More Walsh BS
Montana Senator John Walsh continues to lean on public sympathy for soldiers as an excuse for his plagiarizing his thesis at the Army War college. In an interview with Yahoo News, he says that he tripped one night during an exchange of gunfire in his FOB and hit his face on something, so there, see. He’s a war hero who tripped over a cable or something and he was wounded in combat. Doubters.
And he went to the VA for PTS;
“I met with VA doctors, came back, went to the VA hospital here for a process period,” Walsh said when pressed on whether he had been formally diagnosed with PTSD. “When I came back, I had private insurance, I went to my personal physician in Helena, Montana and talked about what I was dealing with. He prescribed medication for me. …He said there were symptoms of PTSD.”
A Walsh aide told Yahoo News that the doctor prescribed Paxil, an antidepressant commonly used to treat PTSD.
That’s a bit convoluted. If you take that statement literally and chronologically, he’s saying that he saw VA doctors in Iraq – there are no VA doctors in Iraq, not now or ever. I still want to see his medical records since he made his PTS an issue, he has a responsibility to prove to veterans that he was actually diagnosed with PTS. I doubt that he was – I also doubt that he went to the VA for PTS.
Fox News reports that Montana veterans have a mixed opinion on Walsh’s initial response in regards to his theft of intellectual property;
But his initial statement riled some Montana veterans and elicited strong opinions, even if they didn’t have a full grasp on the circumstances.
“That’s the reason he cheated on a test? Give me a break. That’s the limpest damn excuse I ever heard in my life. I don’t buy that at all,” Navy veteran Don Malsam said in a telephone interview from American Legion Post 4 in Billings.
Malsam acknowledged he was not a Walsh supporter even before the plagiarism allegations, but was adamant that they will seal Walsh’s fate.
“I think he’s done,” he said.
Roy Savage, the adjutant at the Ole Beck Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 209 in Missoula, said it shouldn’t. Savage, who also advocates for veterans and coordinates the Heroes Therapeutic Outreach Program, said the issue shouldn’t overshadow what each candidate stands and fights for.
And even if Walsh did plagiarize his paper, Savage asked, so what?
“If he did it, you know, slap on the wrist,” he said. “Who hasn’t done it? I did it myself when I was in college and I was dealing with PTSD. Anybody who says they haven’t done it is a liar.”
Yeah, well, you’re a thief, too Roy Savage. I never stole someone else’s words and called it my own. Wanna call me a liar to my face?
Meanwhile, our buddy, Alex Horton, discusses in the Washington Post why it’s a big deal for veterans;
There are already erroneous cultural assumptions about what PTSD is and is not. The media sold the condition as the catalyst of the recent Ft. Hood shootings. It’s also at the center of a case of an Iraq veteran who engaged in a shootout with police. PTSD is a purported explanation of violence when military training and wartime trauma begin to intersect.
Walsh’s claim carries a more abstract association. He told the AP he was on medication and struggling to cope. Those factors, he explains, led to unscrupulous behavior.
That reasoning may help a senator but hurt other veterans. Folks going from the battlefield to the office must already contend with hiring managers who worry war veterans damaged by PTSD can be a physical threat in the workplace. Piling on to this problem will only negatively affect the reintegration of thousands of veterans who are coming home after Walsh.
While Walsh sees the PTS excuse as a convenient way to extricate himself from the controversy during a particularly tough election campaign, the long term damage to the veterans that Walsh led in combat is more difficult for the country, as a while to deal with. The media simply excuses all bad behavior from some veterans with PTS explanation because the malady is so misunderstood – and Walsh does nothing to unmuddy the waters. That’s why he needs to prove to all of us, veterans, media, employers, that he was ever treated for PTS. he’s the only person who can prove it and he should be doing that sooner rather than later.
Category: Politics, Veterans Issues
Someone needs to get in his face about it, in public, where he can’t escape. He’s lying about something and trying to cover his lie with more lies. He needs to be told to shut his flapping yap for good.
Lying liars lie.
He can’t be trusted. Don’t vote for him.
Too bad so sad, tell my Mom, tell my Dad…
That’s the way it goes, first your money, then your clothes !!!
Roy Savage of Missoula, I will add your name to the Google legacy of shame. You are simply a fraud and a liar as well. A thief of others work by your own admission. No wonder you say, so what. You do as all liars and thieves like yourself do. You point to others to assuage your own guilt and shame by saying, “who hasn’t” and “anyone who says they haven’t is a liar”. Well if you’re talking about guys and masterbation, maybe you’re right. But for plagiarism, thievery and lying about it, speak for yourself ass hole.
Sparks, who the fuck are you to judge me? Can you honestly say that you have NEVER LIED, STOLEN, MADE A BAD CHOICE IN YOUR LIFE. IF YOU HAVEN’T THEN YOU BETTER SPROUT SOME FUCKING WINGS AND FLY TO THE HEAVENS. I spoke for myself and only myself. Don’t judge me without knowing the whole truth of the interview that I did. It was cut and pasted to make a story, period. Know the facts, all the facts, before you judge. At least I am man enough to admit I made mistakes in the past, when I was younger. I make no excuses. So, do what you think you have the right to do. But know the whole story before you judge anyone else.
Savage: we don’t have to read the interview. You’ve already told us pertinent part: to you, this kind of theft is no big deal. Kinda makes me wonder what other moral failings are no big deal to you – and what are.
It may not matter to you – but it matters to us. As does the fact that this guy is screwing over every vet who’s ever served by using PTS as a bogus crutch for his own very obvious moral failing and wrongdoing.
Both of those matter to us here. Greatly.
Further: thus guy is a former very senior military officer and an appointed US Senator. He should be held to a higher standard.
Don’t like what you read here? Then don’t read the site.
Oh, and by the way: I have no use for either lying tools or those who defend them. GFY.
Point is, don’t judge lest though be judged. Can you really say that you have never made a mistake or a bad choice in your life. I highly doubt it. I don’t condone what he did, neither do I support him. The only candidate I have ever voted for was Ryan Zinke. He, I believe, is a great candidate. I have personally met him, talked with him about veteran issues, and I feel that he would be a great candidate worth standing behind. The whole story and what I said was misrepresented. I took a neutral stand, and it back fired. Never again. But I a man who admits that I am not perfect and that I have made my share of mistakes. If you want to judge me based on what has been reported in the media, that’s your choice. But I know damn well you are not without some mistakes or bad judgement in your life. It’s human nature to make mistakes. But a real man admits it. A real man stands up and makes no excuses. Just know all the facts before you judge someone. I have fallen short in that category myself, lesson learned. I will say that I do not condone what he has done, I am not a supporter, and I reserve my decision making until I fully understand the whole story.
That’s a helluvalot of words you took to say nothing, other than a few things you already said. And that reversal strategy is a fail. The issue was Walsh and his plagiarism. The issue is now that and you, a Walsh apologist. That “others did it too ma!” defense didn’t work when you were a kid and now that you are an older kid, it still doesn’t work. You hit a jackpot on this one, Savage. A current topic here is bullshit PTS claims. Congratulations.
A lot of words. Question is, are they his words? After all, he says it’s no big deal to use someone else’s words…
“don’t judge lest though be judged”
As I recall, this quote is almost identical the quote by our most famous Montana five week Marine by way of East Helena. Robert Danny Hay.
How appropriate!
I’m not a US Senator.
A mistake is selecting mismatched socks. Violating the law is not a mistake. Bad judgment is marrying the wrong person. Plagiarism is beyond bad judgment.
But you already knew that.
Savage: your own words, quoted in the basic article above, disprove your claim that you “don’t condone what he did”. If you truly disapproved of Walsh’s conduct, you wouldn’t excuse it by using such terms as “so what” and “everybody does it”. You’d call it out as what it is: unacceptable conduct on the part of a senior member of the military or a US Senator.
Moreover, as others have observed, you’re now making a transparent attempt to change the subject. The issue is not whether the practice is widespread. The issue is whether or not it is (a) serious, (b) Walsh is guilty of said conduct, (c) whether it is material, and (d) whether Walsh is now trying to lie his way out of the consequences of reprehensible conduct.
The conduct at question here is indeed serious – so serious that it ends academic and military careers when discovered. Walsh has apparently admitted to the behavior. It is material, as it directly indicates Walsh’s trustworthiness. A thief is by definition someone who is trustworthy – especially when it comes to making law and managing public funds. Ditto someone who cracks under pressure and figures they have to “cut corners” because “everyone does it”.
