ISIS threatens Putin

It’s getting harder to pick sides in this Iraq thing – first, the Islamic State fellows were fighting against the Syrian government, then the Iranians sided with the Iraq government when the civil war in Syria spilled over into Iraq, then Hezbollah decided that they wanted to fight the ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State fellows, now the Islamic State folks are threatening Russia for their support of the Syrian government according to AFP.
“This is a message to you, oh Vladimir Putin, these are the jets that you have sent to Bashar, we will send them to you, God willing, remember that,” said one fighter in Arabic, according to Russian-language captions provided in the video.
“And we will liberate Chechnya and the entire Caucasus, God willing,” said the militant. “The Islamic State is and will be and it is expanding God willing.”
“Your throne has already teetered, it is under threat and will fall when we come to you because Allah is truly on our side,” said the fighter. “We are already on our way God willing.”
Sounds like a circular firing squad formation to me. I think the last thing we need is to put our own troops in the middle of that – none of them are very fond of us. It’s no wonder that the troops who are there already aren’t allowed to leave the protection of their compounds according to Fox News;
America’s GI “boots on the ground” in Iraq are so frustrated with the White House message about their mission against the Islamic State — which Vice President Biden vowed Wednesday to chase “to the gates of Hell” — that they’re wondering how they’ll accomplish the goal “when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base.”
Well, until some of that shit gets sorted out, you fellas better sit tight.
Category: Terror War
If you’re not confused, you’re not paying attention.
Holy clusterfuck Batman. ISIS may want to rethink their position vis a vis Russia. Unlike President Mom Jeans Putin will bring the pain.
It almost makes me want to rule for old Vlad. Eh, I can’t really lose either way.
No he won’t. Putin’s a fucking paper tiger. He may talk tough, but outside of Russia’s nuclear arsenal, he’s only capable of bullying his weaker neighbors. Seriously, fuck Putin.
Agreed. Russian military’s in terrible shape. They can barely control Chechnya; no way they can weaken ISIS in any meaningful way.
But they could reap a very large amount of political capitol.
Loosely translated, Russia takes a stance while the US and the rest of Europe have their collective thumbs up their collective asses.
Putin is no fool.
Smaller and weaker nations will see this while they decide if the US is still an “umbrella organization” with respect to structural realism as it pertains to mutual protection.
That, on the other hand, is a possibility.
Putin is smart. I wouldn’t expect anything less for him to start positioning himself so that he can get some people under his banner, even if he isn’t capable of doing much.
By the way, we’ve evidently made some kind of air-strike “Coalition” against IS, but there’s no boots-on-the-ground.
I sure hope Russia embeds journalists with it’s troops. It will be interesting to see a military fight the terrorists without their hands cuffed behind their backs and their weapons under lock and key until there’s a clear threat according to the command staff (who are hundreds of miles away).
“when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base.” – one could argue they end up being the same location the way the troops get treated by this administration.
“God willing”. . . . Hunh. They sure seem to like to use that phrase a lot. And what if God AIN’T willing? What’they gonna do then?
In the meantime, I say pop some popcorn, grab some snacks, chill some brews and drinks, and pull up a comfy chair. IS vs Putin? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ll put(in) (see what I did there?) 20 to 1 odds on Putin. Putin does NOT fight by the same ROEs (giggle-snort) as the politically driven US forces.
ANd in that same meantime, my prayers go out to our US forces stuck over there, that they stay safe and out of the middle between those two groups.
Putin v. bodaprez is the difference between fighting cocks and chicken shit.
Watch ’til the end for the punch line.
Not terrible actually, sort of an ISIS three stooges. Better than what I would expect from the Palestinians regarding parody.
Yeah, see, I tried to tell Vlad that they’d have him in their sights next, and he said, Это не произойдет, если я получаю бомбы в первой. Спасибо за предупреждение.’
Old Cold War era story:
The KGB sent body parts to the bad guys. Good deterrent.
We need to start thinking like that, but we won’t….
Hmm, Alpha Group. Wonder if the Russian Army still has such an entity today?
With an old KGB hand at the wheel, you know damned well they do :).
Think all that posturing shows they are batshit crazy. God willing.
If they do decide to take on Russia, that would definitely lead to a new (and not good) world dynamic not seen since the Cold War with Russia in control of half of the Mideast.
And Brother Cavil now working for the SVR, says, “That’s the plan.”
All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
Poohbah, if you’re gonna quote the Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy, please give them credit. 🙂
Otherwise, Grunthos the Flatulent will show up on your doorstep and force you to listen to Vogon poetry.
If “Battlestar” would have had Cavil picked up by the Vogons somehow instead of lamely offing himself it might have redeemed the wretched ending to the series somewhat.
Were they thinking the Russians tend to show restraint in dealing with threats like the panty waists in the White House?
They might want to touch base with the Chechens for some examples of Russian restraint in action.
You mean, we can’t all just get along? (snortgiggle 😛 )
This reminds me of the situation of two brothers that would fight each other at the drop of a hat. But if you tried to jump on one of the brothers, then you’d find yourself getting stomped by both brothers.
ISIS, you just jumped on the wrong persons back.
I saw this article and my first thought is…’Good luck idiots. The Russians don’t play nice like we do….”
The second thought is ‘LOL! This is going to be AWESOME!’.
I’ll bring the popcorn.
Save a seat for me … I’ll bring the beverages.
