Another stolen valor video
FormerUSN and Mary sends us link where IJReview posts another stolen valor video from Pierce College in Los Angeles where Army Iraq veteran Chris Mulrooney confronts a fellow strolling the campus dressed in the Navy’s aqua-flage uniform.
The young man refused to cooperate and attempted to get away from the combat veteran, who was recording the encounter. Soon, other military members joined in because they also believed the young man may have been perpetrating stolen valor, which is a crime:
“He’s a stolen valor. He can’t prove no . . . you can’t prove anything about your service. You don’t have a V.A. card or your military I.D. on your person.”
But, Mulrooney did more than record the encounter:
“The sheriff has been called.” He can be heard saying in the video.
The video could use some editing – there’s a lot of stuff not happening in the video. I’m not real impressed with this one, but folks need to stop wearing uniforms and every little video helps remind them that they’re all being scrutinized.
Category: Phony soldiers
No insignia? No badges?
Just BUDs?
Hell .. half of ‘bama walks around like this!
A bit of overreaction I think.
Best to nip it early in the bud, before it grows to a full fledged weed of entitlement.
Exactly. Just like “Broken Windows” policing in NYC. Take care of the little problems, and the bigger problems will take care of themselves.
I met a fellow vet on the train last week (i was wearing Ranger Up hat) and we both carded eachother. Funny but a little bit sad.
May be some kids just aspire to be or are military supporters. Maybe a different approach is needed sometimes.
Could anyone see his last name ? Would be right side above the pocket.
You’ve got to be pretty desperate to wear that uniform
Sir, I was thinking that same thing myself.
Maybe it was the cheapest uniform on the bargain rack the day he visited the Army-Navy Surplus Store.
Disregard this comment. It was posted before I saw the below noted Facebook page on the Chancellorsville.
Haha that’s rude
I saw this when it was posted in the comments at the Stolen Valor page. No cover outside. he is wearing U.S. NAVY on the pocket and he Clearly says “I was stationed on the Chancellorsville in San Diego:” at about the 3:16 mark. At about the 4:08 mark I was able to freeze the frame an see a nametape that says “Lewis” on it. Abiout 4:45 I can see something on the left pocket but it’s too bright to see if it’s a badge or a patch.
/quicky work.
The badge is the USS Constitushun!
Navy Logo!
From the Chancellorsville FB page:
Apparently, he was AD but failed to meet up to the ship’s high standards and was asked to become a civilian again.
Holy Fucking Shitballs.
One of the comments….
“He was onboard maybe a year ago, was a CS. Was booted out for failure to adapt..”
CS= Culinary Specialists receive extensive training in culinary arts, hotel management and other areas within the hospitality industry.
” Make me a SAMMICH BITCH!!”
“OH NO TEH HORRORS. *cries and runs away* = Failure to adapt. 😀
He probably had to work the CPO Mess. Those guys are pretty mean, you know.
The guys and gals in the Chief’s Mess, mean? What would give you that idea, NAVCWORet?
We’d just get a hold of this you man and “enlighten” him about his shitbaggedry, that’s all… then tell him to make the mess some SAMMICHES!
Would that explain that wimpy, tight-ass walk?
I just noticed that she is walking kinda funny. And she’s got a little mouth on her, too. Now I wonder where could she have learned to talk like that? 😀
We are all push over butter cups … ask Bernath!
That fb page has been decimated by some troll now. Previous people deleted all their post about that kid. Damn shame.
When surplus stores stop selling this stuff then civilians will probably find it harder to wear.
Who here is going to show ID because some fuckstick with a camcorder and no badge of an LEO is demanding it because he thinks your field jacket is you stealing valor? I have been out of the military since 1983, I still have some stuff that I never wear but if I did I don’t have a 32 year old ID proving I served and I don’t think I have to answer to some jerkoff because he thinks I’m a liar.
Get too close and too aggressive and you’ll probably end up in a black zippered bag after I ventilate you. And I go to jail because I don’t know if you are some crazy asshole asking a legit question or someone intent on doing harm to me or my family.
The young man refused to cooperate and attempted to get away from the combat veteran
There is no law requiring that kid to cooperate and the vet has no legal authority to detain that kid regardless of whether or not the kid is a lying sack of shit. I would caution people trying to film this stuff because they think they are providing some service to the community at large…fuck with the wrong guy you might end up dead because not every stolen valor guy will actually be stolen valor and not every stolen valor guy will be afraid of a combat vet some criminals just don’t give a fuck about you and they might decide it’s time for you to stop breathing.
