Obama authorizes air support for Iraq

| August 8, 2014

Barack Obama

The President announced last night that he was authorizing air strikes against the Islamic State forces in Iraq to prevent genocide. He also authorized air delivery of humanitarian aid for Iraqi refugees stranded on Mount Sinjar, according to the Tribune in Stars & Stripes;

“Today, America is coming to help,” Obama said in brief remarks from the White House.

Well, only about seven months too late. ISIS or ISIL or the Islamic State could have been halted back in February when they took Fallujah from the Iraqi Army, but, like everything else this administration has done, it took months of ignoring events on the ground until it reached crisis proportions.

The president repeated his pledge that no U.S. combat troops would be sent back to Iraq, saying that “as commander-in-chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq.”

But Obama shed little light on how long the U.S. was prepared to conduct airstrikes and what he would do if air power alone failed to halt the militants’ advance.

Well, it’s really too late to be making pronouncements like that – boots on the ground or wings in the air, we’re being dragged into fighting in Iraq for the third time in twenty years because we don’t have the political will to fight to a successful conclusion – and the enemy knows it which makes useless pronouncements like that one nearly comical. Well, it’d be comical if it doesn’t cost American warriors pay for it with their lives.

CNN reports that John Kerry and the UN are launching rhetoric like Hamas’ missiles;

In a statement released Thursday night, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the situation a “wake-up call.”

ISIS, he said, is “offering nothing to anyone except chaos, nihilism, and ruthless thuggery.”

“With a gut-wrenching humanitarian crisis unfolding, and the rolls of the starving and sick growing daily, there’s not a minute to waste,” Kerry said. “The United States is acting and leading, and the world cannot sit by and watch innocents die.”

After an emergency meeting on the situation Thursday, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement condemning the Islamists’ attacks.

“The members of the Security Council reiterate that widespread or systematic attacks directed against any civilian populations because of their ethnic background, political grounds, religion or belief may constitute a crime against humanity, for which those responsible must be held accountable,” the statement said

I’m sure that will have a profound affect on the Islamic State. Or not.

Category: Terror War

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The most incompetent Administration since Carter, and arguably more so.


Agreed we should have been lighting them up months ago. Especially as they move over open ground. I’m thinking of a similar ad campaign that appeared at the start of the Afghan conflict, ‘now thay you’ve familurized your self with some of our ground equipment (stolen) let us introduce you to some of our other military products: JDAMs, Cluster bombs, B-52s with sniper pods, F-15Es, Super Hornets, etc.


Weren’t we preparing to fight on their behalf months ago (or at least their Syrian allies)?


Humanitarian crisis? Oh, in a twitterpate, sKerry did use the word ‘genocide’.

I’m glad to note that Ban-ki Moon at the UN is ‘deeply concerned’, and that Brit PM Cameron is ‘extremely concerned’.

150,000 refugees have been fleeing from the rampages of ISIL/ISwhatever. The gesture of air dropping water and 8,000 MREs on Sinjar Mountain is nice, but inadequate, because there are 10,000++ there now. How many trips are the air drops going to make?

Gestures don’t fill an empty belly.

And how amd I supposed to believe the ‘no boots on the ground’ part when this administration changes its mind with the weather report?


One can only hope that the wings of Angels will protect these flyers that are being called upon to go fix something that this F—head destroyed…


Amen to that.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, and one can pray for them too. Their mission is just and right and I join with all good people here in wishing our air crews safe flights and their leadership wisdom and willingness.


Praying for tailwinds and good hunting. Open season on ISIS, bag limit unlimited!


As always, it’s what’s between the lines that matters.

“With a gut-wrenching humanitarian crisis unfolding,

((and has been for months of our ignoring it))

and the rolls of the starving and sick growing daily,

(((and for the months we have ignored it))

there’s not a minute to waste,

((except for months and the polls calling my Boss a low class, do nothing, loser…again))

Kerry said. “The United States is acting and leading,

((in other words folks we are still wringing our hands but putting American lives on the line again, too late as always, so we look strong and decisive. It takes us months to decide what to have for lunch tomorrow, so what do you want from us anyway…action, leadership, great decisions? That’s not how we roll America. We appeal to our own egos first, then what our wives tell us to do, then the liberals who love us, then the poll results. That’s a lot to keep satisfied America, hey, you try it sometime.))

and the world cannot sit by and watch innocents die.”

((Though we here in the Administration could really care less about innocent people dying, especially Americans, as we have proven. We react, always too late, because that’s how we do things. Think we’re bad…wait for Hillary in 2016. Then you’ll miss us.))


Ya see? If the Benghazi tragedy had only lasted for a few months, the Obama administration would have eventually gotten ’round to responding.


