Pelosi’s war on Duckworth

| November 17, 2014

Let me begin by saying that I’m no fan of Tammy Duckworth. Although I respect her for her service and sacrifice for this country, she’s done nothing that benefits veterans, despite the fact that she worked in positions of leadership at the Veterans’ Affairs Departments of both Illinois and in DC. She has been better at feathering her own nest than making veterans’ lives more comfortable.

Having said that, she’s getting caught up in the actual war against women that the Democrat party is waging. Ms. Duckworth is an amputee and simultaneously she happens to be eight months pregnant and her doctor has recommended that she doesn’t travel back to DC in time for the Congressional leadership votes this Fall. So she applied for approval from her party leadership to submit proxy votes. Unfortunately for her, her party leadership is Nancy Pelosi;

Duckworth wrote a letter to the Democratic Caucus, but her request was denied by Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.).

“Congresswoman DeLauro does not want to set a precedent. There are many meritorious situations where the argument could be made for a waiver, including Congresswoman Duckworth’s. The question is, how do you choose?” said DeLauro’s spokeswoman Sara Lonardo.

According to Fox News, the dispute stems from the appointment for the Ranking member seat on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Pelosi wants Anna Eshoo of California in the position and Duckworth is supporting Frank Pallone of New Jersey, so Pelosi and DeLauro decided that Duckworth can’t vote against their guy or gal or whatever people from California consider themselves.

Can you even imagine the stink if it was the Republican Party who did this to a pregnant woman who is also a disabled Iraq veteran? When I broke my ankle, my office in the Federal government made changes so that I could work from home. When I got the ALS, they did the same thing when it became difficult for me to get to the office. But, I guess the Democrat Party doesn’t adhere to the practices that they force on the rest of the country.

Category: Veterans Issues

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“But, I guess the Democrat Party doesn’t adhere to the practices…”

Only when it is in their own best interests to do so.


If a Republican politician tried to do this, the howls of outrage from the left would be audible from the moon.


Well, they don’t call the left “Barking Moonbats” for nothin’. Of course their howls would be heard on the moon . . . .

A Proud Infidel®™

Since when have Nanny Lugosi and company answered to anything other than what they want “RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW”?

Farflung Wanderer

I worked in the Walsh campaign the year she got elected, so I’m finding this pretty interesting. I didn’t like her too much, she struck me as a typical Democrat, but what always restrained me from really going for the throat was because she served and was wounded. Now I sorta wonder what changed in her to turn her from veteran to someone more interested in herself than the welfare of her comrades.

Regardless, the more the Democrat party tears into itself, the better. A fractured opposition is the best opposition short of no opposition.


Oh, I do wish puglosi would drop into a big, black hole in the ground.

Women in their third trimester of pregnancy are not supposed to fly. Everyone knows that. For Duckworth, who is also losing the use of one arm, expecting her to do something sensible only makes sense if you aren’t opposing that badly aging old harridan.

If plug-ugly puglosi weren’t such a typically selfish, self-centered old gasbag democrap, it would be nice, but there is no surprise here. I think puglosi should be somehow given a dose of her own medicine. There has to be a way to do so, and in this case, the only way is to give her all the bad PR possible. And, frankly, she should know better than to make such a demand on anyone.

Roger in Republic

She better watch out. A house could fall on her.

Pinto Nag

I guess Duckworth losing her legs wasn’t enough for Pelosi — she wants her to lose a child, as well.

The Other Whitey

Well go figure. Pelosi is perfectly willing to be a spiteful bitch and play the “because I can” card against a liberal female democrat, if that liberal female democrat dares not to toe Pelosi’s line. I got no particular use for Duckworth (though her resistance to the Hellbitch of San Francisco does endear her to me slightly–anything that vexes that hag warms the very cockles of me Black Irish heart), but this is fucked up on general principle!

And Jonn? SFC Lilyea? Sir? Please, pretty please don’t lump all of us Californians in with the commies of the Gay Bay who (allegedly) keep electing her!

HS Junior

Word on that last part.


Speaking of which, how’s that effort to dig out the fault line going so San Fran will finally fall into the ocean? The rest of us are patient, but geeze get rid of it already.

Oh, just make sure you wait until Pelosi is back letting her “constituents” suck up to her so she can lead them into the sea.


Rep. Duckworth has two strikes against her in the eyes of the Democrats:
1. Veteran
2. Pregnant
If she had an (R) after her name, she’d be on Madame Pelosi’s enemies list.