“When surplus stores stop selling this stuff then civilians will probably find it harder to wear.”
That’s the same argument that the anti-gunners use i.e. “If we make guns illegal, then it will be harder for the bad guys to shoot anyone”.
Not exactly, if it’s illegal to wear there’s no reason for surplus stores to be selling it. If it’s not illegal to wear nobody has any business asking people why they are wearing it.
Not the same as your analogy at all. In fact I would argue it’s entirely different. Guns are legal for everyone to own and possess, if military uniforms are not legally allowed on civilians there should be no civilian sales of those uniforms.
Conversely if there is no law against owning a military uniform and playing dress up vets have no business accosting anyone in a uniform.
Simple really.
Law that’s not enforced
Then the real issue isn’t the fucksticks it’s the duly elected members of the government who have failed to prioritize this issue and they need to be held accountable for their inaction. We can do that by overwhelming these elected officials with our concerns and making them do their jobs or electing other politicians who will do their job. If we don’t do that, the real problem is us and no one but us.
We get the government we deserve because we pick the government.
There will always be lying, cheating, fucksticks who break the law. The government is tasked with addressing that issue through law enforcement.
Vigilantes should beware as the government seems to enjoy prosecuting vigilantes as much as it does some criminals if not more so.
“We get the government we deserve because we pick the government.” Yeah, well, I never bought into punishing the whole class for one student’s misdeeds either. The current government is not any of my doing. I didn’t vote for the Golfer in Mom Jeans either time. I didn’t get a vote for any of the Supreme Court justices. So that’s 2/3 not mine. Then there’s Congress. I am guilty of voting for one of WV’s senators: Capito. That leaves 534 that are not my doing. Finally, there’s the real power in government, the bureaucrats. I didn’t hire one of them and, if I could, I’d fire most. So, frankly, I am not taking ownership of this government. It was foisted on me. And I resent it. Now, if you all would please make me king for a week, I’d be happy to straighten this mess out.
I think I might get uptight too if I am out wearing my homeless vet uniform, and some dipshit with a camera got in my face about my choice of apparel. I rarely wear my BDUs, but wear the biggass belt that came with it daily. My black issue goretex boots I use for hiking because they are good. I still wear the black fleece, or my peacoat if it is cold enough. I used to wear my dad’s old field jacket until I lost it. I will wear my goretex, or bdu field jacket when it gets cold enough. I might take the patches off, or not really do not give a shit. I wear whatever I need to wear that works to keep my ass covered, not as a fashion statement. I do try to not look like GI Joe, but I am almost wearing something from my issued uniforms (mostly the green socks, t-shirts etc..) because I am cheapskate and I have tons of it.
I do the same, black fleece I wear all the time when it’s cold and BDU pants I wear to work because who cares if they get dirty (I joined in 2007 so BDU’s weren’t a thing anymore then except for IBA’s)And T-Shirts obviously who doesn’t have 1000 tan T-Shirts. But there is an obvious difference when someone is just wearing OCP pants versus they are wearing an entire OCP uniform with patches on and no headgear. They should just add a line to the stolen valor act that says “When obviously trying to impersonate a member of the armed forces in full uniform” then state full uniform being everything without a PC because apparently for a lot of stolen valor guys PC’s just don’t look cool enough to wear. But then again besides the fact when it is made public on websites like this no one seems to care or do anything about it like its a “Victimless crime” when some scumbag is getting free AR’s or taking up spots at the VA that people who actually did something actually need. I feel like I got off track and don’t particularly remember where I was going with this now haha…
Whew, Im glad you said it. I was worried about this video also. I don’t believe its against the law to go around wearing camos.
But it seems everytime I disagree on something here on this site I get ostracized.
Why are they being so racist. I bet they’re just profiling him because he’s black and wearing a uniform.
Yeah, this chucklehead needs a dimensional lumber attitude adjustment.
When I was on active duty I tried to go to Pierce College (In WA) and there was no fucking way I would’ve had the time to go with being out in the field 3 or so days a week and this mother fucker is just walking around in uniform like they let him leave at 1045 to go to his classes. That guy was probably telling people he was a SEAL to. These guys at least need to learn how to wear a uniform properly so everyone dosen’t think we all walk around looking that fucked up.
I only wore my ACUs on campus a handful of times. Primarily, one semester I had a late-afternoon class on Fridays and would wear my uniform to class before speeding to Drill for the four months the class went on.
