Oh what a tangled web we weave

| November 17, 2014

Everyone knows the second line of the quote attributed to Sir Walter Scott. I’ll leave it to your Google-Fu if you are curious enough to explore.

My small point is a reflection of OUR current news.  And the phonies dancing when they are called out. I’ll leave the latter to Jonn et al here at TAH.
My primary premise is kinda based on the old joke: “How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.”

Even with the recent elections we are left with the simple idea that those in DC are, at least, suspect.  How do we properly approach a system that is broken? Term limits for Congress Critters has been mentioned. I dunno, but I am skeptical.

No pragmatist could successfully argue that our current system works. Our military and VA system are so top-heavy that they serve as very real and very negative examples.

I’m not prepared to offer anything easy, or maybe even useful, but few can argue that we are better off today as a country than in the past.  Do keep in mind that our country once went to war over what was considered an arguably not simple notion.

I’m old enough that I am genuinely only peripherally involved in what will come. You younger folks better start learning the dance.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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John "Faker 6" Giduck

Oh what a tangled web we weave…I’m sure Brad Thor will make you heave



John “Faker 6” Giduck


Zero, you seem to be asking for a system that works. Be careful what you ask for. Our political / legal / administration system is built on the concept that government should be ponderous and inefficient versus efficient and tyrannical. I don’t love our system, most of the time I loathe it, but there are many alternatives that would be worse. Tonight at dinner my sister asked me tell my stories about being on a petit jury and a grand jury. Then she asked me if after participating in our legal system I liked it. I observed that I thought that it was awful but better than everything else out there. Like the quote attributed to Ebba Eban, “Men and nations behave wisely when they have exhausted all other alternatives.”


Efficient and tyranical donn’t necessarily have to go hand in hand.


Now we have inefficient and tyrannical