You people are savages. You hear me? Savages.

| October 23, 2014

{NOTE, Read the first post before this one if you haven’t already.}

You guys are getting almost every damn question wrong, and it is starting to annoy me. Let’s go through the results thus far.

Question 1, your walk on song.
Your answer, at 33.1% is Afternoon Delight.

That is the wrong answer. In fact, that is dead last. The correct answer was Sail, by AWOL Nation.

The others awarded various points, you get 0 for SLVB.

Question 2, Commercial girl you can’t handle.
Your answer, at 49 percent is Kate Upton.

Now, I am chalking that up to her coming with a free sandwich, which was unfair. But any of the answers are acceptable. For me, gotta be the redhead. The blonde got NO love from you guys, and I think she’s sneaky close to being at the top. The Nationwide Ninja chick (country music star Jana Kramer) though I found out is dating a TE for the Redskins who is on IR, who no one has ever heard of. Being an IR Tight End for the Washington Football team though is lower down the ecosystem from unknown military blogger though, so she’s high up for me.

Question 3, best cartoon ever.
Your answer, at 39.8 percent is Tom and Jerry.

Unacceptable. Not however as egregious as you degenerates who answered Captain Planet who should go swirly yourselves.
The answer was Herculoids. In fact, that is almost always the answer. It has a triceratops shooting lasers. Lasers people.

Question 4, worst TV show.
Your answer, at 51 percent is The View.

Largely all of them are terrible. However, in terms of terribleness, the View doesn’t crack the top 2, which are (in order) Teen Mom, and Sex in the City. The first is unwatchable under any circumstance. I’d rather shave with my lawnmower than watch it. And the second stars Seabiscuit and she is a reprehensible equine. Shockingly, Project Runway is the least objectionable. I know this because while courting my wife I had to watch two episodes with my Mother in Law, and I’m still here.

Question 5, worst candy.
Your answer, at 44.9 percent is a rock.

I get that. I myself believe Necco Wafers are the worst. My wife didn’t even know what they were. It was like eating chalk.

Question 6, cereal.
Your answer, at 34.6 percent was Grape Nuts.

That answer is correct. The only possible way to choke that dirt down was to bury it in sugar, and wait for it to sort of mushify, and then eat it. Kaboom I need not mention was the worst. Shredded wheat always seemed like a form of punishment.

Best day ever at my house, when I came home to these:

Question 7, the story of my life.
Your answer keeps flip flopping at 40 percent between John Goodman and Steve Buschemi.

I realized after the fact that I wasn’t clear if the question who should play me (TSO) or yourself, so all of them are right. If it is me though, it would be Brick, from the Middle. (Head down, “The Middle.”)

Question 8, Firefly Hottie.
Your answer, at 32.9 percent was Kaylee.

Two things about this one….First, I got an email from a friend that read, in toto, “Saffron. Anyone not picking her or Inara is gay or a pedophile.”
Admit it

In one sense, he’s not wrong. But he also picked the two that you placed last and second to last. But honestly, none of the choices is “wrong” per se.

Never the less, 67.1 percent of you are still wrong, and will be barred from my nuptials to Ms. Staite in the case of an untimely demise of the current Mrs TSO.

Question 9, gay genie defense.
Your answer, at 37.1 is Neil Patrick Harris.

Look, he is an attractive man. And a doctor. And in that one episode of HIMYM he had the playbook, so would make a great wingman. But you people don’t understand the hot chick mentality. Hot chicks hang out with effeminate dudes, not manly ones. Which means your only true defense is a bear. A big, gay bear, willing to do what needs to be done.

Question 10, ink blots.
Your answer, at 39.8 percent was Blood Splatter Analysis.

I can accept that. To me, it looks like Pandas. If you see nothing, you really should probably seek help. And if you see me and Tom Brady, you should REALLY seek help, because we would nuzzle face to face so I could stare into his eyes when we talk about Ugg slippers while his Mom made pancakes.

Question 11, most ridiculous.
Your answer, at 51.9 percent was the losing litigant.

Come on man! This was a total gimmee.
hot dog 1
Hot dog 2
Hot dog 3

So basically the results of my survey are that:
1) You people of my age are savages.
2) Most of you don’t know my references.
3) I should have responded to dude offering to figure out what our readers actually want.

Category: Politics

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charles w

Necco Wafers are the Tums of the candy world.


Necco Wafers were only enjoyed by the kid who ate chalk in class.


NECCO wafers New England Confection COmpany

I thought this was a trick question, I agree on the candy scale they suck worse than Rocks however from a Target Standpoint they are great.