And the attempt to deflect blame by an IMO false PTS claim is perhaps the worst. IMO this is complete BS – it’s merely an excuse of convenience to cover up wrongdoing that he hopes no one will question. However, this bogus claim by Walsh injures every vet who ever served – by spreading the myth that all vets are “messed-up, broken individuals who can’t be expected to function like the rest of society”.
That myth is an absolute crock of excrement. And by excusing Walsh’s conduct here, you are furthering the damage Walsh is doing to every veteran who ever served honorably.
Your willingness to excuse Walsh’s conduct makes you culpable as well. So again: please GFY.
“Sparks, who the fuck are you to judge me?”
He is:
A. A better man
B. A better man
C. A better man
D. A better man
Go ahead and select one, Savage. No matter which one you select, you will be correct. No cheating required!
Sorry Roy, just saw your post this morning. Who am I to judge you? I am the one judging you by your own words and admissions of lies and your defense of the indefensible Senator for the same. I’ve made my share of mistakes in life and the next guy’s too probably. But, I own up to them and don’t continue or condone them and don’t defend anyone else for making the same mistakes just because I did. This is an issue of deep integrity and honesty from an Army Officer and Senator. A man asking for a vote and to be trusted. You say, so what, everybody does it. Well no, Roy, everybody doesn’t plagiarize their thesis. Some do. You did and you admit. That put you on par with Walsh. A fraud and a liar. You admit to it? Great. How about this. Resubmit your paper to the institution you put it forward to and ask for it to be reviewed because of your admitted lies. So Roy, fuck you bud. You want to play holier than thou, now that you have been taken to task for your ass hat admission of shameful behavior. Well, play that violin somewhere else. Maybe at the Walsh campaign headquarters where they like and applaud his and your behaviors. But don’t come here and play it. You’ll get no sympathy or slack from me or anyone here.
Also Roy, on another note. I am fed up with hearing vets cry PTSD made me do it. I have heard it since Vietnam and it sickens me. True cases of PTSD are lessened and diminished in the public mind because of ass hats like you and the Senator who blame their bad choices on the military and the PTSD it caused them. I’ve been to a large VA hospital and seen a psych ward where men will stay the rest of their lives probably because of the true effects of PTSD. I’ve met and dealt with men who had true PTSD who are living productive, good lives despite the pain they suffer daily. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Yet they get through it, some go to school or on to many other great careers. But they never blame their mistakes on PTSD. To blame lying, cheating and plagiarism on PTSD is as cowardly as it comes. Walsh is a lying ass hole who was caught. You are a lying ass hole because you put your mug out there to be interviewed and condoned his behavior and fraud for the same reasons and then you were called out on it. Call it what it is Roy, fraud and lying, plain and simple. But be man enough to own it without the reference to an excuse as poor as PTSD was affecting you. Men who truly did and are suffering from it would look at you and Walsh and say shame on you both, as do I.
I’m not going to pretend that I am so brilliant that every paper I wrote in college was an entirely knew and novel way of looking at a particular issue. But, what I will say with absolute confidence, is that if I used someone else’s thoughts or research I made every effort to credit them and I never just copied verbatim whole passages that I passed off as my own work.
I once wrote a 6 pager paper with 4 pages of proper footnotes citing everything (including my own life experiences related to topic).
I got an A+ on the paper.
I found attribution difficult at times because I read so much. It isn’t always easy separating original thought from the ideas of others. Still, I got a tad miffed when I got dinged for improper attribution, a matter of style over substance. Lesson learned: follow the instructions. And Savage, the hell you say!
After a 32 year layoff, I decided to go back to school in January of 2013 and will be graduating in December of this year. I am a retired veteran with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. In every class taken, the class has been lectured on academic integrity and specifically on the subject of plagiarism. It is hard for me to imagine that the War College would not do the same. He got caught cheating plain and simple. The War College should yank his credentials at the vary least.
Congratulations. I need to read things like this to remind me most veterans make me proud as hell to be one. Semper Fi
Same here. After a long lay off, I too went back to school. The very first day we were hammered about integrity, honesty, and plagiarism. There’s no excuse for what Walsh did and his excuses just give all veterans a black eye.
Kudos to you, Trap.
If Johnny is having so many problems with his PTSD, he should man up, take care of himself and step away from his Senate campaign. Since he claims it affected his judgement in honesty (plaigiarism) decisions, what might it do to his judgement in decisions affecting his constituency and the nation?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is what sets the diagnostic criteria for establishing even a tentative diagnosis. Read this.
Who among us does not meet most of that criteria or is capable of sitting in front of a counselor and giving answers that would meet it. As that counselor working in an in-patient treatment center I did not have access to my patients service records. I am not talking about some small civilian clinic. As an example I will use the Naval Regional Medical Center at Camp Lejeune, the largest Marine Corps amphibious training base in the world. When I was working there any veteran on this site could have sat in front of me and spewed enough bullshit to meet that criteria and I had no way of verifying their service history. Tell me, what civilian clinician could not say most of us here displayed signs of 3.Hypervigilance
4.Exaggerated startle responses
Oh my goodness, we could all be diagnosed with PTSD now. There are legitimate and treatable cases of PTSD, I have had these patients. If a patient is diagnosed with Alcoholism they are still accountable for consequences of a DWI. If a patient is diagnosed with PTSD they should still be held accountable for fraud.
Letter from VA:
Dear Mr. Walsh,
After a cursory review of your claim and a two minute review of the creative documents that you have provided, the VA has awarded a disability rating(s) as per the below table.
1. PDST (avoidable non-combat slip and fall resulting in a face plant on hard object). 60%
2. Liar (consistantly stick to implausible stories). 10%
3. Cheat (used made up stories to justify the worst possible schoolastic infraction). 10%
4. Thief (used imbellished military service as a crutch and excuse to obtain tangible benefit). 10%
5. Fraud (gratuity rating added to only the most unbelievable cases). 10%
Your final service connected disability rating is 100%.
Tasha I. M. Dumbfuctski, III, MBA, CFC, CSW, CPDTSC
Lefties all seem to operate from the perspective that everybody lies, cheats, and steals. That is just how delusional they all are.
Simple reality is that they are wrong. Some folks do the right thing all the time. Yes, all humans make mistakes, but honest mistakes are ones that people make, learn from, make amends for and get on with life.
Lefties seem to have no concept of any of this. But, starting from their perspective it is easy for them to assume a moral equivalence between hardened criminals and the rest of us, between terrorists and law abiding citizens, and all those other false assumptions they make – all based upon their incorrect world view that all human beings will behave badly when given the freedom to make their own choices. They think we are all criminals but only some of us have been caught.
“Who hasn’t done it? I did it myself when I was in college and I was dealing with PTSD. Anybody who says they haven’t done it is a liar.”
Really Savage? You want to try and excuse your own and Walsh’s lack of honor and integrity that way? How about this. Everyone named Roy Savage and John Walsh have bent over and taken it up the rump by Bubba and Thor. If they say otherwise, they’re liars.
Grow up! It’s the news! The whole interview and what I said was NOT included. What I did say and what was re-written are two different things. But, if you can look in the mirror and tell yourself that you have NEVER lied, cheated, or made a bad choice or decision in your life…..I ask you this. Are you man enough to admit your faults and mistakes in the past? Have you grown wings? Are you a perfect angel? No. Man the whole story was taken out of context, cut and pasted to make a story.
What you said and what is in quotes is justification enough to condemn you.
Dumbass, I’m man enough to admit my mistakes. I learned from them, apologized for them, and went on with my life. I never made excuses as you and Walsh are doing So, grow up? I suggest you take your own advice.
Roy, I am late to the game but I hope you check back and read this. You do not have to read prior posts on this site to see that most of us have been corrected for posting something in error. I have stood corrected. What you will not find is one of us responding with ‘You have been wrong too, so grow up’. There are whole websites dedicated to publishing false information about people who post here. Easy way to clear things us is email Jonn your info for a FOIA. Show that you have taken some action to correct the false statements printed about you. If they are indeed false I am sure you will be doing that anyway.
Yes, I am doing just that. But reguardless, people will still judge. I never said I condoned what he did, never will. I just simply admitted my mistakes, quoted research I found on line, and tried to take a neutral stand. Lesson ed learned. You can’T take a neutral ground. But, people will judge, people b will jump to conclusions based on little information. I know what I said offended some people. I was wrong to generalize and say everyone does it, so what. For that I appologize. Not everyone does it, I know that. I mis-spoke and for that I appologize.