Otherwise, I’d see the ROTC-Nazi’s wearing their class B’s on Wednesdays and give one of my friends from the unit a bad time (whistle, say “here Spot”, and toss a stick while saying fetch).
Cut this guy some slack.
He was on his way to interview with All-Points Logistics at the college’s job fair.
At t least he trying to get a job!
I ran into two guys wearing aquaflage yesterday at Walmart. They were talking about beer and pizza and their boots weren’t spit-shined.
I figured they were on their lunch hour and the chow hall must be serving crap again. After all, it was Thursday. So I let it go. Missed an opportunity to get some up-to-date stuff from AD Navy peeps and scold them for sloppy boots, but yes, the Navy does allow the working aquaflage to be worn offbase now. I’ve seen recruiters wearing it at McD’s.
(Guess where I am, bernitwit. Just guess! If you said San Diego, you might just be right.)
They aren’t sloppy boots, they’re working boots. There’s a difference. 😛
Yeah, with the “aquaflage” the regs are that boots are only to be blacked/buffed.
Many sailors think they’re cool and will polish the toe only, which looks completely lazy and stupid, but they “know not what they do”.
So does this mean if I am wearing my Belleville tan boots with a pair of BDU pants that I am participating in stolen valor? Last I checked anyone can buy these uniform articles online and find much of it in goodwill stores around the US. If he was wearing a unauthorized medal around his neck then I could see that it was stolen valor, but just because he was wearing a uniform? OP get a life!!
He was wearing the full uniform and claiming to be in the service. That’s the problem, chucklehead.
I wear my BDU trousers with my converse boots all the time because they are comfortable to work in and keep my feet safe and dry. However, I don’t put on my full uniform and cruise the university for no damn reason, while claiming to be active duty.
If you can’t see the difference, you need to pull your head out of your fourth point of contact and check yourself. If you don’t know what I just said, then you are an oxygen thief and should invest in a houseplant to apologize to the world for carelessly taking resources that could be better used by someone more deserving.
Last paragraph a bit harsh, guy.
Whar my post to Mark whar?!? 😀
You can wear all the cammo/digital/aqua you want. It’s when you wear patches, rank, insignia that purports to the world around you that you are a member of the U.S. Military. This fuckstain was wearing a uniform that *clearly* said U.S. NAVY on it as well as a patch that to me was unidentifiable on the video. He also clearly had a nametape on it that said “Lewis”
I am not sure about any rank but as posted above, others have identified this polesmoker as being a past member of the USS Chancellorsville CG-62 facebook group and now, he has been identified as a MEMBER of that FB group. WHAT A CHODE.
Photo matches and it shows him in uniform and shows the nametag “LEWIS”
Taheem Chev Chelias Lewis
/I fucking love the Internet.
Uh-Oh, his Facebook page says he’s going to try to go into the the Army “this time around”.
He says he wants to get into “Social Media and Broadcasting”.
I think he needs to stick to sammich making.
Gosh… and I thought he would want to go into electrical engineering, architecture, medical school, or something like those.
Surprised he doesn’t want to be a rapper.
His Facebook page has been completely wiped.
I wonder if his friends call him Chevy?
Sorry, I didn’t see the nametag the first time through. 100% agree, blast the guy!
I prefer my method, observe…lots of NG, Reserve and ROTC around here.
i am so sick of vertical videos
He knows he’s been busted here on the Shit my LPO Says website and is posting all over telling everyone he can do whatever he wants and he was trolling and they can suck his balls.
I believe him. I *truly* believe he wants some guys to lick his balls. Or he wants to lick *their* balls. Either way.
Some time ago I spotted a sailor(?) clad in a MA2 uniform acting like an idiot. I spoke to him privately and told him if an old fart Air Force retiree like me could tell he was being an ass, he should probably tighten up his appearance. He told me he had no idea what I was talking about. He said he bought his outfit in a store and thought it looked cool. He said he had no idea it was a military uniform. I sent him on his way and have never seen him wear the uniform again.
The lesson to the wanna-be’s is if you don’t want to be challenged, don’t act like an ass.
That’s not what all Sailors act like? oh here it comes… love you all. Ex squid turned Paratrooper.
If Gary Coleman had a son…
No, more like if Emmanuel Lewis (4’3″) had a son named Chevy Lewis.
Breaking News … POTUS Weighs In:
“If I had a son in the Navy, he would look like Lewis”.
That’s funny.
I wish a 2-year veteran “would” ask me, a retired 24-year MSgt, for proof of being a veteran.