Ferguson protesters target Veterans for Peace

| November 19, 2014

Vets for Peace

Our buddy, Gateway Pundit has got a hold of the list of the targets for the folks who are just waiting to be outraged about the indictment of Darren Wilson in the matter of Michael Brown. Most of the “targets” have nothing to do with the case. But I was especially happy to see that the offices of the Geezers for Sitting On Our Hands (or Veterans for Peace) are one of the targets.

I don’t know what the Geezers did to piss off the terminally outraged, but it must be good. Jim quotes Reuters in regards to the protesters’ plans for their “targets”;

“Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice. The rioting and looting, while I didn’t participate in it, was necessary. Without it we would not be standing here today.”

I hope they don’t scare the Geezers, though, those guys have never seen any violence any where in the world and this will be their worst experience, so be gentle on them, fellas.

In related news, Fox News reports that the Islamic group CAIR is planning to co-opt the protests in Ferguson;

Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”

“The reality is that this country, in law enforcement, be it local, state or federal law enforcement, people with guns have always seen black men and black people as threats,” Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR’s Michigan Chapter, told the some 100 protest organizers on the call, made on the five-year anniversary of Abdullah’s death and which was monitored by CSP.

Walid claimed Brown was a Muslim, although when pressed, Walid denied he had made such a claim.

Brown was buried in a Christian cemetery, so that’s not likely, but we’re dealing with the lowest of information citizens here.

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Old Trooper

Nooooooooo! Not the Geezers! Pick on someone else, like, oh, some other types that don’t have “Peace” in their name? Interesting that they would target a peace group. I guess they were going for the easy victims?

Kinda old ET1

Will someone in our government grow some balls and call CAIR the terrorist front organization that it is?


I got two things out of the CAIR report from FOX:
1- “Traditional Outreach Methods” is the new definition for “Rioting”, and;
2- Black men apparently are not black People.


Who cares about the reason…when you have two groups of people that you don’t like that are about to get into it, all you can do is get some popcorn, some cold beer, and just enjoy the festivities. Now, I need one of you to pop some popcorn, sit on your couch with MSNBC on (their hosts are the wackiest), eat the popcorn, and drink some beer since I don’t have either right now! I know, it’s hard work, but I would look upon it as a personal favor.


LT…I’ll gladly have you covered Sir. I hope that means something because one of my first hard learned military lessons was in regards to “volunteering”. God bless and keep safe Sir.


Is there a particular draft of beer one should consume while on this mission, LT? lol.


Every anarchist and socialist group in North America is trying to co-opt the events in Ferguson. I’m surprised that they are eating their own with the “vets”, but it couldn’t happen to a better bunch of folks.

John Robert Mallernee

I’m betting that NOTHING will happen in Ferguson, due to the cold weather.

Riots, et cetera, are a summertime event.


It’s OK everyone, VFP will be safe as Ward Reilly protects them with those Ranger skillz he learned in the Mannheim stockade


“Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice.”

Really? Did you get that out of the Martin Luther King, protest playbook? I know that answer, NO. Because if you assholes regardless of color went back to your roots of civil rights freedoms, you would see a leader who believed in peaceful protest and public speech and debate. Not violence, looting and riots. He would call you all nothing more than the opportunistic, low class thieves you are. Period. Jesse…Al…are you listening? Jesse, you were there with King, have you forgotten his call for equality to WORK for a fair and equal living wage, a chance to WORK for the American dream? You haven’t forgotten anything, except the work WORK. Because if you and Al and your ilk followed in King’s footsteps and truly helped black America strive and WORK to rise towards the middle class, you ass holes would be out of a job! You gotta keep ’em poor and dependent to keep your own pockets lines on their backs. Tell me now, who are the racists in our country?

The Other Whitey

Jackson and Sharpton piss on Reverend King’s grave every time they open their mouths.


Al and Jesse won’t show up until the worst of the danger is over and they can profit off the tragedy. Al needs money to pay some back taxes so he NEEDS this to become a shit storm.

The Other Whitey

“the rioting and looting was necessary…”

So any time you’re pissed off about something, you consider it okay to break and/or steel shit belonging to people who had nothing to do with what pissed you off, and may even be just as pissed off as you are about it? Really? Are you, by any chance, connected to the writing of that dumbass movie “The Purge?” I only ask because you embrace the same level of Full Retard as the idiots who made that movie.

Seriously, there’s all the proof you need of the failure of public schools right there!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