You may be surprised. I first came to this site because I was told a Marine I served with in Beirut was being called a phony. I was ready for a fight to defend his ass….until I read all the posts several times. His ass got what it deserved. You came here obviously ready to defend yourself. If your FOIA checks out and you hang around here long enough I am sure you will come to understand why you got the response you did. Roy everyone has a right to be full of shit…to a point that Marine named Lawton went well beyond that point. I will make a statement and please do not comment on this part. Chalk it up to being my opinion only. Working at or just sitting at a VFW bar requires a high tolerance to embellished bullshit stories that some veterans spew. Posting on this site requires an extremely low tolerance for the same thing. Two different worlds my friend. I will state that your response to my post contains enough fiber of a man for me to give you credit where its due. You came here full of piss and vinegar to defend yourself, alright I respect that. Said some things here maybe in haste and other not so much. I understand that. There are some things out there other places that need to be corrected or manned up to, not such a big deal. I shave the man in the mirror and sometimes our best aint good enough for some. I just have to be able to look at mirror and say I really did do my best. Semper Fi.
Damn, I thought I was bad. This fucker makes me look like a piker.
Mr. Walsh is about to meet some people that do not think very highly of his finest actions. Matter of fact, some old timey Montana democrats have taken in this boys plight.
I stand on this much, the boy done f’d up and any PTS he complains of is most likely cause by several ass whippings in high school. Kinda rare for any boy to escape Butte High and not garner those.
Wait, maybe that herd of sheep out at the Rocker exit turned him down fo soma dat fine, wooly nookie…
Tripped on something during a firefight. Hahahahahaha…that’s fucking hilarious. Surprised he just didn’t say he got butt stroked by a Taliban AK. What a fucking turd. And getting PTS from hitting your head? That’s a new one. I think he’s confusing PTS and TBI. Not surprised though. He has proven that he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I know exactly where he injured his “head”, back when he was a young pup cruising Butte, looking for nookie and not able to get it for free went to the Dumas Brothel and paid to get laid. It operated from 1890 until 1982…Ms. Garrett ran afoul of the IRS and caught the hoodup in a federal pen for tax evasion. PST! I done been there during high school, high class operation too. Heh..
strike “in” add interest…
Who is this asshole Roy Savage anyway? I hope that whatever school awarded him a degree now asks the plagiarist some specifics and rescinds the degree. What a piece of crap. Everybody does it? No, Roy, everyone doesn’t it. And if one says he did not do it–as I do–he’s a liar? Just go straight to hell, Roy, you horse’s ass.
From (Missoula, Montana) 19 May 2014
“Savage served in the Navy during the Operation Desert Storm as a ships operation specialist, a rescue swimmer and as a member of his ship’s security force. […]
When he went into the conflict zones his military training took over and he became a warrior – but it’s not always easy for a warrior to return home after war. […]
I’ve got some post traumatic stress. I’ve got some detachment disorder. Some things from both early childhood and from military service.”
See what he did there? PTS from early child AND Navy service. Detachment disorder. Yeah, his dick fell off. Fucker.
Yep, another fucking war hero from the bowels of CIC….
He was a fucking OS for chrissakes, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but seriously dude all you do is sit in Combat Information Center. How much you wanna bet he wasn’t actually even on the Ships Security Force or a Rescue Swimmer for that matter….
Just emailed his Post with the following;
Sir/or Ma’am,
I recently read an article in yahoo news wherein an individual named Roy Savage was identified as the adjutant of your post and quoted as saying the following regarding the recent scandal regarding Senator Walsh;–election.html?bcmt=comments-postbox
Roy Savage, the adjutant at the Ole Beck Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 209 in Missoula, said it shouldn’t. Savage, who also advocates for veterans and coordinates the Heroes Therapeutic Outreach Program, said the issue shouldn’t overshadow what each candidate stands and fights for.
And even if Walsh did plagiarize his paper, Savage asked, so what?
“If he did it, you know, slap on the wrist,” he said. “Who hasn’t done it? I did it myself when I was in college and I was dealing with PTSD. Anybody who says they haven’t done it is a liar.”
I have two questions regarding this individual, 1. Is he or is he not your adjutant? 2. If the answer to one is yes, does Post 209 condone having an admitted cheater as its adjutant?
If a person thinks cheating at an exam is no big deal then what else do they think it’s OK to cheat at? Perhaps you should check your books if this individual is involved with any monetary transactions seeing as how he condones cheating. Apparently he also claims that he has PTSD from being an OS on a ship during the first gulf war also? Are you familiar with what the OS rating does? I am a retired CWO3 that served in OIF 2003-2004.
And here is the response…notice the wheels are already spinning to disavow the comments…
Roy savage is our adjutant. He would be glad to talk to you about what he really said in the only interview he gave to KECI TV in Missoula. He is bartending today at the Post so the Number is 406 728 7749 if you would like to call him.
James Bobbitt
Quartermaster VFW Post 209
I wonder if he is related to John Bobbitt …
Just askin’.
Is that the same John Wayne Bobbitt who was the lead falsetto singer of the band called Severed Parts?
MK … Love to hear if there is phoncon today and how the former OS justifies his statements about cheating. I hope you asked where he went to school.
Call later in the shift after he has had a few pops behind the bar … Interviews always go well after the consumption of alcohol.
Ta Ta.
What are the odds that because of this story about Senator Dickwad cheating, you may have smoked out another liar/cheater.
He’s their adjutant? Hmmm. Apparently they need to update their website:
Sounds like he may be embellishing a bit. Seems like a lot of jobs. My brother was a boatswain mate on the Bunker Hill and he did drug interdiction/anti-piracy stuff, but he wouldn’t call himself a security force operator. And a rescue swimmer too? Maybe MCPO can weigh in on this.
No such thing as Security Force OPERATOR.
We all know who OPERATORS are.
Ship’s Security Force or Boarding Party maybe …
Show us the US Navy Rescue Swimmer School Certificate and SR entry for appropriate NEC.
Was he an airdale? Most US Navy Rescue Swimmers are deployed from helos and are airdales.
Not so much from ships … Anyone in the water near a ship is in peril … That is why Navy ships launch a motor whale boat or RIB to recover.
So somethin’ needs splain’ here!
I think his detachment disorder is related to his detachment from reality …
Oh one other thing ADMIRAL of the Scope … Everybody/everyone does not cheat like you and Walsh.
They wouldn’t use an OS for a boarding party/security party would they? That’s usually a master at arms or boatswain’s mate duty isn’t it? Your thought MCPO. This guy may be living a lie, much like the turd he is defending for plagiarism.
I put it out there. You be the judge.
Then again he could be the most awesomest US Navy OS, Security Force Operator, Rescue Swimmer (who has openly admitted and supported cheating in school and everyone who hasn’t is LIAR) in the world.
So according to him I am a LIAR!
But truth be told I am not. In grade school the nuns would have tuned us up, so we didn’t. In HS, I was quite or not there. And in adult life I never cheated on any test ever.
So now we have a problem. A senior official of a post is calling most, like me, a bunch of LIARS.
Can’t make it up!
Man, how things can be twisted. Sir, this is Roy Savage. I was an Operations Specialist, Ship’s Rescue Swimmer, served on the Ship’s Security Force and Ship’s Fire Party. Yes, I served in many positions. I also started my career as an undesignated seaman. I started as a “Deck Ape”, standing watch, driving the ship, handling mooring lines, working on small boats, painting, chipping and polishing brightwork. I embelish nothing. What the problem here is that the whole story was not reported. I was grossly misrepresented in the media and I’m dealing with it. It blows my mind how many band-wagoners there are out there. Don’t point the finger and judge me unless you know the full truth. What I said is that everyone has made mistakes in their life, many have cheated, lied, plagiarized (75% of all college students admit to it). I don’t condone it. I did say that yes, I did it myself when I was younger. I did not do it in college. I only spent a year in college and decided it was not for me. What I will say, is know the whole truth before you judge someone, and if you can say that you have never made mistakes or bad decisions in the past- no matter what they are, then you damn well better be sprouting some wings and fly off into the heavens. I stood as a man, admitted I have made mistakes in the past. It takes a real man to do that.
You are picking on the wrong person and crowd.
You agreed to an interview,you were interviewed, if you have an issue with what was published,you go to the editor and or reporter.
This story has legs and it walked straight in here along with many other media outlets.
So, did you go to the defense of Walsh yes or no?
