Because Palmer Paul Wickre is functionally retarded….
So look at how Karen’s bio got altered, pay attention to the fact he didn’t even make it internally consistent.
Cindy Gavelek, adviser and counselor to the political community is a long standing participant in US Public Policy, legislation and an observer on the public sector, from her venue in Washington DC. She served in the White House for President Bush. Schooled in legislative affairs she has a lengthy history in the legislative process. Karen‘s years of policy analysis in International trade and public policy create a wealth of knowledge. Cindy is a graduate of Sweet-Briar College, and holds an JD from her graduate studies at George Washington University. She is known as the “best friend” of the US Trade Representative in matters of US export policy
That will of course now be altered as well.
Of course, if that wasn’t Paul’s website, then his email from last night I posted in full would make no sense. You’ll recall that by citing to his website I was “defaming his business entities.”
UPDATE: and boom, 30 seconds later it was altered again.
Cindy Gavelek, adviser and counselor to the political community is a long standing participant in US Public Policy, legislation and an observer on the public sector, from her venue in Washington DC.
It’s almost as if the smartest Viking in the world…..well, isn’t the smartest Viking in the world. In fact, I suspect that Adrian Peterson has 2x the IQ.
Category: Politics
Psalmer ( of the ballsack) has four speeds, Stupid, drunk, retarded and flat out crazy.
Anybody know any good Viking restronts on the East coast?
I wonder if whoever owns those pictures know they are being used to defraud the U.S. Government? It would be a shame if they aren’t told about it.
Okay, let’s be realistic here. The website is built with a GoDaddy template. Not that there is anything wrong with that except for the fact that tech companies usually build and design their own sites. The image issue interesting. Yesterday Jonn said the images were from ShutterStock and they are – sorta. For the man: For the woman: But there are two key differences. First is the images are black and white on the site as compared to color on Shutterstock. So someone removed the color which is no big deal. The more interesting thing to me is that the images are cropped to a size of 290 x 163 pixels. Once again, not a big deal ….. Until!…. You start to look for those images on the web of the same size. And they are there. The chances of someone desaturating the images and cropping them to the same size and appearing on multiple websites and owning the rights to the image is small. Dang small. Infinitesimally small. But then you get into what for me is the killer: the two images are in different formats. The man is in a png format and the woman is in a jpg format. No one – and I mean no one – takes two similar images they own the rights to for a web site, desaturates them, crops them both to the same dimensions and then saves them in different formats. This happens more when the images are lifted from other sites. Like for instance, this one: What is more incredible that the World Wide Capital Holdings site has the same template and even more ridiculous, THE SAME LOGO! (The letter “c” wrapped around a hexagon.) (I also found it questionable that the site says “In the past 5 years FirsTech screened 22,000 RFQ’s ….” That’s a pretty nifty trick for a site name that has only been registered since in its current form since July 7, 2014. It could be that they were doing business without a web presence but it would be odd to me.) In… Read more »
Dude, great catch. I don’t know what this all adds up to, but I do know that if it wasn’t Paul’s website, he would have told me so in that long asinine email. So, the editing now seems like an attempt to hide stuff.
I thing it is just a kawinkadink!
Yeah Gitarcarver, good catch. I just figured they came from She is pretty, in an Aryan sort of way.
Dear God, this guy has lost at least 10 IQ points since last summer!!!!!!
Only 10? That’s rather generous of you. I thought it was closer to 22 IQ points.
Wouldn’t that put him into the negatives?
Possibly, as in teetering on the edge of negatives.
The T-Bird and Steel Reserve are killing off his brain cells, one bundle at a time. The coke deadens their pair and prepares them for the inevitable daily pickling.
You should send him a bill for proofing his web page…
Since we are proofing his webpage, Pslmer might want to change this:
” Rather than form transactions on manufatcurers differentiation, in a crowded field, FirsTech is able to generate sustainable and predictable cashflow and orderflow via advanced statistics, and locating “Black Swan” events in commerce with regularity, resulting in high order rates.”
