Thursday sound bites
First up…let’s talk about the Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman (Manhattan/Queens area. Am I the only one who hears the old “Old El Paso” cows bawling “Noo Yawk City” in my head?)
Mr. Goldman had to interject during a hearing on the impact of illegals on law enforcement, especially Nassau County police.
“Can’t say I’m going to miss that when the chairman is not going to be with us next term.”
Goldman proceeded to repeatedly cut off some of the law enforcement officials testifying during his questioning. In one instance, Goldman shouted, “It’s my time sir,” when Jonathan Thompson, executive director of the National Sheriffs’ Association, attempted to finish answering a question.
D’Esposito, who represents Nassau County in Congress, pointed out during the hearing that Goldman, who has a net worth of $253 million and is heir to the Levi Strauss & Co. jeans company, owns a summer home in the county and is one of the residents kept safe by Nassau officers. Fox News
Yeah, he’s tired of it. Bet the police are a lot more tired of it, and don’t have a quarter-billion to hide behind. Guess that shows how old I am – I used to wear Levis, before they started supporting gun-control groups and sent this jerk to Congress. Read the linked article. I was a lot nicer than its author.
The UK is advertising internships to work in the intelligence services.
MI5, MI6 and GCHQ are offering students the opportunity of a paid internship next summer, promising that the opportunity represents the “first steps towards an exciting full-time career”.
It says that summer interns will not “just be sitting on the sidelines – this is your opportunity to get unique access to our operations, gain experience, and make key contributions to real projects”.
Oh – as long as they aren’t white No whites need apply.
The advert goes on to explain that the 10-11 week “intelligence internship” is only open to students from a “Black, Asian, mixed heritage or ethnic minority” as well as those from a “socially or economically disadvantaged” background.
But any white British students from a socially deprived family would not be considered for the internships which could lead to a career as a spy.
The advert explains that they are “confining the applications for this internship to those within this demographic due to a current underrepresentation in our workforce”.
The advert states the internship is open to applications from “white other” groups such as Romany Gypsy, Scottish or Irish Travellers. The Telegraph
So if you’re a Mick, I guess you need to buy a trailer (‘caravan’). Otherwise I guess you are too white. How to they deal with Black Irish, I wonder?
Last, but not least, one of our favorite folks is off the hook. Al Sharpton, head of the National Action Network (NAN) drew criticism for the major funding given it by the Harris campaign.
Amid the fawning coverage of Vice President Kamala Harris’ 10-figure presidential campaign were reports of large sums of cash being doled out to high-profile supporters. Among the recipients was MSNBC host and activist Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network over which concern from the National Black Church Initiative evaporated over the weekend.
The National Black Church Initiative (NCBI) originally called for Sharpton to be investigated by MSNBC over the reputed undisclosed $500,000 he and NAN received. However, NBCI announced last week:
After further research, we have found no evidence that any candidate paid for support or endorsements, nor that NBC was engaged in any partisan political activities related to Vice President Harris’ appearance on PoliticsNation,” he continued. “Furthermore, we understand that Vice President Harris has made previous appearances on PoliticsNations with Rev. Al Sharpton over the years.”
“As a result, NBCI is formally retracting its call for Rev. Sharpton to be suspended from MSNBC. This call was inappropriate, and we regret the misstep,” said Evans. USSA News
Not a site with which I am familiar, but some of the commenters seem to suspect that a goodly portion of that half-mill being transferred from NAN to NBCI probably lubricated THAT U-turn.
Category: Democrats, Illegal Immigrants, UK
If Not-So-Sharpton is involved, you know its crooked as hell…
Tawana Brawley anyone???
You beat me to it on the Tawana brawley comment. She is under a new name from what I heard years ago.
Booker T. knew Al’s type:
The Harris campaign was just a money laundering operation. They knew DJT was going to win, so they just used her campaign as a conduit to give gullible Democrats donations to all the usual suspects. Did Oprah really need $2.5M for a ‘town hall’? Did Beyonce’ need $10M to talk for 3 minutes? The answer is no. The fact they doled $20M+ more than they had shows that Dems CANNOT be trusted with the purse strings. Aside from killing babies and sexualizing children, there is nothing they love doing more than spending OTHER people’s money.