Did you address the issue of cheating yes or no?
Explain yourself, you were quoted, not me.
See this is where I get confused….we’re discussing two separate interviews he has given. One, was regarding Senator Walsh’s PTSD defense of his plagiarism. This was just this week. But the other interview that Mr. Savage gave revolved around his service in the gulf war and subsequent claims of PTSD by his own statements. For instance this one here;
“It was quite a transition process going from such a regimented routine to virtually nothing. I’ve got some post traumatic stress. I’ve got some detachment disorder. Some things from both early childhood and from military service.”
Yet when he emailed me today he wrote the following;
“First, you must realize by now that you can only take what the media reports at face value. In no interview did I ever say that I was an OS on board a ship and had suffered from PTSD from it. Boredom, sure. PTSD no. I was also a Ship’s Rescue Swimmer and that in no way caused PTSD either. What I said is that I have Attachment Disorder from early childhood and that people with Attachment Disorder are more likely to suffer PTSD, due to exposure from War Time Trauma, requardless of what each individual may have been exposed to. That is a conclusive and documented medial fact.”
So which one is correct Mr. Savage? PTSD on not?
@Climb to Glory: I believe you hit the nail on the head vis-a-vis your comment about the smoking out another one….sort of like collateral damage.
You said you cheated. You didn’t apologize for it. You said that Walsh cheated. You also said it was no big deal. That speaks to your character as well as Walsh’s. Here’s a news flash for you, Sparky. Not everyone cheats. Your lack of integrity by trying to play it off as, “Well, everyone does it,” shows a deep character flaw. You tried to cover for Walsh’s lies and theft as no big deal? Yes, it is, especially in a senior military officer at one of the most prestigious military schools in the country and someone who’s running for high elected office. If Walsh can’t uphold the moral principles he swore to in his oath, then what can one expect from him in the Senate? As MCPO said, this story has legs. It strolled in here and it isn’t going away.
Climb, on my ship the ships security team was pulled from the Combat Systems Department, GM, FC, ET, DS, EW rates. So I guess depending on ship type they could use OS.
Before I was in the Army, I was in the Navy. I was also a operations specialist. I watched a radar screen. Also as with most Petty Officers on the ship, I was also on the security force. What he did is no big deal.
“Savage did know what he was dealing with though. When he went into the conflict zones his military training took over and he became a warrior – but it’s not always easy for a warrior to return home after war.”
Not to disparage anyone’s military service, but…WTF?
I should also point out that on my ship we called it security alert team. This is an in port duty. To this day I have nightmares of some of the things I saw in Olongapo.
I am with you Brother. Let’s start a support group! Should be fun!
No one forced either of you two loons to go to the bars in Olongapo, so get over it. I ain’t buyin’ it.
Next customer!
Define “forced”…
Oh the things I’ve seen.
Forced = dragged to it, kicking and screaming in protest.
Well… I could make a case for the dragged part a time or two, but nope, no kicking or screaming at least on my part.
I hope that some day I can persuade some of you guys to allow me to record your sea stories from them there good ol’ days in the REAL Navy, without my having to bribe you with adult beverages to do it.
What happens in Ologapo……..
UH,ExPh2 make it three Loons. Also spent 3 days in Baggio in the moutains.Where the Philapinos take vacations.They really love Marines there.
Olongapo? Or Macho Grande?
I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.
And seriously, Roy m’boy, ever hear of this word called, “integrity”? I lived it when I was in, I live it today.
No, I don’t lie or cheat. Never have. Have I made some “bad” decisions? Depends on what you consider bad. Party a little too much and pay for it the next day? Yup. Beat kids? No. Plagiarize work and pass it off as my own? No.
See, what you’re trying to do is make it so anyone with any imperfection is somehow not allowed to criticize you for the stupid shit you pulled. Sorry, but YOU have to justify YOUR actions, not the other way around.
And OS? C’mon, Roy. It takes all kinds to make the Navy go, but seriously, no need to overplay your hand there, bud.
Roy Savage is why I am embarrassed to be a life member of the VFW.
Good point.
The VFW is not different from other organizations. They have bad apples like the rest. This Savage guy may have served honorably in a conflict and his stupidity over this matter does not erase that. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater
Did he “earn” a Master’s Degree based on his plagarized work? If so, the War College should revoke the degree. Yeah, I know, fat chance.
Actually, Smaj – it happens from time to time. Per a related article (I’ll try to find the link), at least 8 War College degrees have been revoked during the last couple of decades – 6 for plagiarism and 2 for other misconduct.
Walsh has also been notified that an academic board will meet at the War College to consider his plagiarism case next month. Reportedly, he has not yet indicated whether he wished to appear in person at the board.
Heressssss Johnny!
US Army War College is looking in to the matter. Wonder if Johnny is gonna use his Senate stroke n poke to quell this lil puppy now. Wait, puppy my ass…elephant in the room!
Yep, that’s the article. And my memory was correct; since 1990, 8 revocations – 6 for plagiarism, 2 for misconduct.
Appreciate the help, street.
So net this out for me:
Is it conflict zones or a war he returned from?
I am still stuck on that fact that he was a Twigget!
Not that being a Twigget is a bad thing … Every ship needs them!
Nothing wrong with being an OS. But is old Roy a Shellback?
Yes, I am
Easy there you old snipe , OS is not a true twigget rating they are just a bunch of scope dopes. A real twigget fixes things.
Or loads the Star Wars program into the NTDS mainframe.
NTDS, I remember it well. One of my ancillary pieces of equipment was the RDS that fed into it. I was one of the few people on board that actually knew what and how NTDS did what it did.
I don’t speak for anyone else but I more or less felt that bars, strip clubs, enlisted and NCO clubs were “conflict zones”. Once in a while, the enlisted club could go from a “conflict zone” to a “war zone” at the drop of hat. lol
Dang. I made it through ACSC after my war/hospital “sabbatical”, was on some pretty good medicine and I managed to graduate without plagurizing anyone’s work. Hmm but then Mr Savage would call me a liar. Maybe I was cheating and didn’t realize it.
Writes Savage, “I never even mentioned my service in the Navy in the interview with him.” You didn’t have to mention it, nitwit. Your being a Navy warrior (laugh supression button activated) was profiled by your local TV in Miss-somethingorother back in May.
Smoking Gun ALERT:
So it was the reporter.
Ah …
Have we ever heard that before?
Just on case Ol’ Roy’s PTSD keeps him from remembering this…
Dang! I was in Desert Storm, and that “warrior” thing never happened to me. But then again, I wasn’t In the NAVY. Why, yes, I do consider myself in the warrior class because I was trained, willing, and able to become one had the necessity ever presented itself. Those circumstances didn’t happen, so, like most other members of the collective US military, it was more about what I was prepared to do instead of what I actually did.
Maybe the Navy implanted a magic “warrior switch” that when activated turned him from a run of the mill liar into super ninja warrior sailor?
Hey Savage, sorry I missed your posts. I was out throwing rocks from my glass house. The way you “man up” is a scream. “I did say that yes, I did it myself when I was younger.” So, you did what and when? I have no idea because you never said anything. You were younger? How young? Six? Twelve? Thirty? You did what, exactly? Stole someone’s property? Cheated at cards? And this WElash business isn’t about making bad choices. It’s about theft of intellectual property, taking someone else’s work as one’s own. Now you’re the victim, huh? You wwant to set the rtecord straight, huh? Well, if what you presented here is that effort, them the reporter got it right. You are national news, big boy. I caught your stuff on Fox, not your local rag. Jeez, I really hope that this doesn’t traumatize you. I know you went through hell and back in your Navy jack-of-all- trades MOS.
And another thing. Just so you know why I anfd others are pissed at you. When you represent yourself as a Veteran and a VFW officer, you–whether you intend to or not–are no longer speaking only for Roy Savage. You are speaking for all Veterans. Well, fuck you. Out.
Roy Savage……. My family has deep roots in Montana. Especially Missoula. I was born there. My father and my two uncles, all WWII veterans all lived in Missoula for many years. If they were still alive, they prob. Finish their day of fishing Rock Creek and pay you a visit to shall we say, discuss your position.
Like it or not you’ve created a shit storm and your right smack in the middle of it!
Maybe you can follow Walsh’s lead and claim PTSD to get your fanny out of the shit storm you’ve created!
Well, there you have it folks.
We have been Savaged!
Clearly Walsh is grasping at straws to dodge the bullet, allow the dust to settle and the media to move on to some other top story. The whole thing is sad, but per the WashPost it’s worse than we thought. Not only was his Masters thesis from the Army War College heavily plagiarized…it was all of 14 pages long! I think we’ve all written longer papers in high school. Sad for the Army and the War College. Who was his thesis advisor? That officer should be fired as well.
The only disorder that Savage and Walsh have is the lack of integrity disorder. I’m sorry I spent the money on a VFW Life Membership…..
When someone says ‘I’ve done it (cheated) so everyone else must have done it, too’, that is not logical. Not everyone cheats, lies, steals, commits murder or rape, or any one of a dozen other rotten deeds.
Like the majority of respondents to Walsh’s positing here, I managed somehow to get a BA plus some 26 graduate hours post my BA without ever cheating, lying, or stealing someone else’s work and claiming it was mine, UNLIKE CERTAIN PERSONS WE ALL KNOW ABOUT.
There’s a wide gap between doing your own work while acknowledging your references and resources, and claiming that what you handed in or put on your website is yours when it isn’t. ISN’T THERE? Yeah, I’m referring to you, you rat-faced jackass. You know exactly what I’m talking about, crapweasel.
So guess what, Savage. You just lowered yourself to the scumbag crapweasel basement level of someone else WHOM EVERYONE HERE KNOWS ABOUT.
Your opinion is without merit and incorrect.
Crap! ‘Walsh’ s/b ‘Savage’. Long day, and I’m tired.
Love it! Swiping for future use, too. HA! 😎
“rat-faced jackass”
My pleasure, street.
In case anyone misses it further up in the comments, the US Army War College is now on the case.
Hey! YOU there, Mr.Savage! Got friends? If not, rent them. LOTS of them! I have hunch your gonna need ’em!
Savage, you are just a Walsh lackey who is blindly supporting him for whatever reason.
Your story about your own service sounds like you are trying to make yourself out to be something you arent.
You were a regular swabbie on board a ship.
There was nothing wrong with that. Adding in that you were “security force” for the ship etc, doesnt need to be added. Don’t even start with ptsd.
I don’t quite understand a shipboard sailor claiming PTS, maybe if they were involved in a major mishap like a main space fire or a collision. But from normal operations? Really?
Yes I’m looking at you, you lying old fraud from the Pacific NW.
Kinda old ET1: You could also look at this guy from the East Coast – who reputedly conned the VA into rating him 100% for PTSD due to “killing a sh!tload of folks during secret ground combat missions in Libya during the 1980s”.
I’m not joking.
Lotsa guys seem to have “caught the PTSD” from routine duty these days. And yeah – the quotes here are intentional.
Maybe file Roy Savage under “shitbags”.
Simple fact. Every officer attending any high level military academic course is warned in drastic terms the consequences of plagiarism. It does not matter whether it’s in residence or by correspondence. He violated the standards expected of every officer at the war college, therefore he should pay the price. The so what is that we don’t want lying, cheating, self serving scumbags in the military leading troops or serving in positions of special trust. He can spin it and lie about it all he wants, but he still violated the rules. All I can say is that he has truly sunk to the standards expected of a politician.
Even basic MOS schools in the military are stringent on cheating during testing.
NCO schools will slam your nuts in the door on the way out, kicking you out and sending you back to your command with bad paper and probably an artice 15.
When you are talking about an advanced officers course like this its a seriuos issue. It’s a competition just to get a seat in the course, and your standing in the course is very important. Niether the students or the staff condone asshattery. Walsh knew exactly what he was doing. Blaming his being a fuckstick who was too lazy to do his own work on PTSD is trash. The thing is the son of a bitch was probably doing all kinds of state political moves while he was in the course.
In academia in general, plagiarism is one of the worst crimes you could commit. Sure, you can BS all you want, as long as it is your words or others properly cited.
And there is a reason why properly accredited institutions take plagiarism seriously: In Japan right now, there’s a bit of a scandal with a woman, who among other things, stands accused of plagiarizing her PhD thesis. (Let’s set aside questions like, “why her advisor no read her thesis?”) She copy-pasta’d wholesale a bunch of stuff off an NIH website right into that thesis of hers.
The university in question conducted an “investigation”. They concluded that it was “an honest mistake” and that her degree shouldn’t be revoked.
This has lead to condemnation of the non-revocation, and questioning if the university is actually serious. Because if they continue down the path they’re on, they are in danger of not being taken seriously by anyone anymore. Their graduates, past, present and future, will find their degrees worth little more than Dennis Chevalier’s fake degrees. And that loss of trust is how a university dies.
This ain’t no poker game where lying and cheatin’ is expected. This goes to the core of the integrity not only of the students, but the institution.
Hmm maybe a FOIA on “Everyone Did It, and Anyone Who Says They Didn’t Is A LIAR” Roy Savage.
Lies and cheats in school…lies about an interview and now it appears he is embellishing his service time…
Just a thought.
““If he did it, you know, slap on the wrist,” he said. “Who hasn’t done it? I did it myself when I was in college and I was dealing with PTSD. Anybody who says they haven’t done it is a liar.””
Uh…you were not a 40yr old Army Officer held to a higher standard of honesty dipshit. You were a drunk college student doing stupid crap before you learned better and grew up.
Really, the lengths some of these jackasses will go to protect their guy is amazing to me.
So first this guy comes on this sight and claims he was an OS but that the tv reporter essentially made shit up that he didn’t say or twisted what he did say into stuff he didn’t mean. Fair enough and it happens often and is why you should not talk to the media but this clown then emails a person on this sight and says he was NOT an OS on a ship?
Well, which was it? Now everything he says is suspect. Who to believe? I think his records should be the final verdict.
You know saying “We always thought jumping out of aircraft as playing around. I Halo’d into Panama during the conflict there” is not the same thing as “I play HALO”
Words have meaning. If you tell the truth you never have to backtrack and check what you said to “clarify” something.
For a FOIA request, we need full name; DOB plus POB (or SSN); military service, and approx dates.
I have service, approx dates, and a partial name. If anyone can assist with the rest, I’ll be glad to file a FOIA request.
Sent what I found to Jonn…I think enough info there for you.
Check your email…sent to you too 🙂
Not quite, TC. Still need DOB.
BS, BS, BS all around! While it is possible to “catch the PTS” on board ship, depending, this epidemic is at least suspicious if not downright sinister.
Friends of mine were aboard the USS Forrestal on July 29, 1967. After dealing with the results of that experience, I seriously have no patience for the current contagion of “PTSD” which seems to be infecting anyone who can spell it.
Yeah. Want to see the claims plummet faster than a rock dropped in a creek? Offer treatment w/o compensation unless the PTS is so debilitating that the sufferer cannot hold a job. This is like free cheese to many Vets.
So I was a BT on three ships and was at sea for the better part of 9.5 years and operated steam generators (boilers) and supervised the the entire Engineering Department as a EOOW along with all other systems connected.
So, now I can claim that I am the Commander of the Engineering Department on Moon Base Alpha and I am dealing with a lot of stuff. Separation stuff … You know earth to moon separation.
I get it now!
I need to update my DD-214.
Wait before you claim that. You have to become an officer in a VSO and then do it when you are in front of the press. If you do it before that you just make yourself look bad why not wait until you can make us all look bad?
Get a life, Roy.
And another thing, Roy: If you don’t want to be quoted by the media, don’t talk to the media. Unless you happen to own the media outlet, what would make you think that they are going to make public only what YOU want to be made public? That is just silly.
Meanwhile, yeah, you punched a lot of buttons among the BTDT crowd, which most of us are here. I am a VFW Lifer as well, and take personal umbrage at your words because of that. As if your voluntarily giving up words which could be quoted as they were could be ascribed to anyone but yourself.
How’s about YOU man up and take ownership of the simple fact that YOU granted the interview (apparently not your first foray into playing footsy with the media, to your own self-aggrandizing benefit) and are therefore responsible for what came out of that interview?
Rules #1 and #2 about the media.
1. It is OK to talk to the media about what YOU DO without any basic training and qualifications in dealing with the media.
2. In the absence of training and qualifications in dealing with the media, it is foolish to talk about what you did and what you do while mixing other ISSUES in there like a salad thrown together at the last minute.
Pure foolishness.
Dealing with the media is not a sport.
Also, is Roy speaking for the VFW?
WOW… There so much crap on this page I can’t even flush it with out plugging the toilet. If you people would put this much effort in helping the Veterans that have issues the world would be a better place.
