Another US Ebola Case

| October 24, 2014

Well, we now have another case of Ebola in America. And this time, our      DC clown krewe’s      Nero-esque imperial regime      illustrious current Administration’s policies – or lack thereof – are IMO directly to blame.

The case turned up in an an American doctor, identified as Craig Spencer, who returned from Guinea in West Africa about a week ago. He’d been working there with the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières, AKA Doctors Without Borders.

The individual reportedly began “feeling sluggish” on Tuesday. However, he nonetheless continued meeting with friends and was “out and about” until he developed more obvious symptoms on Wednesday of this week. He then began “self-quarantine” on Wednesday. Yesterday he went to the hospital with a high fever and nausea.  Preliminary testing last night indicates it is indeed Ebola.

Where is this new Ebola case, you ask? NYC. Yeah – THAT NYC. It’s only the largest metro area in the USA.

So, being a doctor, he was erring on the side of public safety, self-isolating since his return, to protect the public – just in case he was incubating the disease,  right? Um, well . . . here’s an account from local health officials concerning the guy’s activities this week:

City officials say Spencer acknowledged riding multiple subway lines and taking a cab to a Brooklyn bowling alley called “The Gutter” in the past week before he started showing symptoms. He also visited the High Line park and went on a three-mile jog.

The city’s health commissioner, Mary Bassett, said Spencer’s fiancé and two friends had been quarantined. The city has also been in contact with an Uber driver who drove Spencer, but said the two did not have direct contact.

According to a rough timeline provided by city officials, the doctor’s symptoms developed Wednesday, prompting him to isolate himself in his apartment.

Hmm. “Feeling sluggish” on Tuesday, but his “symptoms developed Wednesday”? That ain’t quite adding up, folks.

This new US Ebola outbreak is brought to courtesy of those clueless fools who put feeling good, political correctness, and not offending people ahead of protecting the public and their nation. At the risk of restating the truly obvious: had the current Administration taken the blindingly-obvious, common-sense measure of placing this man in mandatory 21-day isolation prior to or on returning from the USA from the Ebola outbreak area we wouldn’t be sweating another domestic Ebola outbreak today. But apparently we can’t do that; that might inconvenience someone or hurt their feelings.

Gee thanks, Mr. President. Are you “getting it” yet?

Hang on to your hats, folks – and if you’re so inclined, maybe pray. Because this ride could very easily turn bumpy as hell now.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Government Incompetence

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2/17 Air Cav

He was working directly with Ebola patients in West Africa, as a member of Doctors w/o Borders. So, upon his return, any questions regarding contact he may have had with Ebola victims presumably were answered honestly and fully. And that meant…absolutely nothing. He was still free to go about his every day life among countless numbers of others while hosting the virus. And this guy is a doctor with, one guesses, the very best training, not to mention first-hand experience, dealing with the contagion. That’s great. Just great.

AW1 Tim

Fortunately, if needs be, my daughter and I can isolate ourselves for a few months.

We live in a small neighborhood, but we have access to water and I have a good supply of food to hand as well. Up here in Maine, most folks ALWAYS have a good supply of basic stuff to hand. Those long, cold winters demand it.

If the power and internet hold, I can home school her. I did it for 3 years already when she was in Middle School, so no big deal.

We have the means to isolate ourselves, and to keep others away too. Just sayin’ 🙂

But yeah, president mom-jeans and his clown-car posse administration need to be smacked senseless and replaced as soon as possible. This crap is exactly what happens when those slaves on the left’s welfare plantation vote in a community organizer so as to increase their free stuff and keep it coming.

Elections have consequences. It’s to be seen how many will continue to die because of the ineptocracy we’re currently saddled with.


If he survives, he needs to face serious jail time and civil liability for his gross negligence – and that’s assuming he didn’t infect anyone else, which should draw more charges. Completely inexcusable.


SSG E, the people who let him slip through the cracks need to be held accountable, as well.

It is NOT just one person at fault here.


Yeah, agreed – as I said in a previous thread, blame is not a zero-sum game. Anyone in a position to prevent the potential exposure of more people to this disease gets a full, heaping portion of it.