A Proud Infidel®™

I cringe every time I think just how much B. Hussein 0bama & Company are going to dillydally around and fxck things up even worse. B. Hussein 0bama’s number one thought about anything is “What’s in it for me? Fxck everyone else, if I don’t get something, nobody gets anything!”, typical liberal!


Proud…In reading your comment something struck me. It struck me how much Obama resembles Putin in their attitudes towards their citizens, their nation’s welfare or lack thereof and their self serving egos.


Parallels an interesting history I am reading that graphically shows the similarities between Stalin and Hitler. In their actions, there are more similarities than dissimilarities.


“. . . . as commander-in-chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq.”

Um, if we’re dropping ordnance in Iraq, we are already fighting another “war” there. Someone needs to ‘splain that to the POTUS.

Then again, that presumes he understands what “war” means. I’m reasonably well convinced at present he does not.


Well, Hondo, I did read an article yesterday that included the info that two Republicans had told him he didn’t have to go through Congress to do this.

He apparently doesn’t have a clue about the War Powers Act, or anything else. He’s only been reading the sports section and the dinner menus.


Like Whoopi Goldberg defining how Roman Polanski screwing a 14 year old “wasn’t ‘rape’, rape”. This isn’t “war”, war.

A Proud Infidel®™
Veritas Omnia Vincit

Did anyone think Iraq would become a stable nation without an iron fisted despot at the helm? The nation was a construct of the British after WW1, in the 400 years prior to that the nation was 3 separate entities (Mosul/Baghdad/Bosra) under loose Ottoman rule. When the Brits took over after WW1 the Kurds and Shi’ites fought for independence.

This was never a nation with a national identity, it was always a shit hole collection of tribes living in various states of animosity.

A 10-15 year plan for a war and occupation was never a serious plan, anyone with an elementary knowledge of history would know that was a fucking joke of a plan.

Bush and Cheney were too interested in operating on the dark side to have any real post occupation plan, and the next administration was too fucking stupid to operate at all…the resulting chaos is no surprise, just a continuation of what’s been happening since the 1500s with different players.


Yes, but you can’t change hundreds of years of culture overnight. We should have colonized the place and used oil revenue from the area to fund it. Within a generation shit would be getting better, but nope, instant gratification culture aint got time for that.


Bout damn time! In my mind anything that moves/shoots that was once ours that ISIS captured should be targeted for proper destruction. Hit them, hit them hard, and don’t let up until the jobs done.


Good. I wondered when or if it would start.

IS/whatever they are this week need to have the living $[-]!!t bombed out of them, with no let up until you see a few of them scurrying around like the useless cockroaches they are, and take them out, too.

They have a viciousness that is mindboggling in its scope, and a bloodlust going back for millenia. The only way to stop them is to destroy them. Period.

Sorry about the rant. I know it will not be ended until someone actually says they are gone.


A bad feeling?

I’ve had a bad feeling about it, for nearly a month, Hondo.

Well, we’re in it now.


Dunno, folks. To quote a famous line: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this . . . .”

Of course, the alternative is pretty damn bad too. So I just dunno.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Agreed, there is still no end game. There is no plan, there was never an actual plan to stabilize this nation or divide the three territories. There just was no plan, and the current administration is even less capable than the previous when it comes to planning.

Unless it’s a fund raiser, they seem quite good at those.


VOV…Agreed. Meanwhile, Pelosi in her defense remarks about the POTUS’s decision says we have to get these people to put aside their differences in order to have a stable country for all. (Paraphrased on my part). What an idiot! (Like Obama and Kerry) There is not, never has been and never will be a cohesion among the different flavors of Islam. They have hated and killed each other, as well as all “infidels”, since they began. I have no idea how to reason with unreasonably violent people, tribes and sects. Well, I do but it involves a commitment of big time bombings until all the obviously, out there in the open, ass holes are dead and gone. Not something this administration or the UN has the stomach for. It is obvious no one in the administration has a clue either. Considering their hatred of us, Israel and anything that smacks of freedom or democracy then screw them. We cannot fix their heads which are tweaked beyond the pale of reason. Maintain them within their borders and kill any of the terrorist elements who try to leave. Other than that, let them have the nation, lifestyle and freedoms they are willing to fight and die for and nothing more. That is all any nation deserves. While it is big news that we are dropping bombs now. Why has the Iraqi air force not been dropping bombs long before now or using the armada of attack helicopters we equipped them with? Unless I have missed the news I have not heard about them doing so. I haven’t heard of them doing much except tossing their weapons and shedding their uniforms. Maybe I am missing something and if I am someone please correct me. I am open to any and all, suggestions and corrections.

Herbert J Messkit

Good that we seize an opportunity to kill Islamic jihadists. Bad that these morons in the administration are running the show.


I think Secretary Swiftboat needs to check the meaning of nihilism…

Nihilism is a lack of belief in anything. Isis very strongly believes that what they are doing is sanctioned by Allah.

I think that Secretary Swiftboat is either:
A. Projecting his own nihilism on them. (A defining hall mark of socialist pawns.)
B. Just throwing around college words to impress the proles with his superior knowledge.

Or maybe a combination of both?

Mr. Blue

Sam Naomi

I’ve been out of circulation since my wife had her stroke back in March, and I’ve been trying to catch up on my blog reading to see what’s been taking place in the pass5 months, but I see where its a loosing battle and just stop here by saying, “I GIVE UP TRYING TO UNDERSTAND WHY WE EVEN HAVE A PRESIDENT THAT KNOWS SHIT ABOUT HOW TO RUN BOTH OUR COUNTRY AND THIS FRIGED UP WAR”


Sam, please give your wife my best wishes.

Don’t get me started on the rest of it.


I’ll ask CINC-ALL to keep an eye on you both, Sam. He reputedly listens to all requests, and never gives us more than we can handle.

George V

“.. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the situation a “wake-up call.”

What does he use for an alarm clock? A Saturn 5 moon rocket next to his bed?


Try a barnyard rooster.


Maybe he can get Bill Clinton to advise him on target selection?


OWB: let’s not. That didn’t work out so well in Afghanistan in the late 1990s and/or 2000.

Joe Williams

Where are the Warthogs? If the won is using airstrikes then we should get up close and personal. Also in opinion use them only to protect the Kurds. I am afraid that we will end up with “Boots on the Ground”. Air power alone has never defeated a nation or an irregular force. Pray for the troops. Joe


Joe Williams…Amen brother, Amen.

Pinto Nag

I don’t think you have to worry about boots on the ground, for the simple reason that our current administration doesn’t want to get that involved — they just want to LOOK like they’re doing something.

Dronings and bombings = arcade game.

Boots on the ground = commitment to an actual attempt to take control of and deal with the situation, bearing in mind that boots on the ground means a whole military structure must be in place to support them.

We all know which way this administration leans.


Unlike others the Kurds aren’t afraid to fight. Also while an A-10 can get nice and close, they are limited on the amount of munitions it can carry. I’m thinking Arclight! And in case some don’t know history: code name and general term, coined in Vietnam for the use of B-52 Stratofortress as a close air support (CAS) platform to support ground tactical operations.


And you have zip zero nada warning before the earth up-heaves. Been a grid square or 2 away and that was close enough.


Isnala – surprisingly, the A10 can carry almost 1/2 the conventional bomb load of a B52H (16000lb vice 36000lb). And the A10 delivers it much more accurately.

Plus, the Gatling in the A10 is effective as hell – and cool. (smile)


A10: Gun with wings. ‘Nuff said.


By weight yes, but the BUFF can carry more by volume, especially if its a SDB (small diameter bomb) and since it can selectively release each one that’s a lot targets served. Though I do love the flying gun.


I hope there will be no boots on the ground, but I have misgivings about it. There is no will to win these encounters in anyone in Foggy Bottom. There hasn’t been in a while, and they don’t know the meaning of that phrase. And we do, after all, have 800+ people there now.

Like I said, I have misgivings about it, so I’m taking a ‘wait and see’ position.


VWP must be a crying husk in the corner that his guy is now a war monger hawk creating terrorists and killing babies with the US military bombing the brown peoples of the world in Iraq.


But its to support humanitarian missions, so its okay now. Kid you not I heard that very statement from some liberal crack pot on the radio today.


Disposing mass murdering tyrants isn’t humanitarian?

Only in Libtardville I guess.


I wonder if vwpussbucket cares about anything except getting stoned.

This article is extremely disturbing.


I know how vicious the Vietcong and the Khmer Rouge were, and I also know what was meant by Milosevic’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the Balkans, but as depraved at the ISees are, I am trying to NOT imagine what they intend to do to these women.


FatCircles: I don’t think vwp much cares about Iraqi children. Hell, I think he probably spells the country’s name “Irak”.


The attacks by Navy are continuing, with fighter jets and a drone, near Erbil.


This time, they hit some live targets. I know it will make vwpissypants despise me, but I applaud the accuracy of the pilots on these missions, and I don’t care what that blister on Satan’s hairy ass thinks.


When asked by Shannon Bream on Fox News Kelly Files why there isn’t an operational name yet…Lt Gen Tom McInerney quipped “Operation Martha’s Vineyard” – ouch.

A Proud Infidel®™

DO WE DARE say things like that and *GASP!* upset dear precious wannabe Emperor B. Hussein 0bama on his latest vacation? It could upset him during his latest golf game, THE HORROR!!! /sarc


This came up this morning on Reuters news feed.


Scroll down to the bottom and read the last sentence of the article first.

No ‘boots on the ground’, eh? Where there is smoke, there is a firefight in the offing.