Good, they pissed away Democrat Party money? Why are we upset with that? Would you rather they spent that money legitimately and potentially get more people to vote Democrat? If anything, this is a great thing, and I hope they continue to improperly spend campaign funds in the future.
Meanwhile at the sinking ship SSMSNBC.
MSNBC reportedly offers Joy Reid, Stephanie Ruhle pay cuts to stay in anchor chairs
Nice! Merry Christmas, MFRs.
Mmmmmm, schadenfreude, …
Same thing as with Ukraine– an incredible amount goes back as “political contributions,” overhead or just “10% for the Big Guy” for folk providing it somehow.

The CIA has summer internships on its website also.
You’ll burn in Hell for that one, but so will I…..for laughing my ass off!
Lord I apologize, that ain’t funny, and be with the starving Pygmies down there in New Guinea..
They select based on number of diagnoses and pronouns now:
DEI- Didn’t earn It, D-rats Enforcing Idiocy.
What a 24K token!
Here’s a guy that just got removed from my Christmas card list:
Twitchy was founded by Michelle Malkin but she sold it in 2015. Its primary source is Twitter…’nuff said
I read Twitchy because it’s pretty funny, but you are correct, you need to take everything on there with a huge grain of salt because most the content there is from Twitter.
Broke the land speed record going RINO, he did.
They are recruiting Irish Travelers? Seriously? If Irish Travelers in the UK means the same thing as Irish Travelers in America, British Intelligence will be lucky of the only thing stolen is their lunch in the break room refrigerator. For those unfamiliar with Irish Travelers in America, you can think of them as melding of gypsies, Amish, and organized crime. Notorious for keeping people outside of their circle of friends and families, they travel the eastern seaboard conning old folks out of their life savings with substandard home improvement projects that leaves their homes uninhabitable.
They should just call them European trailer trash or gypsies. Travellers are just a fancy name for perpetually homeless garbage people.
Fuck off, Lars.
Every so often we will have an area wide hailstorm. About 2 years later you can drive around and see the roofs that were done by the Gypsie’s. The shingles are starting to slide because they only use 2 nails per shingle instead of 4 so they can make (steal) more money.
Been a real long time since I bought any Levi product. They did make nice trade goods way back yonder in the ETO. Ranked right up there with Cigs and ‘Merican Whiskeys.
Damn shame when one can’t buy an election for 1.2 billion $ any more. Inflation affects everything, don’t it?
So…Irish can apply now? Hey Whitey! YOU are the carbon they want to reduce.
Shake ’em Down Sharpton. Another obit I will read with great pleasure. PHUQUE HEEM!
Only the less reputable Irish. If you come from a family with a mother and father and have earned an honest living, you need not apply.
It seems they want to infiltrate the criminal gangs- groups. The government has been trying to infiltrate for a long time. So they’re saying the already have the white groups covered with spies. Nah! there just a bunch of racist dicks trying to meet quotas setup by the racist dicks running the country.
Obviously “Reverend” Al Sharpton is ethically challenged, and the transfer of cash from the Harris-Walz campaign to a company that he controls, represents a conflict of interest. If MSNBC keeps him on the payroll, and they will, they will zero credibility as an independent news organization, not that they ever were. By the way, Al Sharpton owes Uncle Sugar back personal and business taxes, has any of that money he received went to paying off those taxes?
I hope IRS laid a levy on somebody for that $500K before big Al got his hands on it.
Big Al pocketing the bucks!
“D’Esposito, who represents Nassau County in Congress, pointed out during the hearing that Goldman, who has a net worth of $253 million and is heir to the Levi Strauss & Co. jeans company, owns a summer home in the county and is one of the residents kept safe by Nassau officers.”
Yet another reason I won’t ever buy another pair of Levi’s Jeans, I stopped buying them when they quit making them in the USA, their anti-2nd Amendment stance was icing on the cake!
As to Al Sharpton, when hasn’t he ever been a lying race hustler profiting off of racial strife?
This page gives a pretty benign profile of the Irish Travelers/Travellers. Hack wouldn’t trust them around his wallet.
I haven’t worn Levis in years. I mostly wear 5.11 or Carhart now because they fit my Alaskan lifestyle better. My daughter calls them my pickety pockety pants because of the number of pockets on them.