Israel’s reaction to synagogue attack; relax gun laws

| November 19, 2014

In reaction to yesterday’s synagogue attack in Jerusalem which claimed five victims, three Americans, the Times of Israel reports that the government will relax gun laws for personal protection;

It was not clear exactly what new measures would be put in place, but it was reported that the move would apply to anyone licensed to carry a gun, such as private security guards and off-duty army officers.

Aharonovitch added that “we have instructed synagogues to place security guards at their entrances.”

Army Radio reported that four Border Police reserve units have been called up.

Imagine that – a government that thinks society is safer when there are more armed folks on the street.

Israeli female soldiers shopping and leisure travel beach gun their hands Israeli female soldiers to participate in the live-fire exercises Leisure on the beach (1)

Category: Guns

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2/17 Air Cav

I clicked on the picture of the bikini-clad ladies to have a better look at their weapons. Later, I will read whatever the hell it is Jonn wrote.


I’ve seen a metric assload of IDF hot chicks on the Internet but YOWZA….never in THAT tropical uniform pattern.


I seen them in person. Elat (sp?) Was awsome.


Wait? What? There were words written somewhere?

Rob M

There are no words, I’ve been looking at this for… uh lets just say awhile.


2/17 Air Cav…Darn you beat me to it! I usually scroll down to the Feel Good Story and work my way up the blog news but what to my wandering eyes did appear? Bikini babes…WITH GUNS! Yea, that’s my story too, I’m looking at that weapons. Right. Anyway if we had a beach in America that allowed that, I’d travel 3000 miles in the summer, buy a new camera and spend weeks there.

By the way, Jonn wrote something about guns, the government and common people. I’ll tune into that station a bit later. Right now I’m Googling Israeli Female Soldiers!


Yeah,it took me about 20 minutes to finally find the pig in the sand at the bottom of the pile of guns. There were guns,right? No wonder I can never find Waldo.


I clicked on the picture of the bikini-clad ladies to have a better look at their weapons.

Weapons? They had weapons?

2/17 Air Cav

It’s later and I still haven’t read it. Love those weapons. Love ’em.

2/17 Air Cav

Thirty some odd comments (thus far) for a thread that was all of two lines. Whatever it was that Jonn wrote must be friggin brilliant to get so much attention.


If the USA was filled with chicks in bikinis with guns, the world as a whole would be a better place….


Eric…This is why we COULD have nice things!


“If the USA was filled with chicks in bikinis with guns…” it would be Bateman’s worst nightmare. Far better to have people slaughtered while they worship peacefully and unable to properly defend themselves. Right Bateman?

The Other Whitey

(master)Bateman would be reduced to a sniveling blob of shit–actually, I don’t think anybody would notice a difference!


Too late …

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Israel understands which citizens are important, the law abiding tax payers….not the shitbags who murder or rob or commit acts of terror.

Perhaps we in the US will return to that moment in time where we understood that the tax payer is the basic building block upon which the nation exists and without whom there is no USA. It’s not a difficult concept but one that does appear out of reach for those on the far left and few on the far right.


Veritas Omnia Vincit…I hope your truth comes about sooner than later. Israel has learned to empower the people who support their nation, in every sense of the word and defend it against not just terrorists but thugs of all sorts. We need do the same.


Additionally, when people talk of revolution, in my mind it is not necessary to overthrow anything. Simply, as you said, it would be to empower the right people and they will bring a revolution to our country. A revolution and revelation to criminals, thugs, would be terrorists and the rest, that their days are over. They will always exist, but they will no longer be tolerated proudly out in the open in control of neighborhoods, communities and even cities. They will skulk back to their snake holes and hide in fear as they in decades and centuries past. Fear, of common and decent men who will not tolerate them will prevail.

The Other Whitey

A public gallows would go a long way.


First time I went on libo in Israel we got the following liberty brief:

“Marines, do not approach the Israeli females who are carrying Uzi’s.”

I have loved that country ever since.


Must have been a long time ago.


Lets not get too excited.

Note that they say Army Officers and Security guards… Not you or I or your father or the holy man.

They used to allow more firearms and have tightened civi controls lately. This step only puts “those with a badge” (of some type) back into the armed camp.


Ah! I see you guys all got your Wednesday morning wake-up call.

You guys are just too easy to please.

The Other Whitey

We are but simple men of simple tastes, Ex.


I am but a simple caveman.


I yam what I yam. And I yam wondering if there’s an age limit to enlist in the IDF… surely they have need of comm support.


You could be on to something there.
All the bikini-clad girls with weapons jumping up and down, clapping and shouting:
“The NIPRnet man is coming!!! The NIPRnet man is coming!!!”
A comm guys wet dream for sure…

NR Pax

Nothing wrong with being low maintenance. -:-)


Mongo just pawn in game of life.


Like Illinois said: Not so fast. A step in the right direction; but a very small one.

Gun ownership in Israel is a licensed privilege; not a constitutional right. At present the law limits private ownership quite strictly to certain professions, people who live in certain ‘higher risk’ areas as determined by the govt, and various uniformed services personnel of a particular rank or MOS. The licensing process requires that one not only fulfill one or more of those criteria, but also an affidavit from the family physician regarding mental health, certain medications, or certain illnesses. Long arms may be limited to type and use – hunting or target shooting at a licensed facility.

As already noted, for now the idea as stated in the article is just to get people with licenses limited to work to carry their sidearms outside work, as well. Of course, there are generally a large number of uniformed folks (police/Border Patrol, army soldiers on leave) on the streets and armed at any time. But the neighborhood where this happened was pretty vulnerable because it is a city neighborhood (unlikely to get a license living there), populated by many folks who in any case didn’t serve in the army for religiocultural reasons and similarly don’t work in professions that warrant legal ownership.

Still, it is a small step in the right direction and at least a govt official showed that they see a lesson here. But I doubt they’ll relax the regs very much. Even in the 80s I went through a heck of a rigamarole to get my initial carry license and it took about 5 months at the time.


I should add, there will be a move to get more citizens to participate in Mishmar Ezrahi (Police auxiliary that does armed patrols in neighborhoods) and other such attempts to have a more controlled armed presence increased on the streets. Outlying communities more often have organized armed patrols (civilians with army issued and controlled arms, plus some private carry); but city neighborhoods are hit or miss for volunteers for that sort of thing. Was much more popular when I was younger.


I believe “constitutional right” should read “constitutionally protected right”.

There, fixed it for ya. 😉


At first it seems legit, but then when you get into it Israel has horrible fucking gun laws.


When I was there, I was in heaven. Hotties with guns at all times. Though, besides guns, knock-off Gucci flows like water, especially the ugly-ass sunglasses.

Mark Lauer

If that attack had happened in this country we’d already have a ban on hatchets, and another attempt being made to make it harder for us to buy guns.


You guys know about the Israeli settlements in the West Bank. If you live in a settlement, you can get a permit to carry a weapon. Otherwise the weapon situation is like Europe.

Twenty years ago, one of my friends moved back to the States after living in Israel for several years. When he lived there he had a weapon in his closet all the time – Uzi I think. I don’t know if that is still true.

One of my good friends in Tel Aviv is a reservist and was called up. I need him in his office working but instead he is off doing something – probably more important than answering my stupid questions.


When I was visited Israel around ’88 or so, it was law that there had to be an ARMED adult per certain amount of children. Got to see Hassid’s with Run DMC hats carrying M-1 Carbines while walking with children. Beautiful thing !