Gee, whiz, and NYC – da Big Apple – was supposed to be one of those places where people coming off inbound flights from Africa, particlarly THAT part of Afica – were to be isolated, tested and if need be, quarantined.

Oh, the breaking news from da Big Road Apple this morning is that THREE (count ’em) people have been quarantined.

Whoever is the Maroon In Charge in da Big Road Apple: Good Job! You’re just a peach, you are! You really showed that bug who’s boss, dintcha???

Dear God, is there no end to this incompetence?


Is there a word in the English language for someone who is the exact opposite “hero”? The word “coward” is not what I’m looking for. A hero is someone who puts their own life, their very existence, at risk to save the life of others. What do you call someone who puts an untold number of other lives at risk simply for their own gratification? Is there such a word? Because, apparently, there are such people.


Sorry – “exact opposite of “hero?”” And I thought I had proofread it.


Try any one of the following:

self-centered arrogant asshole

selfish pig

sleazy scumbag

and my personal favorite: Bernie Madoff

I’m sure there are other examples.


Perhaps narcissist gets close to what you mean. “(N)arcissism is characterized by an unusual coolness and composure, which is shaken only when the narcissistic confidence is threatened, and by the tendency to take others for granted or to exploit them.”


I’d like to call him Prisoner #176-671…


How about “traitor” since National Security is at risk?


Always called ’em “vacuum people” because they think they live in one. Whatever they do affects no one else because – they’re in a vacuum!! Talk loud on their cell phone in a tight area? No worries – it’s a vacuum! No turn signals? Hey, no other cars in a vacuum? Live like clueless pigs, endanger others by disregard for any consequences? What, me worry? Hell no…it’s a vacuum!


I believe the word you are looking for is villain.


Try sociopath


From the article cited: “The doctor is a “dedicated humanitarian” who “went to an area of medical crisis to help a desperately under-served population. He is a committed and responsible physician who always puts his patients first,”

Well a trained ER doctor who’s been there and seen it, comes home and doesn’t have the common sense or common decency to self quarantine until he knows he’s safe is not who I would describe as a “dedicated humanitarian”. As Ex-PH2 said above, arrogant ass hole sounds better. He’s in NYC for goodness sakes! Of ALL people who should know better he knew EVERYTHING he had to know to not have this happen. Not his exposure and infection but his possibly transmitting it through the subways, cabs and bowling alley. (Thank God they spray those shoes in the bowling alley, now if they’ll only run all the balls through a sanitizer I’ll feel better.)

My conclusion, what a “little god syndrome”, selfish prick this doctor was to act as he did. No excuse for his behavior, none.

Old Trooper

I read a report where they are trying to downplay it by saying “he had limited exposure to ebola patients in Africa”. That makes it worse! If he got it from “limited exposure”, then that means that it will take next to nothing to transmit it anywhere and everywhere and dr. chucklehead and the government want us to trust their judgement??? Really?

For all you New Yorkers out there:


In Dallas, the guy from Liberia contacted a limited number of people. Epidemiologists could follow his contacts then talk to and quarantine all of those people.

This doctor rode the subway in New York City. From a disease-spreading perspective this is worst-case because there are a lot of people, nobody was taking precautions, varying degrees of susceptibility, and there is no practical way to find the people he was close to. Now we get to see just how virulent this little SOB is. Wait 10 to 20 days and see if we have new cases. No cases confirms the general assumption that it is hard to catch; more than 2 cases would be not good.

FWIW, mistakes will be made and we have enemies. That is why I want defense in depth. Start with a travel ban in and out of the affected area, then quarantine people entering the US who have been in that area. Maybe we need another step. If the ban doesn’t catch them maybe the quarantine will. If it is not virulent maybe we can relax a little but until we know just how virulent it is we cannot reduce vigilance.


Blow up the bridges connected to Manhattan.


“And what were you doing in Africa?
“Treating Ebola patients”
“Any problems or symptoms?”
“No, and I washed my hands afterwards”
(stamp kachunk)
“Have a nice day and welcome home.”