The Other Whitey

Looks like she’s on that list anyway.


Yeah, I think that Pelosi’s handling of this says to Duckworth, “call if you’re ever in town, maybe we can get together”. But, it’s the Republicans who are waging the War on Womyn™.


Got some degree of mixed emotions about this one. Pregnancy, unless it is because of a rape, is a voluntary thing, not a medical condition like perhaps appendicitis which is involuntary and must be dealt with medically with some haste.

Do they currently allow members of Congress to vote from hospital beds for other conditions, voluntary or otherwise? Whatever those rules might be should apply to her no differently than for any medically ordered situation for other members of Congress. It really doesn’t matter if the hospital (or wherever the travel restriction is ordered) is close to DC or not, if there are rules in place for electronic participation, then go for it.

Then, there are plenty of examples of old men who could not make it to votes under their own steam, and some of us are still pondering who actually voted for them.

All just to say that, no, she should not have special consideration because the reason she can’t make it to DC is because of pregnancy complications instead of some other medical condition. Medically ordered restrictions should be dealt with identically no matter the cause.



I am with you on this.

If I was Pelowski I would have made a one time exception for “any female double amputee veteran who is 8 months pregnant can vote from area where primary medical treatment is being provided”.

This would have facilitated two things:

1. Permitting the Vet with several disabilities the dignity and professional status during what is a special and private time …

2. Give Peldufski the cover to continue her disgusting existance.

But NO, the simple option was not even executed.

And her and Dems “War on Women” continues!

I wish sister Duckworth God’s grace over the next month. Hope all work out and a healthly little Duckworth is born.

Damn … Even my dem friends are pissed at this most recent Poledanceski meltdown!


Chief, please for the love of God, don’t ruin strip clubs for us…

Putting the image of Pelosi in a pole dancer capacity is going to make me hurl up my MREs from 1995 and give me the PTSD for going to see pole dancers.

Now I have something else to talk to my therapist about…


I was thinking the same thing. The thought of Pelosi on a strippers pole….There’s not enough mind bleach in the universe.


John Lilyea, I don’t post a lot, but I read this blog almost daily to bounce the national and world news against the stories and posts on here in order to get a more informed picture of what is really happening. At times the “spin” that the networks put on stories does fool me, so I find it beneficial to come here and get a better understanding from what you and the other folks on here are saying. It helps me to actually see what I missed from the network news story. I say all of this because I appreciate everyone (almost) at this site and I, for one, want you to keep up the great job. This in response to Commissar’s comments above (actually from facebook). If he does not like the conservative leanings at this site them maybe he should go to the IVAW website, or as you said “start his own”. No big surprise that he is from UC Berkeley.

Drive on my friend, drive on.


Yeah, Lars does seem to have a bit of trouble with the concept that freedom of speech allows speech with which he disagrees. I’m sure he’d be much happier in a place where those of dissenting opinion were silenced.

Like Iran. or North Korea. Or those parts of Syria and Iraq under the control of ISIS/ISIL/whatever the hell acronym they’re using today.


I’m sure Lars has his pom-poms out, getting a thrill up his leg every night while cheering the klown krewe at MSNBC.


Totally agree with you. I lose respect when someone uses their position to help themselves instead of the people they were hired to help. She has laid down with dogs and is now getting the fleas.

Adirondack Patriot

Speaker Boehner has an opportunity to do the right thing here. He should tell Duckworth that Republicans will allow her to cast votes by proxy through the Republican caucus while she is on leave, and return to the Democrat caucus upon her return.


The biggest mistake an arrogant ass like Old Lady Puglosi can make is running off at the mouth in an electronic age.

Not only do we get the video (remember Romney?), we also get the ‘print’ copy and as someone else has observed, this stuff stays around forever.

The worst thing that any stupid politician can do is say or do things that make him/her dislikable. It gets on the ‘net in one form or another, and people get pissed off.

And Old Lady Puglosi is abominably stupid, has been for a long time, as we all know. All she had to do was tell Duckworth ‘vote in absentia’, then get back here when you’re up to it. But like her little ‘sparkling example of God’s children’ kerfuffle in the southwest last summer, she can’t keep her big, fat stupid mouth shut or her arrogance in check.

She should retire. Now.


At this point, it’s my considered opinion that plug-ugly puglosi is about to have her ass handed to her, but good.

When you piss off people who should be your base of support, they go elsewhere. And it appears that this is what is happening.