NECCO – New England Candy Company. You need to turn in your yankee card right now for dissing the best candy in the world.

charles w

I am not from New England, but my mother is. She would wash them down with Moxie.


I still remember the chubbie I got when I opened a care pkg in Honduras and there were a couple of rolls of NECCO’s. Old time Moxie was just north of battery acid. Women and fags chugged coke and thought they were cool. Men chugged Moxie and killed everything that moved.


No. Necco wafers themselves suck. However, Necco puts out other stuff that’s pretty damned good.


Actually its New England Confectionery Company

and I have no Yankee card. Pure Southern Pride Here yall.

And the best candy in the world is Reese’s Cups


I toured the factory once when my flight to Curacao was delayed by a storm. It is pretty cool and just up the road from the Holiday Inn Boston Airport. I also told my tale of woe in a bar near the hotel and got free drinks all night so it was alright. That was after taking the strange train thing trip around Boston and seeing Old Ironsides, Bunker Hill, and Ansel Adams exhibit at the Museum and stuff. Turned out to be a pretty cool day.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Savages is one interpretation, devilishly clever old farts who love to be curmudgeonly turds on internet surveys is quite another young feller…..


Just cause I want to pile on, here are a few of TSO I did for him…


I noticed that. You can put them back from imgur as you please.

Country Singer

When I got to the Kaboom option (which I selected, incidentally) my first thought was, “Oh, TSO must read Ace Of Spades.”

Country Singer

Wow! TSO, looks like you’re my spirit animal. I gave all the “right” answers. And I’m a chic!

Mr Wolf

Sorry man, but if I’m listening to SAIL, *this* is the *only* video to use it with:

And how is ‘The View’ NOT the answer to the worst thing evah, no matter the category? Do I have to explain Whoopie and Rosie?


How about this version of SAIL? It has people flying by mountains in a wingsuit.


That’s the OTHER reason I picked it, OAE CPO USN! Great vid.

Green Thumb

I must have missed a lot of this when I was out shooting pool, drinking beer and chasing skirts as a young man.

My bad.

2/17 Air Cav

Necco Wafers? Necco is an acronym for the New England Confectionery Co.

Neccos were around during the Civil War and in rations for our guys in WW II. I likes me some Necco now and then.


Worst Halloween candy evah? Not even on the list.

Candy corn, bro. Candy corn!!!

2/17 Air Cav

There are no bad candies, only those you would never trade and those you would trade for damn near anything else!

Dennis - not chevy

When I “trick or treated” in Berkshire County, when we got Hershey bars instead of Necco’s they were Hershey bars not Hershey slivers, or Hershey crumbs. If those things get any smaller … I must be getting old.

Dennis - not chevy

I went to Sanderson Academy for a year of grade school, then my family left the farm for Noho. I graduated from Northampton HS.

Dennis - not chevy

Northampton had a small wrestling team during the Nixon Admin. Our best wrestler wasn’t a member of our team. He practiced with us from the Hampshire Regional HS where he was only wrestler. Small world n’est-ce-pas?

Green Thumb

You ain’t seen Wrasslin’ until someone throws a chair in the ring.

Too many Yankees around here.


You ain’t seen wasslin till Mad Dog Vachon shows up.


Sorry but the last time they made “new” wafers was WW2, which is why they taste like chalk in the modern years…


But they go well with the toothbrush that one jackass on the block will give out along with a card to his dental practice.

Fucking jackass..


I think TSO has gone CooCoo for CoCo Puffs!

Brown Neck Gaitor

Dude, I don’t even know who you are.

First, you didn’t have Burning Inside by Ministry or something by DKM, so The Starland Vocal Band got the nod.

Second, we can agree on the RH M&M chick.

Third, I have no horse in that race.

Speaking of horses, I do love me some Mr. Ed, so I am not totally against shows about talking horses, but SITC got the nod.

You are so wrong about the New England Confectioner Company’s gift to humanity, I don’t know where to start.

When it wasn’t a cheese sammich for breakfast, I could sometimes sneak a bowl of Grape Nuts to school post track practice. It is borderline comfort food now.

Goodman got the nod. Not just because I resemble him, but because I figure “Roseanne” was how my first marriage would have ended up (minus the lottery thing)

I looked for Saffron then voted for the crazy chick.

NPH all the way.


Grape Nuts are how men learn lamas breathing techniques.

With regression therapy I have recalled a burried moment from my life,
Sitting on a public toilet, and have eaten not not one but two bowls of grape nuts as a reckless teen.