I actually do not find it surprising that the Taliban and al Qaeda are distancing themselves from ISIL/IS, especially since this morning, some Taliban bombjockey blew up a truck.
If in fact the muslim world is turning its back on these rampaging crazies, saying ‘This is NOT what we are about’, the possiblity of the muslim world taking them out grows a bit with each passing day.
Oh, sorry – I didn’t mean to wax rhapsodic over the idea that they might kill each other off.
Ex-PH2…But alas, they are only a JV team and Obama is going to “destroy them…until he can manage them”. WTH did that statement mean?
It means, Sparks, that Prez Obozo has his head so far up his own ass that he can’t create coherent speech. (At least that’s how I see it.)
Commissioner Wretched…You’d be right.
And this would be different from. . . . . . . when, exactly? Especially when speaking about Dear Leader Bodaprez.
Bodaprez is going to destroy them? Well, how’s he gonna do that? Shake his forefinger at them and say ‘naughty, naughty’?
I think Vlad could take him. I’ll make a note to send him an e-mail tomorrow.
Evidently they have not seen the picture of Vlad riding the bear.
They just don’t know what they are getting themselves into.
I still think a motion for carpet bombing the sons-a-bitches back to the Stone Age they so crave is not out of order.
And if Gospodin Putin is now getting involved … there will be Hell to pay, one way or another.
I don’t know if you have ever been to Doushbagastan, but it is so close to the stone age that it would not take a lot of bombing to get there.
If they throw a few threats at North Korea we could finally see the world united for something…
Thanks for making “We are the World” pop into my head.
I have to admit that I’m looking forward to this. Russia has a completely different playbook than the US. They don’t believe in this PC play nice world that our leaders do. They kill Mr. badguy, burn his farm, rape his goat, all the while posting it up on youtube in a giant bukkake of carnage. I think ISIS done messed up threatening psychos that are more than willing to kill the same hostages they are trying to save just to make a point. I can say that I’m going to grab a bucket of pop corn and support the Bears on this one.
After the mysterious disappearance of our previous reporter from his Moscow hotel room, we sent another one to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Our new reporter was ushered into the Kremlin dining room, where he was to meet President Putin for lunch. Putin came in after about twenty minutes, somewhat sweaty and wiping blood from his hands. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” he said in an unusually polite manner, “I just got done knife-fighting a Ukrainian POW. Ordinarily we’d just stick him against a wall and shoot him, but it felt unsportsmanlike not to give him a fighting chance.” Putin sat down while scantily-clad female staff brought him a sandwich of raw Siberian tiger meat with baby seal sauce, along with a tall bottle of vodka. With the meal served, our reporter asked the Russian president for his thoughts on the recent threats made by IS against his country and him personally. He replied, “You remember how your General Patton talked about using German guts to grease the treads of his tanks? Well, it’s a good thing the IS have a lot of muj manpower, because I have a lot of tanks. And as you may or may not know, those things tend to be high maintenance machines. Besides, my guys could use a good tune-up fight before we officially occupy Ukraine.” When reminded that IS had named him specifically as a target, he rolled his eyes. “So? Who the hell do they think I am? Obama? Some pussified mangina who whines about fairness and blames his predecessor because he’s a fuckup who can’t make a decision to save his life? Have they not noticed that I’m the guy who is rebuilding the Russian Empire? Shit, I was the last thing A LOT of Chechens ever saw. If they’re feeling that frisky, they can come get some!” At that point, Putin finished with his lunch. Standing up, he concluded, “You’ll have to excuse me. We keep some strippers on retainer around here, and my Chief of Staff just brought in some Albanian girls to add to the stable. I… Read more »
Man, talk about a screwed up world. Whoda thunk that I would EVER be pulling for the Russians?
They are poking the wrong bear. Putin isn’t some community organizer push over like Hussein is.
Bill Whittle is great and I highly recommend both “the Black Book of Communism” and “the Commisar Vanishes”, but there are far too many who either don’t know or don’t want to know. It would run counter to the lefty narrative regarding race, class and gender. Only straight white guys can sin, and only the sins of western straight white guys matter. Until we can restore some degree of sanity in the institutions of higher learning all of this will be conveniently ignored.
I enjoyed that bit of REAL history.
Now, whose nose can I rub in it?
The Russians lost more tanks in the Chechyan conflict then they did in the battle of Berlin.
The stregnth of the Russians isn’t so much their competence but in that they dont give a crap about taking losses, or collateral damage.
Napoleon learned that the hard way. So did Hitler.
One thing we saw everywhere in A-Stan were the hulks and stripped build of Soviet-made tanks and APC’s. One range we fired at had the stripped body of a BTR, the skin of which was thinner than the bumper on my pickup truck, even our 5.56 rounds went through it like butter, the Soviets never cared much about vehicle quality, quantity was what they were after. According to some analysts, both wars we fought in Iraq were a sample of what a conventional war between the US and the USSR might have liked like because the Iraqi Army was trained and equipped by the Ivans.
That’s why we called them the Russian Horde in the 80’s. We had superior technology, but knew they would overwhelm us (Cav) in numbers alone. It was the real reason for their success.
11th ACR, filling the gap. We carried three days worth of supplies and had no resupply plans. Hold the line for three days so the rest of USAREUR could get saddled up. Then two weeks after that came the stateside crew.
Reading later that Russia’s battleplan called for first-strike nukes, I don’t think we would’ve held for our three days.
Aw, the good old days…