Beauty? Perhaps. Chutzpah? Yep. Brains? Um, Maybe Not So Much.

| August 15, 2014

A young woman in Riverside, CA, told her employer she’d injured her foot while working. The injury was allegedly bad enough she repeatedly told doctors she “could not wear any type of shoe for a period of time and could not move it [her foot] in any direction.”

Her doctor provided an orthopedic shoe and crutches. She was ordered not to work. Because the injury was sustained at work, she was eligible for workman’s compensation benefits. She must have hurt her foot pretty badly, too – she was out of work for weeks.

There was only one problem. While not working because of her “injuries” and drawing said workman’s compensation benefits, the young lady participated in multiple beauty contests.

A video of one of those events even made it onto YouTube.  That particular beauty contest was only a few days after her initial claim of injuring her foot.


It seems that one of the things she did while participating in those beauty contest was walk – in high heels, with no apparent discomfort or difficulty. Which was precisely what she claimed she could not do, and which was also what she claimed prevented her from working.

Shawna Lynn Palmer, 22, is now facing three felony charges and the possibility of 1 year in jail, 3 years of probation, and paying $24k in restitution.

I guess it takes all kinds.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Dumbass Bullshit

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Delilah T.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Green Thumb

I wonder if her maiden name was Monkress?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Here is an (apparently) legal way to steal taxpayer funds: just do what I did.

1) form a community correntions non-profit associated with a half-way house (best if done in Colorado which doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass at either the US Senator level or the Governor level)

2) Gleefully accept state and county community corrections grants that are intended to improve community corrections prisoners in the halfway

3) Redirect those grants to form your own company and to Sudanese rebels in violation of US sanctions (preferably after committing ITAR violations)


It’s all documented here

You’ll get away with it…just like I did!


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Green Thumb

Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics did that years ago.

Even though you beat my man in a head-to-head contest his felonious accomplishments (and those of his loyal senior staff) far exceed yours.

To include “misappropriating” FEMA trailers for profit!

Beat that!

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Mr Thumb

FEMA trailers are for little thinkers. That’s why I finally won an award that truly represents me. I’m in world domination and creating deathly chaos from order. I also like Twinkees.

My list is far more impressive than that piss ant at APL. Try these on for size but only if your size is “Big and Bold”…

1) Hanging out with members of an organization which two major newspapers have concluded that were involved in the bombing of a US Embassy. (why that isn’t perceived the same as hanging out with Al Queda or ISIS shows how dumb the cops that I train are)

2) trolling a cop killer at her husband’s funeral, laying pipe on her while representing her, taking her to Jamaica using her husband’s police death benefit, and then fleeing to west virgina

3) Paying a $20k honorarium to a Chester, PA police officer in the form of a dive boat “donation” in apparent violation of PA state ethics laws

4) Publishing a book in which I clearly state that I was in Russia while the Beslan hostage siege was ongoing but in reality I was safely in Colorado the entire time.

5) denying that years of similar speaker bios claiming I was an Army Ranger were actually not written by me (those saps in the police never caught on)

6) Claiming I was trained Russian special forces after several weeks of voluntary training in a military style adventure camp in Russia sponsored by my own company (those saps in the police will believe anything as long as I say it authoritatively)

I may be part water but the rest of me is all man, I assure you. You can be part of my world domination and I’ll even send you the enrollment form. That said, return postage is on you.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Dumbass….probably never shuts up after you throw a hump into her either….geez

Just an Old Dog

California has a lot of state disability fraud. I guess its in a large part due to SDI actually being taken from the workers wages as a separate tax. People know its there and take advantage. I was on it twice, and if I had chose to shop doctors Im sure I could have stretched it out.

HS Sophomore

Believe me, that’s the truth. We have one third of the country’s welfare recipients and one ninth of the population. Totally legit.


Looks like someone got an extra serving of stupid at the Dumbass Cafe. Hopefully she got canned from her original job too.

Just an Old Dog

If Workers Comp, Social Security Disabily and the VA were to hire Fraud investigators and simply pay them a flat 2,000 dollar fee for every fraud they bought in that got busted they would save billions a year.


Paying them for convictions encourages a very sloppy, one-sided kind of investigating…a bad incentive.

(You sometimes get that in sex assault investigations for a different reason: political/ideological pressure.)


An acquaintance of mine from years past makes his living from worker’s comp fraud investigations. He makes quite a good living from it. About $200-300/day, and he’s always busy.
He says it’s easy, too. The subjects are usually in the yard, pushing a mower, splitting wood, or doing auto repairs, while on comp for back/neck injuries, or dancing in the bar at night, while on comp for knee injuries.


When someone would say to my grandfather, “Well it takes all kinds to make the world go around”. he would reply, “Nope, we got all kinds and there’s a LOT…we can do without!”.

Pinto Nag

^^^ +10000!! ^^^

A Proud Infidel®™



Cute, but weapon’s grade stupid.


Nothing new. Boston firefighter was put on medical disability and was about to be medically retired when someone discovered him on stage at a bodybuilding contest.