HEE HEE HEE Then Blowing air thru pinched lips. The guys in the stall next to me only has to hear me utter oh damn you Grape Nuts. He helped me thru the pain. Not only was it a public Toilet but one in a high school.

I remember something about a focal point, then seeing myself from above while drifting towards a light, then the voice “YOu can do this its time to push.

Yule Brenner’s death come to mind when I hear grape nuts


RE: Question 9.
One has to remember you said Neil Patrick Harris not his character from HIMYM, which means your wing man in this case would be wait for it… gay. Which would mean A. he can distract her gay friend and remove him from the picture by providing her friend a hook-up and B. not be competition.

Sorry hard to compete with “The Ditka” aka god to mis-quote a movie.

Rule number 1 when picking a wingman: Never choose someone who is more likely to get the girl. UNLESS he’s your brother OR he’s saved your life in combat. (even your choice may be questionable)

Not to be vulgar but its the same reason a 5 or 6 wouldn’t bring a 8 or 9 with them when trying to pick up guys.


Meds wearing off eh?

Drop a couple necco wafers and everything will simmer down.

Ssshhhh littlehotdog man. Everything will be ok.

Mike W

I would rather be strapped down an watch the WNBA then something like firefly..
I am a New Englander born and raised. and would choose NECCO wafers always. Fig Newtons, and Wachusett potatoe chips would also make my list.

19D1OR4 - Smitty



Don’t like Firefly? Shunned!! SHUNNNED I SAY!!!


Go home Mike, you must be drunk.

“Firefly is the greatest show ever, it’ll never be cancelled!” – Sheldon

The Other Whitey

All I can say to that is that my days of not takin’ you serious are definitely comin’ to a middle. [Insert colorful Chinese profanity].

Curse you for your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Real men wear brown (and carry guns).

Payment’s never not a factor.

And if someone ever tries to kill you, you try and kill ’em right back!

Mike W

You left out some of my favorites:

This is the captain. We’re having a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then… explode.

You can’t stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Really wish they would do a sequel to Serenity………..

Ranks up the with the bigs of Star Wars and Trek for storyline and content.

Ohhhhh how I miss you Firefly…. 🙁

Mike W



Jonn Lilyea

I guess I’ve been confused my whole life through – I thought surveys were about my preferences, not the survey taker’s. No wonder the terrorists won.


Comedy gold right there. Made me laugh.


No kidding. You keep putting up surveys like this to jinx us and Van Halen will break up, Firefly will be cancelled, and the Olympics will end up in Russia…


And they’ll do a crappy remake of True Grit to boot!


IMHO you had to watch a few episodes of Homeland to truly appreciate Inara…. and you might have to hit the pause button and rewind button a few times until it blissfully sears into your brain.

Ta-ta. Go Ditka!


Its like the Ginger vs Mary Anne debate.

Almost exactly the same thing in fact. The sultry sexpot? Or the cute innocent? Its just not fair to make us choose between them.

Keep this kind of thing up and you’ll give us the PTSD.



You had me at Creamy Filling…


Kaylee (who’s going to fix the warp drive after a role in the hay), Necco, Brown Bread, Moxie, Pickled eggs, Boudin and scrambled eggs and Honeycomb. Dammit, I still have a copy of The Monster Mash I cut off the back and played on my record player.


Herculoids may be king TSO, in your eyes anyway, but I raise you Stables as the greatest of all time. Who can deny a flying space battleship, especially one named after a famous Japanese Admiral. 🙂


Star blazers dammit


Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one that had ever seen Star Blazers. I first discovered this show when I was a kid. I had a newspaper route that had me up at 0500 and back at the house at 0600. I can’t remember if it was WGN or Channel 33 out of Chicago that played this show. C’mon a Battleship that fires lasers from its main guns and then fires some sort of supermegahypercannon from the bow. Hell yes.


Also known as: Space Battleship Yamato.


I remember that show



If nobody hears from me for the next week, don’t worry about it. I’m now on episode 4 of Star Blazers.


While on Deployment, Star Blazers helped the days pass…….of course we also had a pretty good collection of Anime as well.

Ghost in the Shell, Bubblegum Crisis, The complete Voltron show, The complete versions of both American and Japanese Robotech and all the associated Macross series movies…..

I think I may break out the Gun dam series to watch now. 🙂

The Other Whitey

In response:

1) I picked “Sail.”

2) Tough choice, but Kate Upton came with accessories. I’d still prefer my wife, but she wasn’t one of the given options.

3) The greatest cartoon ever was the Wile E. vs Roadrunner segment of “Looney Toons,” FTW!!! Followed by Moose and Sqvirrel. Muppets hold a place of honor, but aren’t technically cartoons.