In an interview with FoxNews.com, Walid dismissed as “preposterous” the CSP charge that CAIR or other Muslim groups were active in the Michael Brown cause in order to win favor with other minority groups. “I’m black, Iman Luqman was black, and Michael Brown was black,” he said from his Michigan office. “And us being Muslim does not stop us from being black, and there is a long history in America – that continues – of excessive force against black men.” CAIR is smart to make these connections, there are a lot of towns like Ferguson across the US. Towns where whites have fled and the remaining power structure is mostly white with a black majority population. Towns the FBI has identified as having disproportionate police stops of black residents versus white residents without supporting data to indicate a larger propensity towards black crime, in fact in Ferguson traffic stops of blacks yielded a 20% rate of contraband possession while whites had a contraband rate of almost 35% for traffic stops, yet blacks were stopped at rates five times or more above whites. That would indicate to any police chief with even half a brain that his black traffic stops were considerably less efficient than his white traffic stops. That idea apparently never crossed the mind of the current chief in Ferguson. Even though the data was supplied to his office by the FBI. Just from a manpower perspective he’s wasting his time with disproportionate stops yet they continued, why is that? Was he too fucking stupid to understand the data or was there another narrative? I don’t know the answer and apparently no one else does either because nothing was done about it. When the same department in 2009 arrested an innocent man in a case of mistake identity so egregiously stupid the average lay person can’t comprehend the blatant disregard for obvious disregard of facts by the arresting officer (different middle names, different social security numbers, different birth dates, different addresses) one wonders why nothing was done. Ferguson has a problem, whether it’s perception alone or clear racial discrimination… Read more »


Veritas Omnia Vincit…Once again your calm logic puts my harsh criticisms in their place. You are correct about the race relations in Ferguson and I saw it in the south growing up all too often. I admit I have little patience for criminals or their crimes. Be they home invasions, drugs or looting, regardless of the perpetrator’s self approving motives. That being said, Jesse, Al and all others of their cloth pattern should be addressing the issues you brought up regarding Ferguson and not giving a winking nod of silent approval to the “get yours now, you got it coming” mentality. CAIR is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Nothing more than terror supporters at home and abroad. Anything and any place they can sow discord in America, they will. They could care less for the plight of blacks in America, or anyone or group aside from their own and their agenda. It is just another opportunity to further their aims. You are also correct in calling their stance on Ferguson as well played by them. I believe our Administration should distance itself from CAIR and be FAR more selective in their choice of “friends”. CAIR is a lot of things but friends of America and what we stand for is not among them. Again, thank you for the info you shared.


All of America’s domestic enemies are showing their faces there. If we had a competent justice department there would be some easy pickings. Instead we have a black terrorism enabler in chief with his right hand man in charge of the justice department that are just salivating.


I’m sure the stores in Ferguson have had time to recover from the previous damage and bring in new stock. The 2015 models of big screens and multi-changer DVD players are out. Not to mention the new X-Box and games.

After all, “Rioting and looting are the tools of those without a voice.” Yea, the tools to steal shit they’re too lazy to get out and work for honestly. My money says many have already scoped out the stores they will hit and the items on their Christmas list. Riots and looting…the new path to achieving the American dream. Ass holes, every one of them. I may be harsh in my opinion here but I believe store owners and police should have the right and make it widely known, NOW, that looters will be shot.


Dude, did you guys follow the links and look at the map? VFP is one of the places providing a “safe haven” for people protesting to get warm and crap. It’s all funny and “eh’ close enough” if you don’t have to live next to it and watch you neighbors turn retarded overnight. Goddammit, this Shit is so fucking stupid all around that I just gotta vent. I live in Saint Louis and everything about this mess is so fucking stupid and infuriating. First the goddamn worthless irresponsible media got everyone all riled up on the Trayvon Martin thing because they had hardon to go after the “stand your ground laws”, so all these idiots have been stirred up still from that. Then some dumb thug gets shot for doing dumb shit which has been almost a weekly occurrence in the seven years I’ve been living here. But now thanks to some cops bungling the way they handled the information, dumbfucks being able to play the dumbfuck “telephone game” with the whole dumbfuck world on the internet, and the ignorant misinformation of the local news (channel 4 in particular seems to have taken a swing hard left lately), the only city that had the sense to not riot and go crazy back in the 60s, back when there were real race relation problems, has had a riots over this stupid crap. Next, the unprofessional, shit-for-brains, “timmy tacticool” fucking pilsbury commando cops freak the fuck out and start treating the people and media like its china or some shit up there (personally I wouldn’t have a problem with news people being maced blind, aside from constitutional concerns) and pointing lots of rifles at people. Why the holy fuck did they have rifles there to begin with? Lets say, for a second, that for some crazy reason they thought that they did need to shoot at the crowd, those bullets are going to go forever through all that cheap commercial construction they have in that part of the city! There’s no real backstop to keep them from hitting extra people. Why the… Read more »


Shit, gotta go to that airport Saturday.

Found this interesting if true


Looks like a big spoon to stir the shit with

Roger in Republic

I would caution the “protesters” from messing with the geezers. I am a geezer, and I will “shoot your eye out”.


Just for clarification, did you mean you are “an old geezer” or did you mean you are a member of the “Old Geezers Who sit on their Hands(VfP)?

Roger in Republic

Just an old angry geezer who no longer takes shit from anyone. I can still “shoot your eye out” as old as I am. Trust me!

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t give a rat’s ass about Ferguson MO or the problems–real or otherwise–of the citizens there. If they have a beef about particular police officers, if they didn’t have an interested ear previously, they sure have a bunch now. This is insanity, that a state of emergency is necessary in anticipation of a grand jury return. Meanwhile, through September (that’s 6+) weeks ago, 101 people have been murdered in St. Louis and its immediate surrounds. That’s a lot of faces on tee shirts and a load of stuffed animals–not to mention candles. I shall watch the film at 11 and be grateful I’m nowhere need St. Louie.