I don’t know, if he really found a manual cure for fat…Reminds me of the Penis Mightier.
Does he think that that will be enough to put off any legal investigation as to his wife’s involvement in pushing software to the federal government while working on a US Rep’s staff?
AS TO?! I see what you did there!
Weapons grade stupid. No other way to put it.
I’m thinking Pitt for an MBA post retirement. Their graduation standards obviously aren’t that high.
IMO more DU-dense than weapons-grade, NHSparky. And I’m not talking about a website when I’m referring to DU, either.
I just went to their site and it was back to Karen.
It did the same for me, but then I cleared my cache and it came up Cindy.
Funny. One would think that if you were suing someone, you wouldn’t want to use them as reference…..
“Most recently Wickre founded the transactional business at All Points at $200m and Akira Technologies, performing a turnaround from negative equity to $10m in partner EBITDA in 6 months.”
You’re using Logic. You have to try thinking like a Wick-Lickre. Though, that would involve a rectal lobotomy.
He was also canned from Akira this summer.
Isn’t Akira that Japanese restaraunt in downtown Bethesda? I guess he wasn’t clearing the dishes fast enough.
Or following customers into the men’s room and hanging out at the next urinal.
He might be a “toe-tapper” as well!!
No that’s just his wide stance!
“Might be?”
I’d say that’s a done deal!
I thought Psulie-boi’s wifey’s name was Karen or something.
So does this mean that Psulie-o the Uncoolie-o is having an affair on the side with Cindy Gavelek?
Is it really necessary for Psul the Uncool to let all of us, including the entire world, know just how incredible a moron he truly is?
Just looking for a bit of clarification here.
Reporters are on the case now, specifically in regards to the congressional employee using her status to steer contracts. So the reporters have been chumming up the water, including calling Karen Williams. When Psul heard about that, he started trying to flush all the info down the drain. He knows the “that isn’t our website” defense won’t work, so he’s trying to bury the info.
Step two will be when he starts threatening us. But it’s too late for that to work, as reporters are already scouring the info. So, he’s pretty much screwed.
I’m pretty sure the Congressman and his Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager will not be happy that their tied election race is now going to have info coming out that one of the top staff members has a husband who has a criminal record, is racist, oh, and just happens to be soliciting federal contracts using the Congressman’s clout.
Add that in together and I suspect there is some panic at case de Wickre-Williams.
[insert turd circling drain image here]
Does it circle in the same way that the last drop of fuel exits an aircraft fuel tank (in spite of the complex math)? Just curious.
Yep. And it will leave a skid mark just like an aircraft’s uncontrolled flight into terrain.
It depends on which hemisphere you’re in but turds will be turds, no matter where.
Whew! I was afraid the convicted criminal Pslmer Wickre had killed her off! I was just about to go looking for pictures of her grave stone on the Internet!
Does that mean that he might cancel our date for 8 September? I’ll be very heartbroken.
Oh yeah-I still don’t like this guy.
Stupid is as stupid does…….
So how’s that going to affect the planned testimony of a certain spouse?
To put it another way, “Does this mean Ann Margaret’s NOT coming?”
I don’t know about Ann Margaret, but Joan Rivers is a definite no-go.
GDContractor, that one may be too soon. I had a guy at work confused Kris Kristoferson with Christopher Walken (he is young, you will have to forgive him). That gave me the opportunity to throw out a bit of Christopher Walken trivia, to include that he was on the yacht with Natalie Wood the night she fell overboard and drowned. Of course, that opened the door for me to dust off an old chestnut.
Why didn’t Natalie Wood shower on the yacht?
Because she planned on washing up on shore.
Following the requisite groans, I asked “Too soon ?”
I thought it might be too soon, and then I thought of Joan’s style of humor and figured she’d be okay with it. Hey Natalie Wood was a LOOKER. I remember when that joke was contemporary.
