Harkin: Myer’s Silver Star was bogus

The Des Moines Register reports that Senator Tom Harkin, the phony Vietnam veteran, finally arrived at the same conclusion as the rest of us in regards to Dennis Myers‘ Silver Star that Harkin’s staff pinned on Myers. They’ve finally decided that it was bogus;
“I regret to have learned today that a Silver Star medal presented by a member of my staff to an Iowan earlier this year appears not to have been earned through service,” Harkin said, noting records provided to his office by the Navy.
The Navy launched an investigation within hours after a story published Wednesday in The Des Moines Register quoted several military groups or advocates who say Dennis William Myers, 64, of Marshalltown provided Harkin with bogus documentation showing him as a recipient of the Silver Star medal.
“By a member of my staff”. Doesn’t the old coot have any control over what is done in his name?
It is illegal to fake military documents. The Navy will determine possible wrongdoing in the case, Harkin said.
Harkin’s staff had not verified Myers’ military record before presenting him with the award. That practice has changed, his staff said earlier this week.
So, it will never happen again? fat chance. We’ve seen scads of Congressional staff that were put in the same position over the years and it will continue to happen as long as there’s a political value placed on honoring military members and their sacrifice. It would take a ten-minute phone call to the Pentagon to verify it, but they would rather run the stolen valor community’s reputation through the wringer first.
By the way, Des Moines Register, he doesn’t have two Bronze Stars; he has two bronze campaign stars on his Vietnam Service Medal (denoting the fact that he was stationed in the waters off of Vietnam during two major campaigns) and he has two bronze stars on his Navy Unit Commendation Medal (meaning his unit was awarded a NUC 3 times), but he doesn’t have two Bronze Star Medals. You need a veteran on staff for that kind of stuff.
Category: Phony soldiers
*facepalm* Hehehehe….:D
What? Dennis Myers’ Silver Star was bogus?
Next they’ll tell us that LTC Dave Grossman isn’t a Pulitzer prize winning author
or that I wasn’t in Beslan right after the final assault like I said I was
It’s getting crazy all up in here with this Silver Star business. Posing is a helluva drug.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
For those of you, like me, who don’t remember all of the details surrounding Tom Harkin’s phony claims as a combat pilot in Vietnam read the article posted in 2004 regarding Harkin.
A true scumbag, just like the rest of the posers.
Poetic justice to see Harkin get a taste of his own fake medicine.
Splash. Out.
One phony being fooled by another phony, how ironicalicious is that ???
Harkin is quitting Congress and not seeking reelection this fall. Hopefully his Dem seat will go to a Rep and there won’t be a chance of any of his staff from staying in their jobs.
Hopefully. Unfortunately, Iowa also seems to have a lot of what would have been called “yellow dog Democrats” where I grew up.