I have done 1 to many funeral honors for a Veteran that could not cope.
Every body pull heads out, Vote the way you feel will be best for the veterans to get the job done. Who has the connections, who has the pull and who will be true to their word. If that person gets voted in and does not perform vote them out.
This is what we fought/fight for, freedom, speech, liberty, to have our own option to make choices right or wrong in the eyes of the people that have the same right.
The more any body writes here the deeper the hole gets because no one has all the information needed to make a proper statement.
Green Thumb one of the news cast says this is not the views of any organization.
Who said anything about voting? One fellow gets caught cheating on a paper, he blames PTS, another guy defends him by saying that all veterans are cheating liars. What does politics have to do with that? We don’t suffer fools from any party here. If you’d read our archives, you’d know that. But, I know you’re a busy man and don’t have time to look beyond politics – like the media doesn’t have the time to look beyond PTS.
It is always about the vote. I am sure if there was not an office being ran for, this thing would not have come up. Let this get going… we are all sinners…. and will be judged at the time of our death.
Holy Sweet Mother of Jesus, Holy Saint Joseph and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Is that the best you can do?
Most of us here don’t give a friggin’ hoot about your religious convictions and how you may view and or embrace sinners!
Sinners my Royal Irish Ass!
So let me net this out:
1. Walsh gets caught cheating!
2. Savage says … Ah … OK … Everyone does it and if not … you are a liar, liar, pants on fire!
3. Savage gets panties in wad (probably Walmart brand).
4. You show up not knowing how to pen a cogent point.
5. Then you drop “Sinner Bomb”.
6. You win, Walsh cheated because he is a sinner and Jesus especially loves those sinners.
Man … You are a way off the track!
Really, tell us about those who could not cope and the number of funeral details.
Let’s turn this discussion in the direction you want.
How will my vote effect the number of funerals you have to attend for those who could not cope.
Who are these poor souls. If they are Vets we would certainly appreciate hearing more about them.
See now look how one thing get typed and then one person tries to go out of context.
MCPO NYC Ret. You are an enabler to keep it going. The point is this is a campaign. I say there is at least one person out there that has done plagiarism but you do not see them in the news.
It is about the vote. The actions of ones foot in mouth does not constituent the harassment given to Roy. As Master Chief Petty Officer that completed at least 20 years should not be down grading an individual of the service publicly, from what I have seen in your other post. If this is how you ran a department I would have called you moron to your face. You must have been a fleeter. Submariners and Sea Bees are way more tactful.
Poor souls?
You wouldn’t by chance be the VFW-Missoula post chaplain would you?
Just askin
No, just live in Missoula
Are you a CPO?
No, Injuries made unfit for military service for deployment. 15 yrs and they made sure i did not get retirement
So … Probably equiv to a DWI with injuries, or July 4th party where you held the M-80 too long, or addiction (huffing), or perhaps you were discharged because you could not make rate, or you did not make it past a selection board that I was a voting memeber on!
Either way … YOU have proven that YOU are not what YOU believe YOU are.
But WE know!
Is this what a leader of men should be typing in appears you and Walsh have something in common. YOU are both not qualified to lead.
There you go making assumptions.
Actually, SUB2CB, there is one community that is probably more down-to-earth than either of those you mention. That’s true in all the services. It’s the Special Ops community, plus those who support same.
Let’s just say I think you stepped on your crank with your comments above. Bigtime.
This to feed the frenzy and it look like it worked.
My, aren’t you the clever one!
You are aware that it is YOU who started the current “frenzy,” right?
The irony is probably also lost on you that you are justifying the defense of someone you know while at the same time condemning all of us for defending ourselves when we were called liars and thieves. Defending ourselves only became necessary because there is a guy out there in Montana who committed plagiary, not something which should be tolerated by anyone being paid with public funds.
Honor, commitment, courage
Once they prove it he should be done. Not just statements but a conviction.
Let’s see: the one who committed the plagiary admits to the plagiary, the guy he plagiarized acknowledges the plagiary, and copies of all of it are available in the public domain. That’s just about the most proof anyone could ask for in any case.
But, by all means, keep waiting for that conviction to make up your mind about it. Who are you expecting to file charges so that you can see the conviction?
Yep that is the American way.
Freedom of choice
Ain’t dat da truff!
I am calling you out … Invite SEN Walsh.
Place and time. I will visit your post, lodge, trailer park or Walmart.
You have no idea.
You and your friend walked in to a snake pit here. EVERYONE here knows each other and “we do what we do because it matters”.
You on the other believe that circumstances and issues trump facts andd standards … Well Submariner they don’t.
So as I check the admission tickets to HEll while on duty and then retire to sit at the right hand of God (where all MCPO’s do) you can KMRIA!
Send your bona fides to contact above!
You are not a CPO … And I now know why!
Does not matter, water off the back.
You are a coward!
Send your info to contact or go away!
IP and GEO location in “ladies, healthcare, hygene and grooming products” please.
SUB2CB: I’d suggest you spend a bit of time poking about on this site, toolbox.
Jonn could possibly give you the precise number – but I’m guessing several hundred if not over 1000 lying asses have been outed on this site.
My guess is that maybe 10 of them were politicians. The others – just liars.
Obviously, you know little.
The only “crap” on this page, jackass, is in your comment above, and in those comments defending Walsh.
Now, how about you be a nice lad, and go fornicate off?
Had no comment on defending Walsh so you put words in my writing that are not there an twisted to your benefit.
O by the why that is a good stress reliever, don’t ever lose your patrol sock.
So what boat were you on? On second thought, don’t tell me. I’m sure I could figure it out.
Bottom line, I sure as fuck wouldn’t want someone like you on my boat.
I always like the comments that start with “you people.” It signals not only hostility but separateness. It’s the written finger pointer. SUB2CB didn’t disappoint and utilized the same tactic that Roy Savage did: redirection.
SUB2CB: Roy is a an apologist for an admitted cheat and plagiarist. Roy admitted to similar wrongdoing but did not specify whether that was theft, cheating, or something else. For those two reasons alone, both Walsh and Savage are knuckleheads, deserving of our disdain. Now, what is especially bad about Roy’s situation is that the media (and many, many outlets covered Roy’s two cents) besmirched all Veterans with that everyone does it crap. Was the report errant? I don’t know. Roy says he was misquoted or misunderstood or something. Right. Okay. So let’s talk about freedom, liberty, Old Glory and voting…
Sorry I did not put ” ” on you people be cause it most likely has been used before. Yes it was for hostility because thing that are being written can push some one over the edge (cyber bulling). You have beaten the horse to death. In life does this really going to affect you so much you will be unable to function.
Separateness, yes, this way I do not have to deal with “you people” give it a rest some of the comments are unfounded and uncalled for.
Some people cheat, lie, steal, break the law here and there, that is the human race. In the long run your still alive so live your life the best you can. In the long run this has no effect on your life.
On the other hand making the bullets for my gun cost to much has…….(no I am not looking for a bell tower the bullets for my gun cost to much)
Sub……..I’m sure glad you came on this site to tell us how we should treat others. Don’t now how I made it through the day, before you showed up with your comments!
It’s been said many times before to pompous individuals such as yourself. IF YOU DONT LIKE WHATS SAID ON THIS BLOG, DONT READ IT!
Kindly, just go away!
You mean what is written
I’m sure the irony escapes you, moron.
Do you have a categories for “WTF” or “White Flag” or “Give Me Back My Toy” or “The Water is Too Wet”?
Just askin’
Ta Ta
Actually, MCPO – we do have a “WTF?” category. (smile)
One of the hardest parts about contributing something here is selecting the right category from the dashboard.
Among my favorites
Who Knows
And the floggings will continue until moral improves
I am an advocate of a Facepalm and WTF did I just read
Most people are not O6s going to the War College either, SUB2CB. The standards are much higher for those who are.
Most understand the distinction, too. And they expect more from senior military officers.
That, dipstick, is the issue here. Not your pathetic attempts to justify Walsh’s poor behavior, or the fact that such malfeasance is regrettably commonplace.
What? That makes no sense at all.
But, like most everyone who has posted here, I cannot vote for or against the subject of this post. What can the vote have to do with anything? WE CAN’T VOTE IN THAT ELECTION! Theoretically, we probably could make a campaign contribution to his opponent, but I am rather busy with other things and will spend my $$ locally.
If you will take the time to look at the times and dates of the posts in this topic, you will see that things had settled down. Then Mr. VFW came in whining and playing the victim card.
