Cruel Democrat Chestnuts Fall in Arkansas This Year

| September 23, 2014

Three things I’ve learned about my former political party: they have no conscience, no shame, and no new ideas. Confronted with serious competition from Republican candidates, they seldom show us any new, creative concepts in their television advertising. In fact, they could probably save a lot of bucks by simply running their old campaign ads and dubbing in the current names of the candidates. I’m serious: how many years now has the Democratic Party in the closing months of political campaigns trotted out the old political chestnuts that Republicans are going to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, in the hope they’ll terrify the old folks into voting a straight Democrat ticket?

Mark Pryor, the Democrat senator running for re-election, is in a very tough contest, as he should be. A senator from an essentially conservative state, Pryor has shown his constituents that in his eagerness to adhere to holy Democrat dogma, he is willing to be one of Father Reid’s all too eager altar boys. Any examination of his voting record shows that Mark votes Democrat, not Arkansas. His reward for that loyalty to the party and disloyalty to his constituents has brought him some serious backing from liberals in California, where he goes to raise campaign funds. I can just hear the behind-the-hands snickering by those Left Coast sophisticates as Mark offers up his pleas and promises in his best Arkansas lawyer delivery.

But all that aside, what truly pains this seasoned citizen is the Democrats’ willingness – nay, eagerness – to open up the graves of past campaigns and extract the malodorous corporeal remnants of their old poisonous lies buried there and try to prop them up as alive and well in 2014. They know it’s worked for them in the past, so who cares how bad it smells to the general electorate? It will scare the hell out of the old folks…and they always vote.

My wife and I cared for her parents in their last years. Intelligent, successful people, but very old, they believed what they saw and heard on the major networks. They never watched FOX because the big three networks pronounced it evil. Bush was the devil, and Republicans were going to take away their Medicare and Social Security. They were seriously fearful of the Republican Party because of all the left-wing propaganda pumped out of that screen they watched all day long. As much as I tried to alleviate those fears, the Democrats and their network/media henchmen had succeeded in making these people so afraid that they would ignore any reasoned efforts to dissuade them, to assure them that the Republicans weren’t the bogey-men.

Democrats terrorized those two old people whom we loved and cared for, and for that we can never forgive them. They robbed those two old people of the comfort and security we were doing our best to provide in their very last years. For their deliberate and despicable attempts to scare vulnerable seniors into voting for them, I, a former Democrat, will, until my last breath, forever hold the Democratic Party in utter and complete contempt.

And here we are in Arkansas in 2014, and those cruel, cynical Democrats are doing it again.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

Democrat Mike Michaud is running for Governor in Maine. He’s constantly running attack ads against Governor LePage, claiming that LePage considered Social Security as “welfare benefits” that could be cut. LePage never said such a thing, but that doesn’t stop Michaud from the attacks and lies.

The dems up here in Maine are running scared. They’re even sending Michelle Obama up here to stump for Michaud. And just how desperate is Michaud? Well, he keeps saying how he supports veterans, but he sits on the House Armed Services Committee, and tried to cut not just active dity pay and benefits, but reduce retiree pay & benefits. He also knew full well about the VA scandals and said NOTHING.

In addition, Mike Michaud suddenly came out and claims he’s a homo, and just in time for all the “Gay Pride” events in Maine. Talk about pandering. He’s NEVER been seen in public with another man, so it’s obvious he’s just trolling for the queer vote.

Governor LePage, on the other hand, hasn’t attacked anyone. His ads are full of lists and examples of what he’s accomplished in Maine, despite the leftists working consistently to hinder him.

I am just sick to death of the leftists. They are a bunch of sick individuals with no moral compass, nor respect for anything but power & greed.


Sounds like Queen Jeanne’s ads. Scott Brown has her running scared.


Here in Colorado, which is very much a “swing state”, the democratic tactic is “all abortion, all the time” with a sprinkling of “global warming” alarmism for seasoning.

The thing is, in a country that is as evenly divided as ours, they figure they only have to get a few people to switch sides and they can win. So if the Dems ads look ridiculous to most of us, it’s because we’re not their target.


I live in a swing district in Texas and I see this every election. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee starts running ads against the Republican candidate that are either outright lies, or that take a smidgen of truth and stretch it to the point that it’s unrecognizable. In one previous election, the Republican candidate had expressed interest in the so-called “fair tax” or something similar in lieu of the current tax scheme; the DCCC starting running ads that said that that this horrible Republican wants to RAISE YOUR TAXES by imposing this new tax IN ADDITION TO all of the taxes you’re currently paying! By this point, I almost don’t bother to fact-check a DCCC ad; I just start with the assumption that they’re lying.

Trey Thompson

Thankfully it looks like Pryor is gonna get whalloped come November.

Former 11B

When did you switch parties, Poetrooper? Are you a registered Republican, or an Independent?


That’s pretty much me too, Brother.


Up hear in the Northeast, it is Gun Control, Wage inequity for women and corporate fat cats. One democrat for governor was labeling his opponent, a gun control attorney general, as an ardent NRA member! If a republican is running they say that they are not for gender pay equity. The best one is that the republican is in the pockets of EVIL Corporations! They are sending jobs overseas! This is EVERY CAMPAIGN! I just mute the TV this time of year because I can’t stand it when I hear the lies coming out of it. Can’t wait until November is over.


not a nickel’s worth of difference between the lying bastards.
535 Congresscritters
Some assembly required

(apologies to the fella here who normally posts rope – tree- terrorist etc.)


Admittedly I may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater…bit there are few enough of ’em that I ‘m not worried about clogging the drain. (to beat a metaphor to death)

A Proud Infidel®™

No problemo, David!

“Politicians and diapers need to be changed often, and for the same reason.” – Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

Club Manager

Reporting from ground zero I am proud to report that Congressman Tom Cotton (U.S. Army Ranger, CIB, 2 tours in the sand box) is holding his own against Pryor whose TV ads lie worse than a cheap rug. We have an excellent slate of candidates but given the phony TV advertising and those who take it at face value, we can only hope common sense will prevail.

Club Manager

Oh, also Bronze Star and served with the Old Guard at Arlington.


Living in Wisconsin for 30+ years drove me nuts. I still cannot believe that the former Trek Bicycle exec is actually close to beating Scott Walker.
Walker has been the bane of the public employee unions and literally broke their backs and bank accounts in Act 10.
Now that WI has voter ID laws that require photo ID I believe the outcome will be a lot different than we have seen in the past.
There is no doubt in my mind that ovomit stole WI votes through fraud and stole that state. It just didn’t make any sense the way it happened…
We need to get rid of the old Country Clubber Republicans and keep electing Tea Party Conservatives. We need to take our party back before we can really even begin to take our country back.


In the recall election that Walker kicked Tom Barrett’s ass I parked in front of a Demonrat office in Hartland, yanked out my wheelchair, my American Flag and Republican candidate sign. I put on my Veteran biker vest and sat there for an entire afternoon !!!
Damn that was fun !!!
I got all those idiot lib’s all kinds of pissed off !!! They were taking my picture, my van’s picture, calling the cops on me and the cop told me that I had every right to display my American Flag and candidate sign right smack dab in front of the lib’s office !!!
I mean, that was a blast !!! A real blast !!!!!


Amen, Brother!

A Proud Infidel®™

One thing is for sure, and it’s that Voter ID laws drive liberals nuts. Let’s not forget that it was in Milwaukee (1994 if I’m correct) where the local demo-rats were caught shuttling homeless people around from precinct to precinct and rewarding them with cigarettes and booze for voting!