ISIS Twitter misinformation campaign
Chief Tango sends us a link to Media Equalizer which reports that ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State is using photoshopped images like the one above to deflect criticism from their atrocities, blaming the horrors on Americans who are fighting with them;
In the latest example, ISIS terrorists have been re-branded as American soldiers committing massacres while wearing Muslim garb. It’s a way of deflecting away blame for their atrocities. In America, it has fooled many on Twitter and elsewhere, so it could be considered a success so far. It has spread rapidly today.
But it is absolutely a hoax.
The original photo sans tattoo (from the Daily Telegraph) is at the link above. I haven’t seen any of the pictures on social media, but I don’t doubt that they’re out there. So the war against the troops is coming home on our computer screens.
Category: Terror War
The only people being fooled are the ignorant ones, unfortunately though, ignorant people are usually the loudest.
That would be all of the Obama voters who are the majority now.
Well, we certainly don’t have a shortage of credulous and stupid people, so ISIS is playing a pretty smart game. Once upon a time we could have relied on our media to keep up a propaganda effort on our behalf (or at least not work to actively undermine our efforts). Now, not so much.
Well, since tatts are on the unapproved list, I guess the ISers didn’t get the memo about that, or something.
Since it’s the goal of this and other blogs to expose fakers to the public eye, I think that outing these fakers is of paramount importance.
And since when does having a ‘USArmy’ tatt mean you’re in the US Army. It never has and never will. Trident tatt, anyone?
“In America, it has fooled many on Twitter and elsewhere…” Well of fucking course it fooled the dim wits on Twitter. Three quarters of them can’t hardly read or write coherent English and to them anything they see on Twitter, Youtube and the internet has to be true. And these same Twitter dumb asses are going to vote this year and in 2016. They don’t know who they’ll cast for yet. They are waiting to see who Kim Kardashian, Melissa Rivers and the late Robin Williams would have voted for. I’ll say one thing for ISIS. They have their finger on the pulse of American intellect among the ill-informed masses and how to sway them. That is why it is good I am not King of this outfit. First thing I would do is invoke a 50 question test for common sense and current affairs that must be passed before any of these dummies would be allowed to vote. Voting is both a right and a privilege and should be cared enough about to be informed and know who and what one is voting for. ALSO, NO ONE on welfare or government handouts, not earned as part of service given to our country would be allowed to vote. Welfare voters vote for their own paycheck and that’s wrong.
But this thread is about ISIS and not my rantings on voting. Sorry, don’t know how I got down that bunny trail.
So no one whose retirement income has dwindled to Social Security gets to vote? Because that’s what you’re saying.
Ex-PH2…No not at all. I misspoke there. My intended message was for welfare recipients only. Not Social Security or retired military or any such as those. Though some here disagree, I do believe Social Security is an earned benefit. We had no voice or choice in our participation in Social Security, therefore I do consider it to be earned and not welfare of any sort. Sorry for the poorly written post Ex. My apologies.
Forget Photo Shop just have everybody were dog tags out side their shirts/rags.
According to this news release, there are over 900 Frenchies fighting with ISIL/IS, so why are there no ‘shopped images of French ISers?
There are tons of 2nd and 3rd generation North African Moslems in France, They have tended to live in the 7th century and are behind a lot of the crime and unrest in that country.
France is so “enlightened” that they arent allowed to keep records on the ethnic background of criminals or publicize it. About a decade ago the French News reported that the people who were torching cars in Paric were “disenchanted youths”. In reality they were North African Muslims going on a rampage.
Another thing about that tat,, who the fuck gets a tat halfway around their forearm?
It’s nice to see that homeland security expert Janet Napolitano and ISIS/L are on the same page, in that the greatest threat to our security is our own veterans.
They should start tweeting some of her asinine bullshit, it would fit right in. Why make shit up when someone has already said it before?
Perhaps we should photoshop some of them with nude women tattoos on their arms. Or gay rights tats or lesbian rights. How about their main guy with a lesbian rights tattoo covering his bebiba (prayer bump) on his forehead. Or a long dick entering the behind of a goat. They’re more vulnerable to this bullshit than we are.
At least I now know what my lefty associates were talking about.
I live life by one rule.
Seen it on the internet. Must be legit.