4) That’s like asking if I’d rather be eaten alive by rats, burned at the stake, or slowly lowered into an acid bath. Incidentally, my wife turns on “Teen Mom” when she’s particularly pissed at me. I love that girl, but…Goddamn, the fucking Khmer Rouge weren’t even that cruel when they tortured her parents!

6) Don’t get me started. My Mom’s first full-time job was dental assistant. We never got NONE of the good cereals!

7) I’m a firefighter. Steve Buscemi is a firefighter. Plus he’s better looking than me (yes, I know what I’m saying), which makes it all the more disconcerting when people see my wife (who would be played by Jamie Chung).

8) Saffron/Yolanda/Bridget/Conniving She-Bitch did indeed make The Special Hell seem awfully tempting. But Inara might actually have sex with you (or at least point you to a whorehouse where even Jayne got comped), plus you’d wake up alive and not robbed, incarcerated, or marooned afterwards. QED Inara. “Take my love, take my land…”

9) I once referenced the “Bro Code” in conversation. Then I momentarily reflected on Niel Patrick Harris’s real-life definition of the word “bro.” Then I ran screaming from the room.

10) My preferred answer would be “blood spatter from the panda I killed, Tropic Thunder-style.”



Your answers tracked with mine to a scary degree, right up until you said you prefer Kaylee to YoSafBrige. Special Hell, all day, every day, and twice on Sunday. You are correct in that none of the answers are wrong, but the MOST correct answer is YoSafBrige. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

2/17 Air Cav

I am still chuckling over that Seabiscuit crack.


I know your references, TSO.

I just happen to think a lot of them are bullshit, not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I don’t actually LIKE “Afternoon Delight” but it was the only one I knew, so I had to go with it.

If I were picking my own song in that situation, it would be “Helter Skelter.” Better chance of unnerving the batter.



You didn’t say it was a pop quiz. You didn’t make that clear. You have to tell people it’s a pop quiz.

Total bullshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, my walk-on song would have been “Wild Thing sang by Jimi Hendrix, Woody Woodpecker for my favorite cartoon, and “ALL OF THE ABOVE” for the TV shows!!

A Proud Infidel®™

P.S., Necco wafers make Charms candy from an MRE taste good!!


Ok, you cannot call yourself a New Englander if you do not like NECCO Wafers! They were the candy handed to Moses by GOD through the Burning Bush! If you say anything bad about them, I will stab you in the Neck with a Knife!

Gay or Pedophile if you like Inara! ARE YOU INSANE! Again, Knife, Neck, Stab. I do like me some Kailie but Inara! Like GDContractor said, Watch Homeland!

The Ninja Chick! Think about that! Besides, Redheaded Women are all evil and should be hunted as sport.

Come one! Shredded Wheat! That was my parents torture Cereal. Like eating a broom.

Again if you disagree on Tom and Jerry, N,K,S!

Also, all you guys are lunatics! Thank you,I needed this, spend an afternoon explaining to a foreign PHD, no the software does not work like that no matter what you think or want. I need a Necco wafer and watch the Greatest TV Show EVER! I’ll be in my Bunk!


Maypo and shredded wheat. Obviously your mom never poured hot water on the shredded wheat before the sugar to soften it up


Maypo!!!!!!! wallpaper paste would taste better. No, My mom was a mean, irish broad. Would have killed for Grape Nuts, they were like Wild Hickory Nuts!

charles w

Maypo… What memories. When I was a kid they had a glider as the prize and I begged my mom for a box. She told me I had to eat the whole box before I got the prize. I said ok. She bought it and I took one bite and never got the glider.

A Proud Infidel®™

I loved watching Tom and Jerry as a kid, and I still do, it’s just that I liked Woody Woodpecker better. These days we need more politically incorrect cartoons like that. SCREW the bleeding hearts, they’ll always be offended about something or another no matter what!!


“Neil Patrick Harris” Shit … if you said “Dougie Howser” then I’d have known who the hell you were talking about.

I’m still waiting for a poll that includes the Wendy’s chick and Jessica Rabbit.


Sorry but the Cartoon Jessica Rabbit looks LESS like a cartoon than whoever was in that “real” photo of Jessica Rabbit.

And we all know full well, that Wendy’s chick doesn’t eat at Wendy’s, or she’d be two Wendy’s chicks by now.

Roger in Republic

Comonn Man! How the hell can you FAIL a survey? You can fall in or outside a norm. but a survey by definition charts preference. And besides, I lost interest once you got me thinking about Kate Upton. I would do her through three rolls of Razor wire!