Many years ago I ran into Walken at a famous eatery in NYC … After we both paid for our sammichs and we received our tickets, I said to him, “good afternoon sir”.
The balance of the conversation went like this (imagine Walken speaking in his best voice):
Walken: Please don’t call me sir, Mr. Walken will do.
MCPO: Rog that.
Walken: No, Christopher will do.
MCPO: No problem.
Walken exchanged ticket and was handed his sammich by the counterman who was feveriously carving away and he turned to me and said, “call me a man who loves a great pastrami sandwich”.
With that he strolled away looking over his shoulder with that half crazed look he gave the moment before he lost the Russian roulette game in the “Deer Hunter”.
He is a very funny character!
For 1,000 bonus points … What was the famous eatery?
Is the place in question still open?
The guy carving by hand should be the giveaway, and IIRC, the only place (famous) that does that it Katz’s Deli.
You da Man! See Hondo for your 1,000 Obama phone bonus points!
NHSparky: here ya go: +1000
Contact local Lifeline program for “free” phone. Forward bills for “free” phone to MCPO, NYC as authorizing official. (smile)
I don’t know the name of the restaraunt, but is even money that they have a restraining order against Paul Wickre.
A follow up:
What are the two kinds of wood that don’t float?
Teak and Natalie.
In addition to whatever future law books teach off of these legal proceedings, this is also a textbook-worthy example of the Streisand Effect.
TSO I hope you went to and requested a snapshot I think they do anyway but you can still request it .. is a nice thing to have for trials as is an impartial copy of the website.
Watch him send you a rageful email again … in a few hours that he is drunk tho ..
google cache still has them, but they will probably be gone tomorrow.
Has anyone started a pool on how long before the Feds make a visit to Stately Wickre Manor and start asking some really difficult questions of Mr. Wickre and Ms. Williams?
Put me down for September 18th…
I’m sure that the reporters smell the blood in the water left by the former Virginia governor and his wife. Anyone have an over/under on how long until a certain person with a JD from GW is sending out resumes? We all know how badly DC needs yet another unemployed attorney.
I wonder how soon he’ll turn tail again and try to sell Monkress out, “shut Bernath up” and turn tail on the skydiving clown as well in another panic?
Well, I want to thank all of you, and especialy TSO for the enlightenment, clarification and edification, as well as the embellishments accompanying same.
Oh, yeah – psulie-boi chasing his own tail makes a wonderful, if mind-bending, image.
It’s never a good idea to make public claims of committing felonies and such. Doesn’t much matter if the claims are true or not, the best possible outcome is to only appear to be stupid. Sometimes it’s much worse.
Regarding Karen Williams.
– On the original crappy website her name was spelled “Wiliams”. Way to go Psmler… husband of the year right there.
– She was described as the majority shareholder and Chairman.
– The court filing proclaimed FirsTech Inc. was a Delaware registered corporation with Paul K Wickre being the owner and sole shareholder of FirsTech Inc.
– The Delaware file number for the FirsTech Inc. entity is 4378145, but the State website does not show who the principals are.
– If I were a reporter, I might do some digging, given the inconsistency of the data regarding Ms. Wiliams [sic] role and the apparent attempt to obfuscate her possible status as the Chairman [sic] at FirsTech Inc.
Incorporated on 06/27/2007…Lets watch them try to wiggle out from under that cement block. Heh. Isn’t there a way to look up their tax filings, too? Dealing with the feral gubermunt, they’d have to have something in the way of public info, wouldn’t they?
Maryland DAT on FirsTech, Inc (public info)
Dept ID:F15479611
General Info:
Resident Agent (Current):
Good Standing: Yes
Business Code: Ordinary Business – Stock
Date of Formation or Registration:
State of Formation: DE
Stock/Nonstock: Stock
Close/Not Close: Unknown
Filings: Personal property 07/09/2014
Documents, 3 pages:
My guess is that 10/1/2013 is when they registered with DE corp. with the State of MD.
