Life Imitating Art

| September 23, 2014

In keeping with today’s “theater of the absurd” theme:  I’d guess many TAH readers are fans of the late Douglas Adams – author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe and a number of other works. So the name Eccentrica Gallumbits, Adams’ fictional triple-breasted whore from Eroticon Six, probably rings a bell.

Well, apparently that’s not just a joke (or a sick fantasy) any more.

While I’m not calling the individual in question a prostitute . . . I’m not kidding, either.

“People are strange, when you’re a stranger . . . “

Category: Who knows, WTF?

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Ah, but can she still make a sandwich?

(runs and hides)


That’s sammitch and chances are she couldn’t make one before the surgery.


Batshit crazy, and Dr Frankenstein who did that to her should have his license revoked.


Yeah, I’m gonna have a 3rd breast implanted and run around in a tight shirt with 3 nipples showing because I’m tired of the attention from men. Makes perfect sense. Someone failed sex education.

Zero Ponsdorf

Hmmm, Maybe the answer isn’t 42 after all, but 3?

RGR 4-78

“”Hmmm, Maybe the answer isn’t 42 after all, but 3?””

Or is it 42DDD.


Stop feeding the attention whore.


I’d guess the inspiration was more likely from the 1990 version of “Total Recall.”


That’s my kink.


For just a second there, I thought I was looking at an episode of ‘Tripping the Rift’.

If she wants to be unattractive to men, all she needs is bad breath and a seriously needy persona.


There are so many emotional and psychological problems with this girl she could have her own reality show…..oh wait….


That’s gonna leave our girl Bradley, in Leavenworth one short isn’t it? Hard to be a one-titted BFV…

Roger in Republic

If you watch the second video on the site, she says that she is starting a reality show. What the hell is real about her? Id do her, but I would never talk to her. She is as phoney as that third boob. I wonder if that middle nipple is always erect. If she was born with three boobs they would have removed it as a birth defect.

Farflung Wanderer

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

(Pardon my NATO)


Must be a cull cow…

2/17 Air Cav

Well, there is someone for everyone, after all. Her reality show probably will be called “I Married a Brick.”

As for the M.D. who, she said, performed the implant and with whom she has a confidentiality agreement, I really wouldn’t want to be him today.

A Proud Infidel®™

I couldn’t make shit like this up no matter how hard I tried, WTF, WTF, WTF…


Nope. You absolutely cannot make me click that link!

2/17 Air Cav

It’s okay, OWB, if you don’t mind losing a billion or so brain cells. She is the perfect argument for requiring literacy tests for voting.


Hondo…It keeps getting stranger doesn’t it? next will be a guy with two sets of man junk.

Thanks for “The Doors” tip of the hat.


It’s already happened, granted it was a defect instead of surgery. It’s called Diphallia.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

wow she has a motor boat with a trolling motor

The Other Whitey

Looking at her picture, only one thing crossed my mind: Not even with a rented dick!

Guard Bum

Two hands and a mouthful…seems okay to me!



(I was going to use the term “busted,” but it would be considered a bad joke here.)

Fox10 out of Tampa lays bare the hoax:

And snopes breaks down the story as well:

It appears the woman wanted to have her own reality show and appear on TV.


When it seems to weird to be true, slopes is your friend. 🙂


gitarcarver…Now I’m disappointed. I was waiting for the out do by some gal wanting 4 jugs like a cow.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Degrata Tactical has verified that these three boobs are the real deal.

…as real as my operational credentials, anyway


John “Faker 6” Giduck


There is nothing left to believe in…


Acquiring a third breast to make yourself unattractive to most American males is gonna work as well as the fired UPS guy shooting a few folks to get his job back.


Snopes dammit


Even fake three boobed women can’t escape the long reach of the TAH Nation.
To paraphrase the Air Defense guys: If it lies, it dies (figurative speaking of course).

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I predict a lawsuit headed your way from “Empty tanks” based on a “felony” death threat.

Yep. He’ll conveniently leave of the “figuratively speaking” part.
I wish he would bring his shit to Texas – I’ve got a heck of a lawyer and she’d have fun with him…

Roger in Republic

I wish he’d bring his shit to Washington. Once he climbed over my locked gate the dogs would settle his hash for him. The coyotes can clean up the scraps.


Three boobed woman? Where?


I know, right?

She went and got herself an extra tit and guys are bitching about it?

But, what can you expect from Army types?


True Grimmy. We’re more prone to be attracted to those with flat heads…

(oh I’m gonna catch some hell…)


You trying to tell us you’re attracted our current Jug Ears in Chief?


Naw – just like a place to put my beer…but handles are useful too.




No worries Hondo. She was more believable than most of the fools that get busted here. She fits right in actually cause she’ll be here eventually claiming she lost a boob in an IED blast while assigned as a Mossad operative.


This has been all over the net for days as true… we all got had.


Y’all just wish you’d been had.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Whats the world coming to when you cent even trust a 3 boobed hooker ?

tit’s a crying shame.


it’s just a sign that the Clean Air Act is working.


Someones Daddy didn’t pay enough attention to her growing up…or maybe he paid too much attetnion to her.

A Proud Infidel®™

She faked having a third boob, but that didn’t prevent the media BOOBS from publishing and posting it everywhere before the story was vetted!