I can’t believe that no-one watched Rocket Robin Hood. I must have lived too close to the border. I think it was on Channel 6 Sherbrooke or Channel 12 Montreal.


I can’t believe that no-one watched Rocket Robin Hood. I must have lived too close to the border. I think it was on Channel 6 Sherbrooke or Channel 12 Montreal.



You are wrong on the Walk On song.

There is one. Only one. It is this one:
Step Up (I´m On It) – Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster

All others are wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

MY walkon song:


A Proud Infidel®™

My second choice:

A Proud Infidel®™

AWWWW, SHIT, what did I do wrong? THIS ought to be it:


The dancer was Jessica Hahn! ??? Not quite Jessica Rabbit …. but close enough.


You were wrong on the femi picks too.

The real winner is the hotty getting rained on in the SAIL video.

Mr Wolf

You ALL fail. After reading thru all of these, 75 so far, and none of you realized…

‘Herculoids’ bowed down to Space Ghost.

Look it up.


‘Herculoids’ bowed down to Space Ghost.

Damn! That was a real cartoon? I thought it was a joke about hemorrhoids. (Err, that’s “haemorrhoids” for our cousins north of the border and across the pond.)


I forgot about that! Space Ghost Coast to Coast was the best dam talk show ever put on TV.

AW1 Tim

I like Grape Nuts.

having said that, I don’t eat them cold. You should pour milk over them, then put them in the microwave for3 minutes or so. They get soft like oatmeal. Add some brown sugar and a couple pats of butter and they’re perfect.


I don’t know, that sounds like A LOT of work.

AW1 Tim

Well see, it’s part of my morning routine.

First, off, I start the coffee to brewing. Then I make the hot Grape Nuts. When they are ready, the coffee is done so everything works out at the same time. 🙂

It doesn’t take any longer to make than oatmeal or grits, and I sort of rotate between all three cereals during the week.


That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works!

Here’s how you’re supposed to prep Grape Nuts.

First, you power wash the walk way from the street to your door stoop.

Next, you take a roller pan for a roller brush and fill it up with wood glue.

Next, you dump a box of Grape Nuts into the glue and stir well.

Last, you paint the walk way from the street to your stoop, and the stoop too.

1 box of Grape Nutz is good for approx one half square meter of walkway/stoop anti-slip coating.

Zero Ponsdorf

I’ve had the dubious pleasure of knowing TSO (sorta) since before The Beard, and before he married his wonderful better half.

In some dictionaries under Weird there is his picture. The definition is something like: “Weird: In TSO’s case only we only mean occasionally Eccentric.”

Late Update: Just checked, the picture is the HotDog one???


The iconic CBS’s “In The News” from 1970’s Saturday mornings…

HS Junior

Kate Upton was the wrong bloody answer? You’ve been reading too much correspondence from Birdbath and purple peter puffer; teh cray-cray is rubbing off.

I’d drink an entire sewer, just for the chance.


See, this guy knows WTF he’s talking about.


I went with dots because no one in my town would have the balls to put neco wafers in a bag without it looking like.a toilet exploded on their house. But the rock made me think about the great pumpkin


TSO, I think you and I might end up in a fight over the lovely Ms. Staite. I’ve always had a thing for her and when I finally met her a few years ago I just melted from her saying hello to me. But I would definitely fight for her hand if I have to.


Actually, the BEST cartoon ever made is Animaniacs. Seriously, how can you top this?


Jana also sings the Nationwide jingle as well.


I am completely straight, but as far as the Firefly question goes, even *I* would turn lesbian for Christina Hendricks (Saffron). Anyone who says anything else is blind.


I’m looking forward to seeing a survey for grown men instead of beardless boys. Almost all the options were poor choices.

And Necco wafers’ sole purpose in life was as an intermediate step for Bill Jordan on his way to aspartame tablets. (I’m sure THAT reference will blow by most.) Damn, getting older is hell – surrounded by ignorami.)


NECCO wafers are the clay targets of the pellet-gun world.

SITC – turn off the sound and wait for Samantha to get naked.

Afternoon Delight is the only one I’d heard of. It was my HS girlfriend’s favorite song. Speaking of crazy redheads….

Sapper (retd)

Question 3 should have had an option to pick Jonny Quest (the original series) because while dino’s with lasers may be cool, hunting with a bazooka while using a jetpack is pure win. Race Bannon shoots to kill and not a squirty green laser in sight.

Your alpha index has just been raised. You’re welcome. Ha ha


Race was my hero growing up. Who gets a job like that except Jim Fowler on Mutual Of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom?