SMA Chandler is watching you

| August 8, 2014

Ray and me

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Army Times where they warn that “SMA Chandler is ‘watching you.’“. The Sergeant Major of the Army says that posting your opinion on the internet is fine, and that he gets a kick out of some the websites, but, then there are others;

“Some soldiers are completely out of control in what they post,” Chandler said. “And whether it is directed at the commander-in-chief, the president, or if it is posted against any leader in the Army, that is like you are saying it to my face. And there is a consequence to that.”

Chandler said he reads the comments on his Facebook page, Army Times’ page and “U.S. Army W.T.F. Moments,” a humorous and sometimes-irreverent page dedicated to soldier culture.

Senior Army leaders are asked to monitor their personal and unit Facebook pages as well, Chandler said.

“I will look at mine every single day, believe it or not,” Chandler said. “And there are people we delete and ban, there are people that we talk to the chain of command up about, and then there are others that do exactly what they are supposed to do.”

Category: Big Army

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Chairforce here but I *LOVE* that he reads U.S. Army W.T.F. Moments 😀

2/17 Air Cav

“And whether it is directed at the commander-in-chief, the president, or if it is posted against any leader in the Army, that is like you are saying it to my face. And there is a consequence to that.”

Well, on behalf of those of you who are exposed to Chandler’s threat of consequences, I offer this:

To Commander-in-Chief Mom jeans: F— you, thrice over.

To Chandler: You are inconsequential and my wrath is reserved for the turds with actual power who are using it to turn our counrty upside down and inside out. So, you can go to hell with your silly threats.


Easy Air Cav. While I understand the need to vent, those still under the UCMJ might want to check fire or at least think about how to craft their gripes so as not to violate it. While the 1st Amendment does protect free speech, the UCMJ is enforceable and its limiters to Active Duty has been upheld many times, so just make sure to check 6. Trust me I bit my tongue more times than not while on AD, as I posted a few days ago it played a huge role in my deciding to punch a year early. But as an SNCO, NCO, and/or Officer while we my disagree with the guy who is in the chair we are still bound to follow him and maintain good order and discipline. Over beers/(adult beverage of choice) in private among friends is one thing, in a very public open forum like FB, twiter, or even here is something completely different.


Isnala I’m pretty sure Air Cav hasn’t been subject to UCMJ since gas was $0.25/gallon. 😉


O I know though I thought it was $.02, was using it more as an excuse to post the warning to those that are. 🙂


the dinosaurs weren’t gas yet the last time AirCav was subject to the UCMJ 😉


Oh that’s cold… Shame on you !!! BWAHAHAHA!!!

2/17 Air Cav

First place I bought gas was Dino’s and their logo was a dinosaur! And gas was not .25 It was 25.9, dammit.

A Proud Infidel®™



I wonder if the SMA is “keeping an eye” on LTC MasturBatesman? Doubtful. This is more a way to hammer those who have negative things to say about the moron in chief currently stealing oxygen in the White House. Leftists who betray their oath of office and attack our Constitutional rights are free to continue.


There’s an old good bye we in aviation have/had for pilots we didn’t particularly care for. I’d like to leave it for SMA Chandler, C U Next Time.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well Mr. Chandler, hope you read this…go fuck yourself with your silly ass rules regarding tats to help you RIF the force.

Instead of being an asslicking little toady, perhaps someday you will remember you were born with testicles, when that day comes feel free to reach down and give them a squeeze. Once you three are re-acquainted you might want to try using those bad boys again, it is a great feeling when your balls actually work. Use that testosterone to serve the troops who are entrusted to your care instead of fucking them over every chance you get you arrogant prick.


What you said.


And everyone said “amen”




Well it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know the senior enlisted man in the Army is using part of his, (suppose to be busy day caring for the welfare of the troops under him) checking his Facebook and other social media sites. No wonder he is so out of touch and up Obama’s ass.


If you are an Active Duty Soldier, and have an opinion you would like to express do yourself a favor… before hitting the enter key, think!!
I have issues with a lot of things Big Army does, and I did when I was in too. I did not walk around wearing a Sandwich Board on main Post blasting the Chain of Command though. If I did, I would have rightfully had my dick slammed.
Everything you say or do while in Uniform reflects on you, your unit, the US Army, and the US Military.
This whole social media phenomenom has bred a whole new attitude of being able to do or say whatever you like without consequence. There are always consequences to your actions.
I am no longer in the Army, and again have the right to freely and openly speak my mind, because it is me… not the Soldier speaking.
The SMA has a point. Some of it, (a whole lot of it even) goes way over the line.


If you are an active duty officer, reflect further that “Contempt Toward Officials” — including the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, and even the governor or legislature of the state where you’re stationed — is a UCMJ offense for you.


Well, this former 11Bravo has little but contempt for most of the current National Command Authority.


“Former” being the key word. Discipline in the Army went to shit, and while I disagree with several of the SMA’s policy decisions the crackdown should be no big surprise.

2/17 Air Cav

And on behalf of all who are subject to the UCMJ, Chandler’s knees are dirty and Obama is smiling again.


You’d be extremely hard pressed to prove “contempt” in most cases. The last attempt to prosecute an officer under Article 88 was dismissed during the Clinton Administration IIRC.


Back before the dinosaurs became gas one could not come on Post with a car that had political stickers of any kind.


I’m sure that Rainbow bumper stickers are now OK, and probably encouraged.


Co-Exist especially!

Pigmy Puncher

“I will look at mine every single day, believe it or not,” Chandler said.”
Yep, we believe you. Clearly you have too much time on your hands, and we now know at least one of the reasons you have failed to take care of your responsibilities… Just a suggestion, but perhaps your time would be better spent working on the real issues our soldiers are facing?


Actually, Pigmy Puncher – if the SMA has a Facebook page, spending maybe 30 min daily reading comments on same might be a damn good use of his time. It gives him a sense of what some of the troops (and others) are saying and thinking he won’t get otherwise.

It’s not a substitute for getting “out and about” in any way. But it is a decent source of input.


If he stops by here he’ll go back to walking around the motor pool.

Just Plain Jason

If he looks at his every day then he knows that he is pretty much thought of as a joke. Some soldiers were fighting a war while he was giving lobotomies at the SGM academy.


The only thing this jackass is looking at closely and with any real passion is his e-mail inbox, waiting for that cushy post-retirement employment gig.


SMA Chandler: get your ass in gear and police up LTC Robert Bateman. If you are aware that some soldiers cross the line on social media, then you must also be aware that LTC Bateman has been using his rank and position in the pages of Esquire magazine periodically over the last year to espouse a political opinion. You, of all people, should understand how inappropriate that is. SMA Chandler, police up Robert Bateman, do it now.


While I agree with most of the substance of your comment, cannoncocker, it’s not SMA Chandler’s place to do that. LTC Bateman is an officer; a superior officer needs to square him away. IMO the CSA or VCSA doing so would be apropos.

Of course, SMA Chandler could bring the Bateman matter to his boss’ attention . . . .


Hondo, I was, and am, aware of the SMA’s place in regards to policing up a field grade officer. I guess my point is, as the senior enlisted advisor of the US Army, it is certainly well inside the SMA’s lane to “advise” his officer counterparts of their rogue field grade, and “advise” them to muzzle him time now. He doesn’t hide the fact that he polices up soldiers on US Army WTF, I see no reason why he wouldn’t take action to correct Bateman or alert his CoC to correct him. Oh, wait, I do see a reason….double standards. How silly of me. As I was.


cannoncocker: entirely possible it’s a case of “double standard at work”. Given my current assessment of the nature of current Pentagon GO leadership, perhaps there’s another explanation as well – e.g, they know, but don’t much care (or have been told not to care).

