US troops have ISIS right where they want them
CNN reports that US troops in Ayn al-Assad Air Base have allowed ISIS to surround them so that they can begin eliminating Islamic State fighters systematically.
The ISIS fighters seized Al-Baghdadi, northwest of the capital of Baghdad, on Friday after attacking from three directions against Iraqi government forces, the security officials told CNN.
Ayn al-Assad, the largest military base in western Anbar province still under government control, is also where U.S. instructors train Iraqi pilots.
ISIS launches attacks on multiple fronts in IraqAlready, the air base is taking sporadic indirect fire from militants using rocket launchers and mortars, the officials said.
Two security officials in the Anbar provincial office told CNN that security forces inside Ayn al-Assad killed eight suicide bombers Friday who were trying to breach the air base’s perimeter from the direction of Al-Baghdadi.
Yeah, the Chinese thought they had the Marines surrounded at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea, too. The Germans had the 101st Airborne Division surrounded at Bastogne. How did those battles work out?
The U.S. defense official…reiterated what has been said many times publicly by Pentagon officials: That U.S. forces retain the right to defend themselves if necessary, but at this point there have been no injuries to U.S. forces at the airbase and there is no change in status.
Funny how that “no boots on the ground” thing changes overnight isn’t it?
Category: Terror War
But Supreme Leader never mentions ISIS, only ISIL. /s
Wait a damn minute…………I thought the war was over? You mean they didn’t sign the surrender documents?
“Funny how that “no boots on the ground” thing changes overnight isn’t it?”
I believe it’s the scenario Obama has been waiting for. Once American forces are actively engaged in self defense, the call will come from the White House for thousands more troops to support them. If a few get killed for his purposes, meh, so what in Obama’s mind, it gets him his end game. Reinserting U.S. forces in Iraq, covering for his former screw up, the quiet of the night, unilateral, the war is over, withdrawal, is what he’s after in an effort to “look strong and in control”. I say as you did the other day. Let the Muslim world deal with this Muslim problem. We’ve given enough lives and blood to free them. If they aren’t willing or don’t have the guts to fight for it themselves then they’ll have what they deserve and no more.
Obama probably thinking, “Where is that damn Gulf of Tonkin when you need it?”
You all are giving that POS a lot of credit for “thinking”.
I am waiting for the next attack. I just wonder if it will be before or after he is out. I could see them waiting till after so the blame will be on our next cons
Not con, damn phone. Conservative pres.
This is what happens when my wife drags me shopping with her. My brain turns to mush.
He’s paraphrasing Bill Clinton: “It depends on what your definition of IS is.”
When President Bush declared hostilities in Iraq over circa 2003 the mainstream media was all over it like a hobo on a ham sandwich.
president Obozo declares the same thing in 2010, and CNN/MSNBC etc is quiet. Where’s Jonn Stewart making fun Saturday Night Live lampooning?
Oh that’s right, he’s the anointed one.
Al Asad is the key terrain in this battle. It sits on a plateau just west of the Euphrates River, with escarpments between the base and al Baghdadi. One or two wadis draining springs on base provide the perfect funnels for channeling these fucktards right into the shooting galleries. The other three sides are flat desert and you can see others approach miles away.
The scary part of this fight is how well the IA will stand up to attacks and IDF. For the sake of our guys I hope they’re not partnered up with too many cowards.
Aah beautiful Al Asad. While the flight line is up on the plateau. The main cantonment area is down in the valley. Hence some potential base defense issues, which I won’t elaborate on here.
I spent 15 months at the “pool house” there and in my darker movements thinking how to defend and attack the place.
Best of luck to the Marines.
Due to the new ROE’s, We need to suck them in to slingshot range.
More like spitwad range…
If the base is taken, and the American’s are killed, I bet 0bama will do the same thing he has in the past: Not mention Islam and say that it was just a group of freedom fighters.
Ooooh……. Let’s Play…..
..*rolls the dice*….
comes up all sixes” …
YAHTZEE!BENZAHZI!!!But that’s ONLY if B. Hussein 0bama & Company can’t find some YouTube video to blame it on.
You don’t need intel in cases like this. You know exactly where the enemy is. You can pretty much fire in all directions you’ll hit them. Anyone trying to get in by ground is automatically the enemy.
They’ve got us right where we want them.
Being surrounded greatly simplifies the tactical situation. But I keep thinking of Dien Bien Phu and the A Shau Valley.
…And ISIS isn’t (aren’t?) the Viet Cong. No where near that good.
Also the French didn’t have anywhere near the logistical support our troops enjoy today, not to mention artillery/CAS.
I don’t doubt the Foreign Legion would have lurved them some Hogs overheard. 😉
Yep….. Plenty of ammo, outnumbered 100/1, surrounded on flat bare ground. They won’t get away this time.
LZ Jamie May ’68
Battle of LZ Jamie
ooops make that may ’69
(typing in the dark)
10 bucks says there’s a MEU in the gulf waiting for the phone call.