The court filing AS TO where he sued APL was received by the court in MD on Sep17, 2013.
And yet, the filing says that FirsTech is a DE corp. is registered to do business in the state of MD.
Although it wasn’t.
AS TO 8 September, I can’t wait, as well AS TO getting to see the next glowing nugget of Psulmer’s self-alleged brilliance. I wonder if some of the artificial colors, flavors, and additives found in cheap bottom-shelf wines are capable of causing brain damage when they’re regularly consumed in large quantities? That could explain part of Psulmer’s weapons grade stupidity!!
As to the decision to wit et al to go full retard … Everyone knows, “you never go full retard”!
How many times do I have to remind you? The phrase is “Going Full Wickre”.
I see it as more like Full Throttle Turbocharged Retard!
Tighten up, Master Chief!
Can someone post the FirstTech Inc (or is it FirsTech Inc?) corporate logo? It is describe as a spermazoid on a shamrock with the motto “FirstTech Inc – Defrauding The Government Since July 2014, Or Maybe June 2007”.
Which “lucky sperm” from the club would get to be on said logo? I’m sure Psulmer would choose!
Getting fired from All Points Logistics is probably the best thing to ever happen to Paul K. Wickre. He must have been hitting the gym since last June because he looks pretty damn good in that photo above. He might now be tone and fit enough to relight that bromance he had with Phil Monkress.
Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics has probably moved on.
I hear Phildo is riding with some new boys.
Did you say “riding some nude boys”?
I am sure that any potential clients will be duly impressed with this man who wrote so many publications but has yet to master the intricacies of spell check. Looking at the page, it leads me to believe that he had a hand in putting The Stunning Agency website up.
It looks like Psulmer is shitting flaming squirrels all over the place!!
In our core disciplines, FirsTech holds the design expertise of advanced solutions from wireless to firewalls. ”
Yeah, spell check is not explicitly mentioned as one of their core disciplines.
I check this blog every day, hoping against hope that Psaulie-boi is frog-marched out of his Wilson Lane squat-n-gobble and sent off to County with no one to post his bail. I just hope we get somebody in the courtroom with a video camera.
This goes out to the Big Thumb, to assist him in his quest: Did you know that Phildo also owns another company by the name of Ulterliner Inc.? My sources say yes. More at the link. One ringy dingy….. two ringy dingy…..
Heard that.
But not know a lot about it.
WOW, it “… It employs 1 employees and is generating approximately $100,ooo in annual revenue…”
I ASSume that’s gotta be one VERY busy Plumber!! /sarc
A word to the recently renamed Pslmer:
There is not even a chance that he was sofa king we Todd did to certify to the federal government that Karen William Wickre was the Chariman and 51% owner. OR they even claimed they were economically disadvantage to further the fraud against the federal government…no way
You are sofa king incoherent I’m guessing you must be Pslmer.
nope… simple research of his Federal registration to the Gov about FirsTech will show and can not hide his fraudulent activity.
I am positive more will come out about this. Using his wife and to also claim economic disadvantage status to try to get Federal contracts…just wait for it…wait for it..
OK, I understood that! Your first post was confusing enough that I though “someone” might have written it.
Let’s see incoherent rambling and an over-abundant use of improper grammar and the word “to”…
Where I have I seen that before?
You sound like a former All-Points Logistics employee.
Yes, I did not see this before but right there on the FirsTech website it says:
SB = Small Bidness
WOSB = Woman Owned Small Business
EDWOSB = Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business
SDB = Small Disadvantaged Business
And yet, in the filing with the court in MD, Paragraph #2, he states that he (Paul Wickre (no mention of “Palmer”)) is the owner and sole shareholder of FirsTech.
As a low bred non-viking blue collar taxpayer, this is pissing me off.
I wonder if FirsTech has an Ethics Hotline…. perhaps they are too disadvantaged to be required to have one. I don’t know.
