But I just don’t much like Opera

| October 23, 2014

TSO’s posts prompted this! I reckon if he can belittle (SAVAGES!) us for our answers to his poll I can post this:

One of the most difficult concepts to communicate, for me anyway, is that I can admire the vocal skill and emotive chops of an opera star… BUT I still wouldn’t walk across the street to SEE an opera.

Ballet dancers can do amazingly beautiful physical feats, BUT I have no interest in seeing a full ballet either.

Like TSO I can admire a single athlete (although not quite with same  fervor) without being interested in the team or sport.

My point? Imagine if pro sports or the opera adopted a sort of “Radical Islamic Method” for dealing with potential fans?

Don’t wear the correct team t-shirt or fall asleep during the third act and….

I kinda feel like that when I’m called a “SAVAGE” for having differing tastes.

Aside: This is an attempt at humor. I you don’t GET IT I won’t be calling YOU a “SAVAGE”.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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HS Junior

I’m with ya on Opera. Eh, I’m sure they’ve got skill, but I’ll stick with whatever country concert is in town at Shoreline Ampitheater.

All the girls from everywhere go and they, uh…make sure to dress up nice and putty 🙂

HS Junior

*Purty, dammit!

The Other Whitey

There’s always plenty of ‘tang available at a Jason Aldean concert, and some damn good music, too!


Zero Ponsdorf…Ugh…Roger that Brother!

Hey, “Don’t bogart…that…joint, my friend. Pass it over to me”.


Love me some Aida. Want Pershing’s Own at Arlington to play the Triomphal March when I’m planted there. No elephants required.

Roger in Republic

Funny you mentioned Elephants, I saw Aida in the Arena de Verona in 1960 and they had elephants on the stage with about 200 singers and spear carriers. It must have looked like that in ancient Rome during the Imperial Triumphs. The Triumphal March still gives me goose bumps.


I am dealing with E/Obola and you freakin’ guyz are talkin’ ballet!

Holy BeGeeze US … We are doomed!


Master Chief,
Your esteemed Gubnuh has a handle on this. No need to worry about a “Dark Winter” scenario…yet.

Gov Coumo: “Knowledge & training will defeat this disease”.


It’s become ‘ThisAintHeck’, the kinder, gentler, more … dainty version of this website. 😉


Master Chief…Sir I thought a lot about you and your family when I heard about the NYC Ebola case. Keep you ear to the ground and watch your six Sir. Hope you and the family are all well and healthy…and stay that way. I know you are a heads up man so I am sure you are always aware of what’s going on there. Just be careful. You have a lot of loved ones depending on you Sir. God bless you and yours.


I also hope you have plenty of supplies set aside Master Chief. Seriously, it costs next to nothing to be prepared to feed and water yourself for a month or two sans any outside help.

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

I have a thirty day list of basics that I prepared for family and friends if you’re interested. In the mean time I hope you and your’s remain safe.

Roger in Republic

Master Chief, perhaps it’s time to send the family to the farm upstate. It will be too late if ebola hits the school system.

John S

I gather bedbugs in NYC hotels are no longer a thing? For a while, that was the terror plague in the early twenty tens.


Wagner. Nothing can beat Siegfried’s Funeral March, or Wotan’s descent to Niebelheim to talk the Niebelungen into making a Ring out of the Rheingold.



John S

I like Wagner, but one needs to have an iron butt to sit through an entire Ring cycle.


You would be surprised…

Opera has influenced many a rock singer…Freddie Mercury (Queen), Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden), Rob Halford (Judas Priest) are just a few noted for their soaring operatic vocals.

The late GEN Norman Schwarzkopf enjoyed attending operas.

Some pro football players have taken ballet to improve balance & footwork…notably Herschel Walker from back when & 320 pound NT Steve McLendon of Pitt Steelers more recently.


Remember “The Game Plan”? I would take up damn near anything if Rosalyn Sanchez was teaching it. Or even attending it.)

2/17 Air Cav

Believe it or not, I used to enjoy watching Opera. She used to appear on a local Baltimore TV station that was on York Road. First she was a news reader and, later, she co-hosted a show called “People Are Talking” with a guy named Richard Sher. Opera was quite entertaining way back then but, once she left Baltimore for Chicago, that was the end of my watching Opera.

2/17 Air Cav

Whoops! I made a big mistake. I wrote that I used to watch Opera when she was on a Baltimore TV station that was located on York Road. Boy, do I feel stupid! The station, WJZ, wasn’t on York road. I confused it with WMAR.


That was Oprah, 2/17AirCav.

Opera is a musical event.

Oprha doesn’t sing.

2/17 Air Cav

The hell you say!

Lurker Curt

Thanks for the morning giggle!



Ex-PH2…She can’t dance either!


I was going to write something similar, but you beat me to it.

Much laughing.


Opera is pretty deep. There are some incredible tales told if you can sit through a performance.


Ah, shucks. You mean it isn’t always about A loves B and B loves A, but somebody objects and a fight ensues? Then somebody, or everybody, dies?

Seems like every opera includes a dramatic death scene or two. And a Hatfield/McCoy blood feud. Maybe even a song, which may or may not be sung in Italian, about “not with my mama/sister/father/cousin/neighbor.”


http://www.koreus.com/video/sarah-x-seins-mozart.html let us not forget classical music in general… this link shoul give you a new appreciation for the Eine Kline Nactmuzik. Just wish it were longer… NSFW by the way.


“Opera, isn’t that Italian for ‘Death by Music’?” – Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor

My favorite opera is “Kill the Wabbit”, by B. Bunny and E. Fudd.


No list of classical inspired rock music would be complete without Danzig’s ‘Black Aria’ album.


As for opera and the ballet, I agree they are very highly talented people in their chosen performance art.

However, listening to opera is #1, on my list of annoying sounds. #2. Is pigs being murdered. #3. Is bagpipes equally with the accordion.

My grandmother FORCED us kids to sit still and quiet on the floor on Saturday nights and ENDURE Lawrence Welk…every…week! Myron Floren did me in forever!

Oh, and of course the Myron Floren, Lawrence Welk accordion duos were a special treat for kids! Once, on one of their “polka” number duos, I even did it to myself on purpose and then said, “Grandmomma, I just messed my pants and HAVE to go to the bathroom! Know what she said? “Just BE QUIET! You can go when this is over!” No shit! Well, yes there was shit and I was sitting in it, but my own otherwise loving grandmother had NO sympathy. NOTHING and NO ONE came between her and her beloved, Lawrence Welk. But hey, I lived, I learned. Love is cruel sometimes.

GREAT! Now I have accordion music stuck in my head! I’m now going to the garage for my awl and do a left temple puncture with swirling motion.


Come on now, I ain’t even quite 50 yet and I still love me some Lawrence Welk on occasion!


Jacobite…Being older than you by a lot I feel ya, or my wife does anyway. In fact I hear that “noise” in the house sometimes and guess what? The wife is watching Lawrence Welk reruns on PBS! I have to go hide or work in the garage till it’s over.


Always wondered why my missus always heads off to do dishes or some such when ever I’m watching it! 😉 Lol

Pinto Nag

I’d rather sit through every “Chainsaw Massacre” re-run, sequel, and copycat ever made, than watch Lawrence Welk. And what was it about the grandparents?? All of mine were absolutely addicted to that perverted sumbich!


Pinto Nag…Word

John S

“Good night, sleep tight, and may your dreams come true…”

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Bugs Bunny’s Barber Rabbit of Seville is classic.