Using my imagination, he might be trying to tell us that he was had by the interviewer. Were that the case, it might have been easier, and more productive, for him to say something like, “Dang, that interview went badly. I can see why folks are upset because it sounds like I am supporting the guy. I am NOT supporting what he did or his candidacy. My apologies to all who were offended by the statement, incorrectly quoted as me accusing all veterans of lying. I do NOT believe that. I have let the author of that article know that I do not appreciate being misrepresented.”
The fact that instead of a mea culpa, explanation, and apology he came at us with justification makes it difficult to now believe that he was misquoted at all.
Oh, well. We are well aware that we don’t have all the facts, but you have also demonstrated you unwillingness to get even a few facts yourself, sub2cb.
Fact or no fact, I had to have some fun and poke the bear, You guys/gals need some one else to pick on to keep this going a little more. This in the long run only effects the election race in Montana. Until he is formally convicted I have no opinion (Walsh), One person with foot in mouth does not bother me.
Ahhh. So, just as we surmised, it’s all about you. Who ever would have guessed.
ME ME ME the world revolves
Sorry of my meds it makes me do things stupid
or if I take my anti depressant, tramadole and mussel relaxant has known to make me see things not there
Mussel relaxant? What kind of mussel? Clams or oysters?
Geez, on top of everything else, you’re just downright stupid.
Go here, shitstick.
Certainly did take you a long time to admit that you’re an attention whore.
Sorry some of us have work for a living a have a life.
On a Sunday night … Tell us about your choosen career that has you working Sunday night!
Uhmmmm… Master Chief, lots of honorable jobs work on Sundays and nights. I’m at work tonight. Senior Tech for a defense contractor. We run our shop 24/7.
Time of day or day of week is not always an indicator for job quality.
I agree. Hell, Phil Monkress works 3rd and Main on Sunday night with Paul (of the Ballsack) providing his “services” for a few spare coins.
I knowthat! My point was,whatkinda of job allows one to showup soundingdrunk and stoned!
Roger t hat!
BTDT too, Master Chief.
Not often, but it happens.
Gee, I was out of the house most of day shooting clouds, and then I came home, dumped my card, fixed dinner, washed the dishes, and you’re preaching at me about having a life?
I doubt that.
You’re just a bad joke with a grudge against everyone who enjoys life, because you don’t.
And yet here you are, spouting your inane bullshit. Moron.
The main issue of this entire thing is an asshole blaming PTSD for his asshattery.
There are veterans who suffer from PTSD who never get help for it or end up losing everything they have, including their lives because of it. Walsh is just like those other dicks who do everything from rob a store, beat their wives or kill someone and blame it on PTSD. Many of them either never served or were never in a situation where they can justify claiming it.
Walsh is a cunter-fly who got caught cheating on a paper and blamed it on PTSD.
By the way if you were railroaded out of the Navy at 15 for medical without any type of retirement you should get with a VSO.
The way you come accross here you were probably a dick who fucked up and couldn’t get promoted or an ultra fat-ass who got ut out for weight.
Oh and as MCPO says
See talking and writing are the same can be taken different ways. Tore both knees up. I live with the pain everyday. Cannot sleep. The disability I receive out weighed the politics and hassle of getting back in. The VA system for me has worked. I was up for the chiefs exam at 15 yrs with broken service and changing rates. Hence SUB 2 CB not many people can do that.
I got a pretty good idea why you went from the boats to the Seabees, if in fact that’s the case.
Up for CPO at the 9 year point. (And no, didn’t make it before I got out. Sucks for me.) But at least I’m not claiming what I’m not, “honorary” or otherwise.
Up for Chief at 15 years, Holy Jesus call the Navy Band!
Most good Selectees make it first time up at 9 to 12.
I know what happened!
I have sat 4 Selection Boards … As a voting memeber.
Can only sit every 2 years, meaning 8 years experience … Few, yes few can say that!
Don’t BULLSHIT me!
I have more knowledge of what makes a a good Sailor and Chief then you can possibly imagine …
Knees my ass, probably had more to do with your character and inability to develop and demontratepotential and lack of initiative.
But what do I know …
So if your soooo smart than do the math
6 yrs active
6yr break
9 yrs reserve start from ground zero. it look like I fall into your good selection category thanks for the compliment.
If you do not know how the reserves work then do not make a comment
you hit the nail on the head ” WHAT DO YOU KNOW”
Uh, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree there, scooter. And why weren’t you able to keep your rank, eh?
Better yet, why not keep your primary rating?
Stupid effin coners.
If you know any thing there are rates that do not have reserve billets. If you are as smarts as you think you are a 6 yr break you can not hold your rank due to the BREAK in service.
You are talking like a fleeter
I do not make the rules I just had to follow them.
He is correct, while every active rate is also a reserve rate there may or may not be a reserve billet.
The navy will at time change a rate in the reserves examples that I have seen would be OS to FC and BM to a CB rate.
I personally know a man who left active duty as a BM2, Went to reserve unit and Made BM1, his unit was reorganized and because he was a master electrician in the real world he was changed to Construction Electrician 1st class
Comparing what you wrote earlier … Something now smells werid.
So you got out with 2 bad knees … You indicated in an earlier post that … Ah … Do you remember?
And the VA is good to you now!
Well that is fucking special.
Your are EXACTLY why this site “does what it does”.
You indicated early …
Why you let people “GOAT” you in to stupid statement, Get the navy pun it sure is puny…
The VA has always been good not “NOW”
Getting in was the bitch, you can not do it yourself easily. MOPH did it quickly and this was 10 yrs ago
How does it feel to have a women’s sized 2 petite narrow shoe sticking out of YOUR yap?
Leave now before I have a BU3 or ET3(SS) slap you so hard (figuratively speaking) your great grand kids will have black eyes!
BTW … Joke is on you and your Walsh’s election. This blog is well read, cross posted, monitored by most major media outlets and most importantly, based on your input … Will effect the outcome of the election.
So … In short, I did vote today!
I have had no input one way or another. The only thing I see is that this blog ” ” has a good time belittling people and does not get out in the real world to make things happen.
Once again, incorrect. Jonn, TSO, and Master Chief have been front and center with a lot of the issues confronting veterans.
Many of us here, including me, have given of our time, resources, money, etc., at some level to help veterans.
So yeah, off your high horse, numbnuts.
Never heard of you until today so how well are you doing?
I don’t have to toot my horn, thanks anyway. Besides, I doubt you would know what goes on outside your little sheep patch.
Still on the sheep you must like them more that I
So you’re admitting that you’re just a troll? Copy that. Thanks for the admission that you’re a basement-dwelling, bed-wetting attention whore desperately seeking online validation while yelling for your mom to make you a baloney sandwich. That clears up a lot.
It looks like I fit in this crowed. Thank for bringing up to your standards I though I was much lower.
Don’t flatter yourself Sweetcheeks. We already know what crowd you fit into.
I wondered if it was possible to find a tie obnoxious than you are, Sub2cb, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the answer is ‘no’. You’re more obnoxious than the worst Fatgher’s Day tie ever made.
Sub2CB, I suggest before you dig your hole any deeper, you go back and read this comment that I made: Just click on the link. It will take you there. Try reading for comprehension and context, before you respond. You seem to be intentionally missing the actual point of this thread, which was that Walsh said he used someone else’s work without crediting his source, which is plagiarism personigied. If you must know, that violates the Copyright Law, which you can dig up yourself. Fair Use requires crediting the originator of content begin used by someone OTHER THAN THE CREATOR, period. Otherwise, it is copyrighty violation. IS that simple enough for you? Walsh says specifically that he cheated by using someone else’s work, claimed it was his, and then tried to blow off any responsibility for being a lying SOB and a thief, but saying ‘who hasn’t done it?’ Savage subsequently made excuses for Walsh, mostly because he’s part of Walsh’s staff. Got that part? None of these lame excuses for crappy behavior make either of those morons look good in anyone’s eyes. It’s exactly like being I’ve stolen money from your bank account, but heck, who doesn’t do that? Well, frankly, as I pointed out in my comment at the link provided, most of us here do NOT act like common criminals nor do we think it’s okay to do that. Do you get that part? It’s even worse for people who have served to be lumped into the same category with a public figure like Walsh, simply because we have served. Plainly put, this kind of behavior along with using post-traumatic stress as the excuse for being a cheat and a lying asshole who obviously can’t be trusted means that the rest of us can’t be trusted, either. And for that matter, that means you are lumped in with a large group of people who can’t be trusted. Period. All those who use PTSD as an excuse for being social morons and common crooks, and who are veterans, are putting the rest of us who do NOT… Read more »
“Who hasn’t done it?”. Wow – really? In our screwed up society we tend to hold elected officials and senior military personnel (among other) to higher standards than the normal rank and file. You screw up – you pay. Not that hard to understand. Blaming the military “illness dejure” is even worse.
