So, What Does the POTUS Really Think of Vets?

| August 8, 2014

Yesterday, the POTUS signed that “landmark” VA bill – throwing more money at a problem that isn’t financial.  That means he really cares about vets and their problems, right?

Yeah, right.  Remember the VA scandal that caused that bill to be drafted and fast-tracked?  You know, the one that finally got former VA Secretary Shinseki    kicked to the curb    to resign?

Wanna guess how many times the POTUS met one-on-one with Shinseki to discuss the scandal this year while it was ongoing?  Remember, the POTUS made it clear when speaking publicly that he regarded the crisis as “urgent”.

Try once – on the day Shinseki resigned, May 30.   (He also saw Shinseki at two cabinet meetings Shinseki attended in January – but that’s hardly the same.)

That’s it.

Words, actions. One’s for show; the other is reality.

You do the math.

Category: Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department

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Pigmy Puncher

And in other news, water is wet….

This POTUS has somehow managed to tap into the worst parts of both Carter & Clinton’s dna…


Pigmy Puncher…I can’t add better. This frustrates me further than it did before and I didn’t think that possible. The upset Obama can cause to all, has no limits or ends.

Pinto Nag

When you throw money at a governmental / political crisis, you get the same thing as when you throw gasoline on a fire — a bigger conflagration, and quite possibly an explosion.

Par for the course, for this administration.


This oxygen thief in chief could care less about veterans. Anyone with eyes could see that. But the sycophantic press well poor love all over him to make him look less like the disaster he truly is.


You say he could care less, but I think that he couldn’t care less.


Good luck to Secy Bob McDonald. Just, don’t count on POTUS/Congressional support…lots of smiles, pats on the back & politely told “NO” to initiatives to fix problems.


That’s because he was too busy golfing and expecting the media to cover for him, but once it got too much traction he was few options but to get off the links and hold a meeting. Which if memory serves was the one when he accepted the resignation.

Roger in Republic

I’ll say this again, Barack Obama is all Mach and no Vector. He is like a Frenchman, He talks a good fuck.


I am so stealing this. Thanks!


The OEF Marine vet being held hostage in Mexico by Mexico is just the latest clear indication Obummer doesn’t give two shits about veterans let alone American citizens abroad.


In answer to the question posed in the post title: He doesn’t. Of course, to be fair, he doesn’t seem to think about anyone else either beyond what they can for him.

Seriously, has any of us seen anyone over the age of two who is more self-absorbed?

A Proud Infidel®™

I doubt that B. Hussein 0bama gives even half a drop of cockroach shit about anyone but himself in between fundraisers, golf outings, and vacations.