You can view Paragraph 2 of the court filing here. I meant to include the link above.
Goto this is the official government site all contractors certify their business status.
Search on firstech
Click on view details for the first company with DUNS 030506036
Click on reps & certs to the left
Cluck on download far report.
This is the official certification.
Enjoy reading
He could be transgendered. I stress could be …
That means under Fed law that perhaps he (or she) could claim women owned. Again, I stress could.
Note: This is pure speculation as I do not base the “could” on any other info other than what he (ore she) provided. So maybe it is not Paul …we could be dealing with Pauline. Only makes sense if he (or she) is the only person listed within the entity.
Just trying to figure it all out … He (or she) has made this all so confusing!
58 Wn.2d 770, September 14, 1961PAUL D. WICKRE, Respondent, v. W. GORDON ALLEN et al., Appellants, CARRIE H. WICKRE, Respondent
It’s in his DNA… remember, he’s a member of the “lucky sperm club”…
Can it be safely assumed – in light of Bob and Maureen Mc Donald’s conviction to corruption in federal court yesterday – that using political office to influence business contracts, etc., can be closely related to some of people mentioned in the discussion here?
Rep. Steve Southerland is opposed in this year’s election by Gwen Graham. She is an attorney. Also, she is the daughter of former FL Governor and US Senator Bob Graham.
Absent any IG or Fed. prosecutor breaking suction with a high priced internet call girl and actually doing their fucking job, maybe Gwen Graham and the press will make some hay out of this manure.
Considering there are only two results for a paul wickre, One could assume this is the same d-bag.
Pardon Me Prince and Princess Fancypants Of The Island Of Aren’t You Freakin’ Special Bucket of Pig Snot Paul “Palmer” Wickre and Karen William~
Have you not figured out that you are the verbal equivalent of a medieval hair shirt dipped in a sack of fleas, and no one is interested in your melodramatic defecation-induced orgasms?
By the gods, reading your ramblings is like a blind man trying to read braille on a stuttering vagina. Your blind, raging, spittle-flecked misplaced fury while amusing most of the time is now perilously close to becoming redundant.
Did you not learn from your last go around here or is your mind a stew of confusion and frustration because you ran out of MD 20/20 and Colt 45 and put a hole in your Glittery Sparkled Spandex?
In case you have forgotten you arrogant Blow Up Doll, you will NOT EVER WIN against TAH or us posters because you are an Illiterate Hobgoblin and your Trans-dimensional Space Goat wife of an enabler are an unholy combination of paranoia, delusional thinking with rage problems, and narcissism. In other words,a mismanaged carnival of stupidity mixed with jealousy, and impulse control problems who deserve to be paraded naked through the streets of Minot, North Dakota on Groundhog’s Day to see if your shadows are as faint as your sense of dignity.
Now please do us a favour and unplug your computer, put a nipple on your bottle of Md 20/20 and rock back and forth until you pass out.
There is no place in this plane of reality that wants you…Perhaps the Toad Snot of the Pac NW can fly out to you and keep you company as you rot away from consuming to many Glittery Gargoyle Gonads.
Scandal on the web leaves the shame a click away, forever. You and your troglodyte wife would do well to remember that.
I tend to see Psulmer as The Grand High Priest of the Temple of Teh Stoopid with the other characters as his Cardinals, well, FLUNKIES is a better term…
Hmmm. She seems to not like him very much either.
She doesn’t just sharpen her claws, she tears in like the Lioness she is!!
“… like a blind man trying to read braille on a stuttering vagina.”
In my former life as a heavy equipment mechanic, I can honestly say: Been there. Done that.
I know Paul Kevin Wickre ( or Palmer D Wickre) has been trolling this blog. U know why? As soon as I posted the response as to how to find his certified response to the federal government that him and Karen Williams Wikre are defrauding the Federal government as an Economically Disadvantage Owned Woman Business (EDWOSB), his registration on was gone (marked as private)
That is fine as his FAR certification was already downloaded.
