Obama wants authorization for “boots” in Iraq
The Stars & Stripes reports that Secretary of State John Kerry has warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that they shouldn’t take tools out of the President’s tool box in regards to the use of force in Iraq and Syria against ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State;
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is weighing a war authorization after months of U.S. airstrikes, and amid growing concerns that lawmakers are obligated to take a stronger stand on the future of operations. The committee will on Thursday debate a bill that limits the war to three years and bars the use of ground forces.
Kerry told the committee that President Barack Obama is open to language in an authorization that clarifies how combat forces may be used and still does not plan to deploy ground troops.
“It does not mean we should pre-emptively bind the hands of the commander-in-chief or our commanders in the field in responding to scenarios and contingencies that are impossible to foresee,” Kerry said.
More accurately, instead of “contingencies that are impossible to foresee”, Kerry should have said “shit we choose to ignore until it makes us look bad”. And it was this administration that took troops off the table in the first place, wasn’t it? Remember “no boots on the ground”?
And, oh, yeah, Kerry ran for president in 2004 promising to withdraw from Iraq, and now he’s the guy telling us that we need to be ready to send troops back. His boss is stripping the Defense Department to the bone so there will be no one to deploy to Iraq. Reality is tougher than campaign promises, ain’t it?
Category: Terror War
Remember that democrat mantra from from a few years back? “I voted for it before I voted against it!”
Oh, crap. Here they go again.
Hope & Change. We hope this works, and if it doesn’t, we’ll just change plans and hope some more.
That’s some funny stuff…I’m still giggling…LOL
So, our “good friend” John F’n Kerry is now
For the war in Iraq, after
He was against the war in Iraq, after
He was for the war in Iraq.
Hmm. Sounds to me that the guy doesn’t have any principles other than “make himself look good”. Then again, based on what he’s reputed to have done in Vietnam and afterwards, that’s not exactly news.
We had about twelve years to fight a war in Iraq. Now — we get a CiC who knows what he’s doing — we need to stay the hell out. Ninny-nannying around will do nothing but get our soldiers hurt and killed.
That should read “… — UNTIL we get a CiC…”
I thought I was in Bizarro world for a minute there.
My computer hates me.
Obama wants–NO! But, he–NO! Well, how about–NO! And John Ker–NO! What if–NO!
Soundbite of the hearing, Kerry is trying to justify doing this with no timetable for withdrawl, arguing the very points that show how badly Obama failed in Iraq by setting artificial timelines.
Wow, this come completely out of left field and is a total surprise….said no current or former member of the US Armed Forces ever.
Or President Bush in his statement about why pulling out early was a bad idea…
The world would be much better off if B. Hussein 0bama’s father had pulled out early, that’s for sure!!
Well, you know, it’s difficult to expect 246 guys to follow instructions. There is always one or two who don’t.
I swear this reminds me of a monkey and a football. What a group of dumbasses. I never thought I would think Jimmy Carter was a better President than anyone, until recently.
I can’t even….I am so Fucking pissed off right now My HEAD is about to explode, By the time we re-deployed home in Sept 07 we were getting that place under control and a year later it was really getting locked down and then this ASSHOLE got elected and
Maybe we should first stop arming and training them via John McCain.
God damn it I hate this adminstration and the RINOs.
Boots on the ground? You mean combat troops? U.S.Army Special Forces…what are they then? Oh yeah…”Advisors”…Hell, a few years ago they were combat troops. In fact they are combat troops in Afghanistan. This micro-managing, semantic playing administration reminds me of another time and war.
How can we forget Kerry’s famous comment of: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
Well, since you mentioned that Kerry “gem of wisdom” . . . .
“Because of the extraordinary service of the men and women in the armed forces, Afghanistan has a chance to rebuild its own country,” [Obama] said. “We are safer. It’s not going to be a source of terrorist attacks again.” Source: Washington Examiner.
Well, there you go, a direct quote from the mouth of the mastermind. Afghanistan will no longer be a source of terrorist attacks ever again. Who could possibly doubt that stupid bastard? His audience for starters. He was addressing “troops in Hawaii late Thursday, celebrating Christmas.”