YGBSM – Yet Again!
I’ve talked before about this Administration’s problems with “conveniently” missing e-mail and related IT issues here.
And here.
And here.
And here and here and here. Jonn’s talked about the issue here, too.
Well, guess what. And yeah, you probably have a good idea what I’m going to say next by now.
Yep – it’s happened yet again. This time, it looks like another five IRS employees key to the IRS scandal have had some e-mail from the time in question “conveniently” become “lost”.
Oh, did I happen to mention that two of those employees who “lost” e-mail this time around just happened to be IRS employees in Cincinnati – the same IRS office that the Administration claimed “went rogue”, and which the Administration tried to use as patsies/”fall guys” initially tried to claim was solely responsible for the whole scandal?
Well, if I didn’t mention that before . . . I guess I just did.
Sheesh. Smoking gun, hell – the barrel on this one is so hot it’s beginning to freaking melt.
If anyone out there still believes this was just another “convenient coincidence”, I’m guessing they also believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, and Santa Claus. And I’ve got this bridge on which I’ll make them one helluva deal . . . .
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Legal, Politics
Why this is outrageous!
Certainly the media and Republicans in congress will be all over this.
What’s that you say? Not so much?!
Huh. How about that.
(Yes, I really do think the Republican establishment is laughing up it’s sleeve about the Tea Party getting this type of scrutiny-they see them as a threat to their power and privilege, and rightly so).
Actually, Rep. Issa is raising a public stink about this latest batch of “lost” IRS email – and has consistently raised Cain about this issue since it surfaced months ago. But he does seem to be one of the few raising Cain.
Yes-it was unfair of me not to mention him. Still, as you say, one of the few.
Gee whiz, golly gee whillikers, this just gets better and better all the time.
How the hell do you ‘lose’ e-mail? If I deleted something and want to retrieve it, I go to the ‘recover’ section, click on that and ALL OF THE E-MAIL I EVER DELETED SHOWS UP, WHETHER I WANT IT OR NOT.
‘Lost’ e-mail, my fat Aunt Harriet!
This whole thing is becoming nothing more a blatant exercise in sheer stupidity. Where do you want to bet the ‘lose the e-mail’ directives came from?
Ex, I agree, with a minor point of contention. This a blatant exercise in the arrogance of power. The Regime merely says, “it doesn’t exist. If you think it does, prove it”.
BTW-I’m not sure that the IRS scandal is even the worst political scandal facing the nation. I think that the “John Doe” prosecutions in Wisconsin could be worse because all of that nonsense is straight up criminalization of one’s political opposition, which is third-world politics. It seems to me that a sizable section of our political and media class have decided that they are not bound by the rules of fair play that are vital to democratic politics, which is incredibly disturbing.
When Obama finds a plan that works, all be it an obviously wrong, square peg in a round hole, they run with it. The push back they get from honest Congressmen about this is minimal in their eyes, so, stick with what everyone is eating until they throw it up. Then switch to the next course. If government IT were in about, oh, 1985 or so as far as technology I could buy this a little easier, once. But over and over again in the same agency over the same issue of corruption is to a thinking person just too obvious and coincidental. To the Obama lovers though it is a big hole in the left side of the defense so keep running the plays up the left side until opposition closes it. Uhm, that would be one of John Boehner’s missions. Should he and his team decide to accept it. To close those holes and make the administration toe the line. But Boehner is as big a golfer as Obama and Biden and all this political business just gets in the way of a good game. Fall is coming, which means we’ll see more fact finding trips and junkets to warmer climes and better golf courses for all sides in Washington.
Dear Leader said that “there is not a smidgen of corruption” when it comes to the IRS. What possible motive could he have to lie?
Well, IMO he technically was correct.
From my perspective, there’s not a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS. IMO there’s quite obviously a helluva lot more corruption there than just a “smidgen”.
And it may well extend far outside the IRS.
While I think you are probably right I also think you are giving government IT way too much credit.
IRS corruption – quite likely; IT competence – not likely.
I’m gonna have to disagree with part of that. You can’t “lose” that much e-mail data without some very competent IT types to make it get lost. These guys knew what they were doing.
Amazingly, however, when Issa was investigating a friend of mine (government contract oversight guy) on behalf of a union complaint, ALL of his emails were available for the last several years IMMEDIATELY.
By the way, because all those emails were available the investigation went his way and the union was proven wrong.
These people disgust me. Integrity is something I cherish, and these fucksticks wipe their asses with it. A few years back, I screwed up at work. Badly. As in, “people could’ve been hurt” badly. Severely dicked the dog. The department conducted an investigation, and I was interviewed about what exactly happened and why. I knew I was in deep shit, and that I deserved it. There were several factors involved that were not observed by anybody else, and I could have tried to present them in a way that was more favorable to my case. I could cover my ass and and the chiefs across the table would be none the wiser. I did not. I told the entire truth and nothing but, even though I knew that by doing so I was essentially nailing my own coffin lid shut. Why did I do this? Because whatever else I may be, I am not a liar. Not then, not now, not ever. A man is nothing without honor and integrity. As luck would have it, the chiefs conducting the investigation recognized that I told the truth when I could have probably gotten away with a lie. I was demoted, but kept my job, learned my lesson (God knows I’ll NEVER do that shit again!), took my lumps, and worked my way back up. I may be a screwup, but I’m an honest screwup. And if I had it to do over again, the only thing I would do differently is not commit the initial fuckup that started the whole ordeal. Keep in mind that I am a government employee, too! So what the fuck? How do these shitbags sleep at night? Have they no shame at all? I would sooner suck-start my 1911 than conduct myself as the Lerner Gang has! Maybe I’m just obsolete (I’m 30 years old, BTW), but I’m a fireman whose father and grandfather are firemen. I grew up learning that “Public Servant” means exactly what it sounds like, that people don’t get to take their business elsewhere where their tax dollars are concerned, and that… Read more »
I guess when you get elected and then re-elected by stupid people you can pretty well tell them anything you want and expect that they are so stupid that they will believe it. The people have given them no evidence that they are smart enough to rcognize bull shit when they smell it. Anyone that pulled the D lever has been proven to be in the Idiot, or lower, IQ set.
Barack Obama. Elected by sheep that blindly follow the herd. Re-elected by the same herd and their offspring. Sheep get sheared or slaughtered. The herd made their choice, I wish them luck.
So why is it that there are copies of emails from my original AKO email on my DISA email from pre-CAC days of the late 1990’s and these ass clowns can’t find stuff from a year ago!!?? Pretty sure if you did a FIOA you would find that these clowns worked for DFAS in the travel voucher section before they went to the IRS…
Wait what, again? Stupid question–has anybody actually been successful in retrieving email for these investigations?
Maybe it’s time to rid ourselves of the IRS. I mean, it would be a huge morale booster…
They do these things because they’re the same grade of being as Psulmer, Monkress, et al., they are never concerned about anything other than what money, status, or power they can gain RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, they’d stomp on their own Grandmother’s head and pawn their gold teeth afterward without a single regret.