So, Paul, why did you just mark your certification private? Something to hide? You know that it is still there that the Government (FBI) can see. Also it had already been downloaded in PDF format.
Scramble…. Scramble… Scramble
Truth is a real bitch isn’t it?
Once he finishes that Wayback Machine he has been developing, all of this will disappear. Unfortunately, he purchased the software for the Wayback Machine from FirsTech.
Yes! Maybe the C64 and beeper(s) will help him too.
I bet he never bothered to check his flux capacitor oil level, and he’s all out of it!! *CRASH!*
I got me a copy! Thanks deep throat. Funny that now there’s not even an entity showing up in a search for FirsTech nor is there a match for duns 030506036. “No records found for current search”. Just my fucking luck…now where am I going to buy my RedHat Linux from? I had my heart set on buying it from a disadvantaged Viking company. This is my pouty face.
GDcontractor..glad you have a copy. There were many downloaded before it was gone. You have it, many others have it, he knows it was the flaming dagger into his private…
Since you have his FAR certification, you know why he quickly tried to make it disappear
He is so fucking retarded… translate my first post (sofa king we Todd did)
Ha ha…I get it now. Cheers!
Ahh…I got the sofa king part but not the rest. Speaking of Sofa King –
He better get around to installing a new mailbox (with door) and clean those gutters. He will want to make good impression when the news cameras show up to film his latest perp walk.
You know … the more I read about this guy the smarter I feel!
Thank you Wickre … You make me intelligent.
Friday night, ….ahh he is smoking and cruising around between Bethesda and DC telling anyone ( that will listen) that he has a Jaguar and that he is the most powerful SOB in government contracting. (While silently wondering why he had to mark his certification as private)….oh and telling everyone that his wife Karen Williams Wickre was powerful on the hill…secretly trying to defraud the Federal government, too include, that him and poor Karen own an Economically Disadvantage Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB)
It’s more than marked private. That burrito never happened.
Maybe he’s out roaming in his special spandex as well? I hear he has no trouble finding his way home because his ‘ol Jag leaves a smoke and oil trail that a blind man could follow!!
He is probably doing laps around DuPont Circle, enticing a few well oiled metrosexual a with his Spandex Ballet cassette blasting from his Jaguar’s stereo.
Blasting that and Boy George on his Jag’s cassette player!
To be fair, having to share a home and a bed with Paul does make her a disadvantaged woman.
Disadvantaged? Battered. Actually, that’s not funny; it’s probably also literally true.
“Economically Disadvantage”? I seem to remember Psul making a post or two about how freaking wealthy he was, and how he was going to manipulate the stock market(because individuals can do that) by shorting all of our investments and make a pretty penny off our loses. What was that again about the lucky sperm club?
Yup, I remember those T-bird-fueled rants as well!
My favorite Scooby Doo episode is the one that at the end of the episode where Velma and Fred finally catch the guy haunting This Ain’t Hell, rip off his disguise, the gasp and say “Old Man Wickre!”, and Old Man Wickre says “And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling contractors!”.
D’oh! That shod have been “And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for those meddling veterans!”. I must have had a flashback of dealing with my EGC (Esteemed Government Colleague) that was my incompetent Quality Assurance Evaluator when I worked at the Pentagon.
Damn…I was so close.
Help me out here. This is from Pslmer’s website: “Wickre pioneered the transactional view of Federal Task orders, using the trading tactics from the CME Futures market where he holds a Series 7 License and built a sideline as an S&P trader, beating the market, 3 years out of 4.”
If CME= Chicago Mercantile Exchange, wouldn’t he need a series 3 license? From what I know, a series 7 would not allow you to trade commodities futures. I smell more bullshit.
Whether he holds a Series 3 or Series 7 license does not impress me much. I would like to see him post on the company website if he has a current Maryland issued drivers license, what with that “glug-glug, drive-drive” incident a few years back. He does cut a dashing image in a Montgomery County Jail issued orange jumpsuit.
