
| November 17, 2014

Over at American Thinker, writer/editor Rick Moran wrote a piece about new additions to the political lexicon based on the name of the Obamacare architect who bragged about how the Obama administration lied rrepeatedly and often about that POS legislation to get it passed. Moran noted these neologisms from the Washington Times: Grubergate, gruberish, grubered, grubermanie, moneygrubering and gruberpalooza. Moran then offered some of his own creations: grubermentia, disgrubered, foregruber, gruberful.
He then invited commenters to come up with more and boy did they.
Federal Gruberment, Gruber-in Chief, Holy gruber! Scoobygruber, gruberphobia, GRUBAR, Grube Goldberg, grubies, gruberites, gruberesque, grubertopia, Gruberfest, Gruberizing of America, gruberballs, grubertastic, gruberlicious, gruberphobic, grubermania, gruberosis, gruberitis, and on and on.
Based on some of the colorful terms I’ve seen here at TAH used to describe Stolen Valor miscreants, I thought I’d toss out a challenge: you guys and girls got any more gruberisms?

Category: Health Care debate

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Steaming Pile of Gruber.

Taking it right up the old Grubchute.

Roger in Republic

Right up there with my Cranial Gruber Inversion.


No, PT – but I have a term I feel is apropos for Gruber himself.



How ’bout just fuck Gruber.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Gruberista – an individual with a capacity for misdirection in public while being blatantly honest when voicing a diametrically opposed explanation at a private meeting (preferably while on camera for embarrassing later release).

Gruberama – meeting of policy wonks celebrating their ability to insult the American people while attempting to enact legislation counter to the best interests of those very same Americans.

Gruberometer – a device for measuring the amount of dishonesty required to pass oppressive and unnecessary legislation that overwhelms small non-profits across the nation. “Pegging” the Gruberometer means you are a superlative fabricator of falsehoods.


Grubola – a disease that causes lies to leak from every orifice of your body. If the disease don’t kill ya, the healthcare will. You idiot.


Gruber baby food: what the American public is fed a lot of (alternate spelling: ‘shit’).

Jon The Mechanic

Knee deep in Gruber.

I just stepped in some gruber.


I almost stepped in some Gruber, only to fall in my Bernath and get covered in Giduck!

CC Senor

GruberKrugman A double whammy of two economists that think we’re stupid.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That’s just not right dude…

Nick Catanese

Gruber-spot: the area of a woman’s body you’re in contact with when she’s faking an orgasm.

Duncan Mcdonut

Der Schickelgruber.

Wasnt that supposedly old Adolf’s original last name (or something like that)?


That was old Adolph’s father’s (Alois,Sr.)original last name. It was widely rumored that Alois,Sr. possessed an enormous Schwanstucker.

B Woodman

I am SO glad that I did not have anything in my mouth!!

George V

As best I recall, there was a character named Gruber on the old “McHale’s Navy” TV show who was a con artist and was always cooking up some scheme. But, he was more of a good con artist as opposed to our current Gruber.

Farflung Wanderer

Gruberslyvannia: Wherever the hell he currently resides. That, or DC.

B Woodman

For all progressives (regressives), a progress of a party’s name change:
Since the Democrat Party is now publicly well known to lie and cheat to (try to) win elections, henceforth and forever more their name shall be changed to Teh GruberCheat Party. Catchy enough name?


Gruberficated = When you realize you got fuckedover based on a lie.