!!
Well he won’t last long if questions or comments about his changing world view are what sets him off…
As isnala suggests there is a way to approach those questions that indicate you are in control of yourself and you have little expectation of competence and accuracy from the reporter.
Whining like a little bitch about being subjected to “slanted” questions post-facto or facing some editorializing while being questioned are hardly the traits of a man “standing” up to the liberal media. It appears he can’t handle the pressure of an antagonistic media. Maybe he hasn’t been watching too many interviews over the last several years.
His handlers better get a good grip on him and do a few more rehearsals…otherwise if I were interviewing I would purposely use the stick I know worked and continue to poke him to get exactly the crybaby response he’s used recently.
I absolutely don’t view his comments as standing up to the media and view them as a sign of weakness and inability to articulate a point or position under pressure. Not very presidential at all in my view.
Of course YMMV as it invariably should.
I believe this is Kipling:
‘The Pope may launch his interdict,
The Union it’s decree;
But the bubble is blown
And the bubble is pricked
By us and such as we.
Remember the battle and stand aside
While thrones and powers confess;
The King of all the Children of Pride
Is the Press, the Press…the PRESS!’
Can’t find a stand-a-lone version of the video at the bellow link. BUT this is an example of how you can handle a hostile media hack:
(Not commenting on the actual topic but rather the way she handled the interviewer)
Good stuff, well done and kicked him the ass appropriately.
Yeah, she’s a peach. I was a volunteer for her 2010 election campaign for CD 4 here in Nevada.
My kind of Lady.
By the way, GREAT comment.
If I can squeeze it in, I’m going to write Senator Paul and include a link.
Only because I want a STRONG non-Democrat field, NOT because I think he was too (whatever, fill-in-the-blank).
He has a right to get mad at stupid questions and/or stupid interviews. I think iit’s refreshing to see a politician that is not fake, hiding their true emotions in an attempt to be PC. I would like for the forign countries that we have issues with to see a leader that gets mad. They may think twice before doing stupid stuff
YES! Re3freshing is the key word.
In general, don’t have to be rude. BUT, too many of these clowns like to play “ambush” interview.
Until the media learns that they are just as accountable as any other citizen, I say kick their teeth down their throat.
And, the “nicer” you can do that, the better.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO2_49TycdE&w=420&h=315%5D
I am still mindful of the obnoxious way Candyass Crawler (yes, I know how she spells her last name) tried to insert herself into one of the debates in the last election. Her behavior was both outrageously arrogant and incorrect. She should have been removed on the spot.
If memory serves the stout rank & file ate this stuff up when Gingrich served it in 2012.
I have trouble calling a politician “whiny” when they’re firing back at an institution which is determined to make them look as bad as possible.
Yes. If only he could keep his pants.
I wonder how different things would be now.
Alas …
Oh, take heart, boys and girls. This particular time period is one of those when politicians must be extremely aware of what they say, especially to members of the fifth estate.
Just remember that Brillary will soon be announcing and she may do exactly the same thing. And don’t think no one will pile on her for it, either. It’s no all hunky-dory with that side of the fence.
So it seems. We will see.
Hmmm. Didn’t have much good to say about this guy until this happened. Now that he has my attention he has a opportunity to keep it. We shall see.
Not real into being rude
That said, if We the People, have decided that this(election campaigns) is just how it works these days, then break out the brass-knuckles, says I.