It could also be as simple as SMA Chandler has never heard of Bateman. Not too many SGMs/CSMs work in the same community, and somehow SMA Chandler just doesn’t strike me as a regular Esquire reader. (smile)


I love how veterans are more outspoken now and rustle the jimmies of the yes men.


That’s because we CAN be outspoken and not have to worry about that pesky UCMJ or good order and discipline thing any more.


A long time ago, a PFC walking out the door of the company office stopped and asked me, “Lieutenant, do you know who outranks the Commandant of the Marine Corps?” “Well,” I said, “the president does.” “Yep,” he answered, “and a private with his discharge papers.” He grinned and waved and strode proudly out into the world.

So, Sergeant Major, do you know who outranks the Sergeant Major of the Army?


Any PFC … and I don’t mean the rank

A Proud Infidel®™

SMA Chandler is doing an ecellent job in creating his legacy as a stop-at-nothing yes man to B. Hussein 0bama & Co.!


First that clown Adm “Pipe Down ” McRaven and now leg-tabless seaunt Chandler.

Clowns running the show.
“Hardly worth going to war no more.”


I’m reminded of SMA Tilley. Despite his ability to scare the shit out of me with just a look, he had a pretty good sense of humor, even if it was at his expense.


There’s a reason to why, when I’m on my regular facebook account, I don’t click “like” to any military sponsored facebook pages. :mrgreen: There’s also a reason to why I use a posting name here… apparently something else that Dennis Howard Chevalier doesn’t understand.

Yup, the SGM could read all of these comments all he wants, he has as many guesses as there are Soldiers in the active and ready reserve components to figure out who I am. :mrgreen:

Just an Old Dog

Social Media has definately created another challenge for the Military.
If you wouldn’t write a note saying your CO is a twat-waffle, sign it and put it on his desk, dont put it on the internet under your name. The same thing with pictures.
If you happen to be the barracks wench you would take polariods of you doing half your squad and put them on the Sgt Majors windshield.


Ladies and gents, very sorry for what this creep has helped do to your Army.

SMA Chandler, a great big f*ck you. I may not be former Army, but I know a bus driver (= Blue Falcon) when I see one.


Hey Chandler. I got my pink slip a few weeks ago. Eat a dick.


A Major

Don H.

I had actually liked Chandler’s, Odierno’s, and Dempsey’s Facebook pages. For a week or two. I figured it was the patriotic thing for a retiree to do–get their numbers up, increase visibility, etc. I ended up unliking them, as I said, after about a week or so. It was clear that there was a distinct disconnect from reality. It’s still there . . . Having been through the drawdown of the ’90s, which by all accounts was handled very well, and looking at this one from the sidelines, it’s very clear that three things are happening: First, there is a focus on things which can be quantified in black and white as discriminators for separation, rather than objective assessments of performance and potential. Nobody can second guess you on tossing somebody for a tattoo in the wrong place. They can second guess you on keeping someone who later turns out to be a dirt bag. And who at the senior levels of our army wants to be second guessed? Apparently, nobody. Secondly, the decision to refuse to offer voluntary separation incentives, even though authorized by law, strikes me as uncaring–or at least uncomprehending. With the numbers they have to separate, they’re going to have to cut well into the muscle–no fat or derelicts after a while. But in the meantime, they’ve been spouting this “we’re only going to get rid of the fat and dirt.” I knew people in the last drawdown who knew they had bad paper, and as soon as the voluntary early out money was offered, they dropped their papers. It was a win-win. Did we lose some good people? Sure. But they also significantly reduced the need for involuntary separations. And finally, this whole “we know better than you” attitude from senior leadership is really beginning to grate on me. The leadership in the 90s drawdown had seen the effect on the force of the Vietnam drawdown, and learned from it. And they took steps to make sure the drawdown they oversaw was less painful wherever they could. That’s what GOOD leaders do. But not this… Read more »