Pinto Nag

I am REALLY disappointed in the actions of the medical people that have been exposed to ebola, know it, and seem to engage in some form of denial about it. The first nurse exposed was the only one who seems to have paid attention to the idea of limiting personal contact and self-monitoring. The rest of them have run around like they’ve been treating the common cold!

At this point, I wouldn’t even hazzard a guess as to what they are thinking.

The Other Whitey

This has me worried. I’m a fireman, as most of you probably know by now, and I deal with a large number of sick people. In this part of the country, EMS is a fire department function. We respond to far more medical aids and trauma incidents (traffic collisions, etc) than fires. Pretty much any time you call 911, you’re getting a fire engine first. This is because 1) we’re all EMTs and many of us are paramedics (ALS engines are becoming increasingly common), 2) there’s a lot more engines than ambulances and we’ll get to you and initiate care a lot faster, especially in rural areas, but in cities as well, 3) many of the “ambulances” you see on the road are BLS “hospital taxis” that don’t do emergency responses (you’d understand if you knew who staffed those things), and many of the ALS ambulances out there are FD equipment staffed by firefighter-medics anyway. This has me very worried. The nature of my job (along with lawdogs and hospital staff) makes me more likely than average to be exposed when it reaches this part of the country. Granted, if I placed supreme importance on my own well-being I’d be in the wrong line of work, but that doesn’t mean I’m suicidal, either. Going home at the end of my shift is a fairly high priority for me. My wife asked me about this the other day. I told her that if I suspect that I might have been exposed, I will stay the hell away from home for a month. If at the end of that period I’m not either dead or bleeding out of my eyes and asshole, I’ll come home. But I won’t take a chance exposing her or our daughter. The part that really scares me is the possibility of transmission from somebody not immediately recognized as an Ebola carrier. I had just such an experience with a bacterial meningitis patient a few years ago, luckily knocked down with a shitpot of antibiotics, and another with a guy who tested positive for Hep-B after coughing blood… Read more »

Pinto Nag

It worries all of us. But you know what to do: know the signs and symptoms, use as much barrier protection as you can, and self-monitor for symptoms if you think you’ve been exposed.

Johnson & Johnson with GlaxoSmithKline are moving a vaccine into human trials, and it is supposed to become available in January (article didn’t say if it would become available here, but if it does, medical providers will probably be at the head of the line.)

Hang in there, Whitey. You’re in our prayers always.


I’m thinking that the vaccine will head to West Africa as soon as it’s released. I only base that on what I’ve heard from Øbola and the bureaucrats from the CDC.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thankfully the CDC has assured everyone that there’s nothing to worry about from a disease that can’t be transmitted through airborne means at this time.

I’m certain the thousands of people who were in the man’s vapor trail are feeling much better about their encounter with the ebola carrier as a result….


WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!! Just how in the hell did this happen? I thought Customs/Border Patrol were going to ask everyone questions and take their temperature and we would be safe from any risk. I smell a conspiracy. Bush did it.


See, now, this here seriously honks me off. This is a physician. Assuming that he is licensed to practice medicine in the US, hasn’t he taken an oath to do no harm? Isn’t he supposed to be held to a much higher ethical standard than the rest of us?

Yet he went gallivanting around, exposing untold hundreds/thousands to what he knew for a fact he had been exposed to days prior.

What kind of self absorbed jerk is this clown? Sociopath certainly sounds appropriate. Or just another typical lefty who considers rules only to apply to other people.

Has the man no sense whatever of common decency? Evidently he sees himself as so important that nothing should attempt to get in his way of doing exactly what he wants, when he wants it, just because he wants what he wants right this very moment.

Yeah, he needs to be stuck in an isolation unit and left to rot.

Texas Ranger

Maybe New York will soon test this research conclusion!

Ebola Can Spread by Air in Cold, Dry Weather Common to the U.S.

U.S. Army: Ebola Goes Airborne Once Temperature Drops
Ebola can go airborne but hasn’t in West Africa because it’s too warm, researchers conclude.

Help Reduce the Risk of Spreading Ebola!