I can promise you there is a MEU sitting just off the port of Umm Qasr. Launch a BLT and put them in Al Asad, I can promise you IS will avoid that place like the plague.
That is if the Panderer in Chief will let them launch when they get that call.
Our military leaders need to remember that, in a situation like this, it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission. I’d rather lose my job, than have a bunch of dead soldiers on my conscience.
While I have absolute faith in the folks currently engaged and those waiting for the word to do so, I have zero faith in The Glorious Leader not letting it go to hell in a handbag and letting American servicemen be overrun for his stupidity. Can the IS fucks be slaughtered? Sure, if the Glorious Leader says so. But the same was true in Benghazi, and look how that turned out.
God be with our forces in harm’s way.
Oh, but, bodaprez sent a request to Congres for a new War Powers Act just a little while ago. It goes to 2018, so whoever is elected then (shrillary) will get blamed for it.
Well, if they’re surrounded, I hope they make every damned bullet and RPG and whatever else they have at hand count but good. And I hope we are not at the Alamo stage yet.
I am so fed up with the witless wonder in the Oval Office.
*hisscrackle* This is Asad Airbase, we are being overrun and request support. OVER
Asad Airbase this is the MEU Commander, support is on the way. OVER
MEU Commander this is your Commander in Chief. Permission to send support is denied. (Voice in background “Mr President, you have to let go of the mic button”)
MEU Commander: Sgt, break that radio and don’t fix it until we’re done helping Asad Airbase.
There are a few current MEU commanders who would do exactly such a thing.
“MEU Commander this is your Commander in Chief. Permission to send support is denied. (Voice in background “Mr President, you have to let go of the mic button or you’re never going to be able to four put this hole”
MEU Commander: Anyone else hear that?
BCOMM: Good thing that mic button sticks like that, isn’t it?
MEO Commander: Launch ’em!
Has a state department beurocrat inserted himself into the chain of command and is he ready to order destruction of all weapons
They folowed SOP that has been established for a very long time. Weapons were not destroyed until they were boarded and leaving the country. What the Marines did was normal, besides the Marine Embassy Detachement falls under State Department authority, so State had every right to order the Marines to do what they did. There was no”inserting” into the chain of command.
Thanks, I have been wondering about this for several days. Either our magnificent free press did a half ass job or the Marine or pentagon spokesmen didn’t explain it very well. Have you considered a second career
I am a little to blunt for the media, being a grunt for half your life will do that I guess. Embassy Gueards for the most part are there to protect classified and sensitive documents, the safety of the embassy staff is secondary. When they were ordered to evacuate, the Marine Detachment would have destroyed the documents first, rendered any heavy weapons inoperable next, then evacuated the staff and families. Once they were securely loaded into an aircraft and about to depart, the Marines would have destroyed individual weapons, primarily because the embassy staff would not have been flying ionto the U.S. directly. Due to host nation rules and laws, our military personnel woul;d not have been allowed to bring those weapons into the country.
Not going to lie, I have been getting a little iriitated with the medias handling of the Yemen situation. Everything was done exaclty to plan, and I think the Marines should be commended for their ability to evacuate everybody safely.
Hi, new here – Listen, we left tons of equipment when we vacated the Panama canal but this is the first I heard of leaving weapons – destroyed or not. Why leave weapons at all?
Weapons were not left. The destroyed parts were left. The Marines and Embassy Staff did not fly directly to America, they flew to a partner nation aboard commercial aircraft due to the last minute nature of the evacuation. Due to the fact they were flying to a partner nation, the host country rules did not allow for personal weapons to be brought with them, therefore they were destroyed after the Marines escorted the staff to the airport and ensured they were all safely loaded on the aircraft. After that, the weapons were rendered inoperable to ensure the Houthi’s would not gain possession of U.S. arms. This has been State Department protocol for decades and is nothing new.
got it. thanks.
Eight ISIS KIA so far…
Were they ISIS or ISIL? /s
Eric Holder is launching an investigation to determine if their rights were violated. /s
Chesty Puller:
“We’ve been looking for the enemy for some time now.
We’ve finally found him. We’re surrounded.
That simplifies our problem of getting to these people and killing them.”
I’m sure the Germans Sixth Army had the Russians right where the Germans wanted them when the Sixth Army was surrounded at Stalingrad.
I understand the sentiment, and dear God, i hope you’re right.
To quote General Abrams, “They’ve got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.”
Well, it looks as though bodaprez does not get his way, after all. Neither side likes his War Powers Act. In fact, for various reasons, both sides of Congress hate it.
So – now what?
We’re Paratroopers, Lt., we’er always surrounded!
Get to ventilat some scumbags? I doubt the marines are upset. In fact I bet a few were praying for such an oppertunity.
Where is Mad Dog Matttis when you need him? Some people are just fun to kill alright….
Yup. Kind of like this:
Here’s a CNN video regarding IS’s most recent use of prisoners. The guys in the cages are Pesmerga.
I don’t know how old the video is, but those men are probably already dead.