Maybe he’ll soon be suing to be allowed to wear orange spandex?
Orange is the new black.
Hackstone, you have it wrong. He has a series 37 license.
Hey Paul… How is fiscal year end shaping up for you? Do all of your partners on your website know you are using your wife, claiming to be an Economic Disadvantage Woman Owned Small Business? Do they know why your profile went private? Nahh?
So Monday morning they will. Carasoft, DLT, Synnex, IngramMicro, ImmixGroup..will be dropping you like a bag of sand
Black Swan event? When he can’t forecast one, he creates one maybe?
Perhaps the upcoming event will be a “black swan” from FirsTech’s perspective.
Several “black swans” in the near future!
Did his lawsuit ever get presented in front of a judge, or is it one of those “file it now, and it will make it to the docket in five years” scenarios? And since in the legal papers that he filed (under oath) that he was being paid by All Points Logistics, have any federal investigators started looking into any contract fraud against APL? Like I have said previously about this whole fiasco, it’s like watching The Hindenburg crashing into The Titanic. At least people were impressed (for a while) that the President of All Points Logistics was a Navy SEAL. So was it all worth it, Phil?
Hack Stone – his suit was tried and he lost. Looking up the court information in MD
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Montgomery County – Civil System
Case Number: 381565V Sub Type: CONTRACT
Date Filed: 09/17/2013
Case Status: CLOSED
Docket Date: 05/29/2014 Docket Number: 59
Docket Description: JUDGMENT
Docket Type: Docket Filed By: Court
Trying to pick a side to cheer for in a lawsuit between Phil Monkress and Paul Wickre is like trying to pick a side to cheer for between Iran and Iraq in 1986. As long as there are destroying each other, I’ll just step back and watch the drama. Did the judge at least order Phil to give Paul some alimony for the broken bromance? After all, he did break Paul’s heart.
In the second sentence above, please change “there ” to read “they’re”. Hack Stone a Publishing regrets the error.
So he whores his small talent out on credit, gets stiffed by the john, files a lawsuit in which he lies about his MD corp registration date (among other things), loses said lawsuit, then proclaims himself leader of the four horsemen of stupidity. All while defrauding the taxpayer on an ongoing basis and refusing to learn basic spelling. Should make a good news story.
News story? I am thinking mini-series. Paul is the J.R. Ewing of government contracting, but without the looks, business sense moral character and hygiene.
Dare I say “He’s the J.R. Ewing of Government Contracting with the intellect of Beavis and Butthead and the hygiene skills of a Hadji?”
My apologies for the plagairism Hack Stone, but that was just too good to leave alone!
No perspiration. This is a collaborative effort here on This Ain’t Hell.
You guys go ahead and mock and ridicule. But let me remind you, it takes a strong man to get up every day, especially after all the stuff he’s been through, and sell Red Hat Linux using advanced stochastic. It’s not for the fainthearted.
Would that be somewhat akin to trying to sell Sony Walkmans next door to say, Best Buy?
Maybe Paul should trade in his Jaguar for one of those food service trucks that you see catering to the businesses in DC he can drive to the various Federal agencies and pull up to the curb and sling some software. There are few problems with that idea, though. First is we don ‘t know if he has a valid drivers license, what with his past indiscretions behind the wheel. The second problem on his first day, he would forget that he is not driving his Jaguar, and that large van would get wedged under his parking canopy.
Then the next thing you know, he’d be blaming The People of TAH for it while screeching at Jonn and TSO that he would be suing THEM over it!!
He could always get a driver. Two individuals come to mind, however one would require someone to constantly remind him to fuel the vehicle and the other would probably pretend he was on a stakeout or conducting surveillance (in Sweaden).
I would say the second choice is a NO GO, there’s no way he could keep any cheese in stock with that corpulent critter on board!!