Ukrainians strike Russian column

| August 15, 2014

Russians in the Ukraine

See, I take off for a little while to get my wife a truck load of crushed white stone and the world falls apart – now I know how the President feels. Pinto Nag and COB6 send word that a Russian column was struck inside the Ukraine, according to MSN;

Ukraine said its artillery partly destroyed a Russian armoured column that entered its territory overnight and said its forces came under shellfire from Russia on Friday in what appeared to be a major military escalation between the ex-Soviet states.

Russia’s government denied its forces had crossed into Ukraine and accused Kiev of trying to sabotage deliveries of aid. NATO said there had been a Russian incursion into Ukraine, while avoiding the term invasion, and European capitals accused the Kremlin of escalating the fighting.

Either way, it’s doubtful that Russians will sit still for being in an impact area, and retribution probably won’t be in the form of some sanctions.

A spokesman for Russia’s border guard service was quoted by Russian news agencies as denying that any Russian military units had entered Ukraine.

In a statement issued by the Russian foreign ministry, Moscow accused Ukrainian forces of intensifying the fighting against pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine in an attempt to sabotage Russian efforts to get aid into rebel-held areas.

After Ukraine reported the clash, Russia’s rouble currency weakened against both the dollar and the euro. Russian shares were also dragged lower.

Someone tell Hagel to tell the President that the world is exploding.

Category: Military issues

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Do they get cable on the Vineyard? Cause this administration is about as in the dark as it gets.

Pinto Nag

What will the Russians do now? Will they turn this into an invasion of Ukraine, do you think? Is ownership of Ukraine their ultimate goal?


Pre Planned Defensive Fire. Always have one.


The Gleiwitz Incident all over again.

Laughing Wolf



So Russia didn’t crumble and accept western values because Hussein stopped the importation of a few Russian small arms into the United States?

Well shit…..




Durn it, why does Vlad do these things without giving me a heads up? Does he know what my schedule is?

I’ve been sitting here all week, waiting for him to do something stupid, and he pulls of this stunt while I’m at the grocery store. That’s just mean.

Does he have e-mail over there in Moscow?


the President will be outraged as soon as he sees this phony scandal on the news. Except that he doesn’t watch the news because he knows everything that’s going on (according to him)

Green Thumb

This is getting dangerous and fast.


This should end well. For Pooty-Poot, anyway.


Well the Russians weren’t there (per Moscow) so the Ukrainians could not partly destroy them. But the Ukrainians are missing some artillery shells. Musta’ been target practice and that public highway. Yeah.

I’m not sure how this is dumb for Mr. Putin. He might get some territory using the same technique that Mr. Hitler used to seize Sudatenland, “our citizens are threatened!” It is obvious that Mr. Obama won’t do anything. Mr. Putin has Western Europe by the balls. Everybody else is either too nervous to say anything or cheering because the world press is no longer looking at them. The American left thinks that this is just great.

What can possibly be wrong with this?


One thing different about this – artillery tends to leave big whackin’ holes where it hit – ought to be easy enough to determine if the Rooshians were in Ukraine or not. It’s not like we don’t have any satellites overhead.

A Proud Infidel®™

Do they dare to interrupt B. Hussein 0bama’s vacation over this, or will he be indecisive after his latest golf game?


If the artillery fire didn’t cause him to miss a putt then it isn’t important.


Don’t be too quick to trust what the media is putting out on this. The Ukraine, and Russia too as far as that goes, seems to have taken lessons from ole Baghdad Bob. There is as of yet no proof. No pictures or video of the supposed armor column that’s been destroyed. As poorly equipped and trained as the Ukraine Army is, does anyone actually think they could use 1970’s or 1960’s left over Soviet arty and take out BTR’s in the dark with balls on perfect accuracy ? The only thing close to modernization the Ukraine does is a new coat of paint, sometimes not even that. For now there is no proof the Russian BTR’s crossed over into the Ukraine and no proof they were destroyed. Ivan might get crazy when hes drunk, but he ain’t stupid. If they went in they’d go in full assed not half assed with a few APCs.


And yet, they shot down a Boeing 767 over the Ukraine? Was that full-assed or half-assed?


Neither, the Russians didn’t do it. Unless you want to blame them for something the Soviet Union built thirty years ago. It was probably the Ukraine, most likely the Rebels considering they would have no idea how to properly operate a Gadfly launcher and they don’t have the Command & Control vehicle only the launcher. There are more than a few photos of a Gadfly they captured from the Ukraine back in May I think, or early June I forget.


Yea, I always send aid to a country in a convoy of tanks and armored vehicles. I agree with Green Thumb, this is going to be big and ugly soon and the Bozomba we have on the trigger is busy on the back nine.

What do y’all think from 165 yards out, 5 iron or go big with the 4 wood?


A pal of mine at work bragged on killing a copperhead with a nine iron.

Told him too much club, a pitching wedge was a better choice.

Don’t do pasture pool- I’m at the range poking holes in paper.


7 iron, at the most. Or, maybe a hybrid 6?

A Proud Infidel®™

*FEEEHHHH!*, I’m with AW1 on this, forget “pasture pool”, a .410 does wonders for pacifying a rattler, copperhead, or cottonmouth, hell, a friend of mine once told me about how he took care of a 98 pound rattle-headed copper moccasin with one!!