I need to get more material …
Can someone help out … like NH …
This guy is a piece of work.
IP GEO Local …
Yep. I’m done with him. He is in his cups or on too much med.
Who cares? He’s just a self-centered attention whore. Let it go. He’s not worth the bother.
“He is in his cups or on too much med.” Why does it have to be either/or? Following the trail of it’s posts, I’m going with both.
Yup, the IP traces to Missoula.
Apparently fucking sheep isn’t enough to keep our boy occupied.
HEEEE HEEEE Thats a new one. Did you make that up your self or did you get it from a grade schooler.
Trust me, I’ve been to Missoula. Best thing to ever come out of that town was I-90.
Keep reminding me that no matter how shitty my life gets, I never got shitcanned off the boat and sent into exile in Missoula.
I am glad you did not stay the total IQ of Montana would have dropped if you stayed.
So you know what shit canned off a boat feels like, it must have happened to you. You must of been one of those guys that took 2 yrs to qualify or did you even get your dolphins. I would not call a sub sailor because even if I did not like the guy I still had his back.
Was your qual card gun decked
RO, SRO, ships, 9 months. Actually had my fish in 6, but I use the longer senior in-rate quals as the total time, thanks for asking.
And you? Helmsman/planesman/topside in a year?
Oh, and that was initial quals. Requal on a different class/plant for my second boat took about 3 months.
Maybe it would go up if you left.
I have read all the post.
First this is not about some kid trying to skate by on a term paper or even a paper for an undergraduate.
This is about a Senior Officer who stole others work for his Master’s Thesis.
This is about his using PTSD as an excuse for that action.
Now we have a Politician/ Sr Officer with an Advanced degree saying that PTSD made him steal the work of others and that because of PTSD he should be cut a break.
This does a huge injustice to all the have PTSD. Soldiers with PTSD face punishment everyday for running afoul of the UCMJ. PTSD is never a valid excuse. He needs to face the music for his actions.
Next you say that the members of this forum do nothing for the Veteran community to you it may appear that way but in truth the members of this forum do more every day for the veteran community than most other outlets combined.
First I will point out that Jonn makes sure that almost everything posted here has a connection to the military in some way.
Next that the information available on this site about Veteran and Military issues is all about maintaining the standards of the services and how the public perceives Active duty and Vets.
The individuals that post to this site have time and again gone above and beyond what anyone could have hoped for to help vets and military members. I know of several who wish to remain anonymous. Why you may ask? Be cause its about giving back, not getting praise or attaboys.
Walsh was wrong for stealing. he was wrong for blaming PTSD for his actions.
I guess he missed the part of being accountable for his actions without excuse when he was commissioned.
I would have been one hell of allot more understanding if he had said I made a mistake, there is no excuse. The responsibility for this is my own and I will accept what ever punishment.
Like I said, I’m glad he won’t answer what boat/years he did, because a couple of phone calls and it’ll be a case of, “Oh, HIM,” or some shit like that.
All I can say is that I’m glad he wasn’t on my boat.
I do not think you were ever that connect to find me……
Hell, I’ve never been part of the sub community and even I know that a quick visit to a certain sub BBS would probably do the trick…
You hit the point. But there was a a lot of side kicking on someone who most likely did not mean to say what he did. This group just beat him like a stray dog.
As I came in here and side tracked them from the point of this blog.
Instead of beating on some one, how do you correct the problem to make it wright. Name calling on individual does not stop the perception of the idea.
Honesty is always the best policy, I learned that very young be cause the punishment was less. Still to day I have dealings with people that can not get that through their heads. ( young and old)
As here in the blog, no one knows me, but they try to cut me down, why? I am just letters on the screen. Just as everyone here is letters on a screen.
Walsh was wrong. Take the punishment and be done with it.
For every one these statements that put veterans in a bad lime light need to spun to positive, instead of name calling one person.
For the people who do not know me it was very easy to get you off track. Stay focused on the issue. Nothing that I typed was to be malice in any way, it was to see if this could side track everyone. This did work. As what I stated in threads above may or may not be true, but do not attack me because if it is true or not only I will know. Jumping to conclusions on someone is a way to make a (0) out of yourself.
MCPO the things that you typed are not things that show leadership. The way put things to belittle people and if you did that on active duty I would have never picked you as a mentor.
This is how you come across, is that you, unknown ?
Sub2cb, Mr Savage spoke with the voice of the entire VFW and to many the VFW is the voice of the Veteran community. The take away from what he was “It’s no big deal” He did not say that as a person on the street, he said that as a representative of Veterans as a group. He also said “the issues should not over shadow what the candidate stands and fights for” To me that is saying its ok to cheat or steal as long as he votes for the issues that matter to constituency. I cannot support that view. I want elected officials to have the same base values as I do. Character counts because ultimately that’s what we vote for. To support a candidate that has lied and stolen while in my eye making light of the growing problem of PTSD and saying it is OK with the VFW brought Mr.Savages own character into question. Members of this forum looked for themselves, they found other thing that made them further question his truthfulness and honesty. Remember we are talking about a person who spoke for the VFW as a whole, not Mr. Savage private citizen. We have every right and also duty to do that. Much of what he said does not add up, Did he stretch the truth? He has already said that plagiarism and exaggeration are ok . It make people wonder. This is not your average collection of people, each branch of service is well represented and we know what is normal and what is not. For example, normally rescue swimmers are part of air crew, at times for instance during a swim call members of ships crew will serve as life guards if no real rescue swimmers are available. There is a huge difference in playing life Guard and being a rescue swimmer. I suspect Mr.savage may have played life Guard. Every member of the ships Company is by extension part of the ships security force. Very few are armed. Members of the MAA force that are TAD from other dept on the ship… Read more »
If you look at the report from KECI on July 25 it clearly states that the people they interviewed did not speak on behave of their group. Gallagher does not rule in out as a possibility that it could have been a factor. He is not attacked? As for Roy Savage he will be judge by his local piers on daily performance, not by media interviews there are a lot of old guys that will tear him a new better than I can. If you look closely there are a lot of cuts in the interview.
It is the few bad apples that give PTS a bad name. I have seen the full spectrum from some one who has it and does not get help to the ones that claim it to get the rating. I am no doctor but their is most like people that can test and get rated for PTS and not have it.
The goal is not to divert the attention from some one it is to get on tract.
“We all do it”, If you watch the news report that started this, he says “his 1st reaction is who hasn’t ”
The funny thing about this I come on here write a few stupid things and get attacked on character. No one has a clue who I am and what I do, They ASSUME.
Perhaps if you had taken the time to understand who we are before making your self-professed stupid remarks you wouldn’t have suffered the effects of us piling on you. This discussion centered on a politican/soldier being slammed for plagiarism while studying in a military school. Then claiming that PTSD made him do it. Both admitted facts. Then a couple of folks drop in to try to justify and make excuses for his actions and slam folks on this site. Wrong answer – yeah, we’re going to take the choke off the shotgun before pulling the trigger.
And just how much is Walsh paying you to hijack this thread, SUX2BU?
Such devotion to a sole cause, hijacking it to get all the attention for yourself! Seldom have we seen anyone do such a blatantly obvious job of being the perfect attention hog without doing it for a reason other than personal amusement.
Savage couldn’t get us to stop, and by golly, you did your damndest, but your refusal to read my comment addressed directly to you about Walsh speaks volumes about your true intent: get us off Walsh and Savage’s backs. We’ve all seen this before. It does not work as well as you think it does.
Your comments that the Navy intentionally blocked you from getting retirement bennies are bogus. I know better, as does everyone else here. And difficulty enrolling in the VA? Hogwash! I’ve been ‘enrolled’ in the VA since 1974. Piece of cake. Another bogus claim on your part. In fact, I doubt that your claim of injuries has anything to do with military service. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, sport.
You admit that your only intent was drawing attention away from the real content of this thread. There is no logical reason to do that, even though you are an admitted attention whore. You’re also a social moron, but that’s another story.
You forget one small thing: if you act like a special snowflake attention hog long enough, you won’t get to post comments here after a while. You don’t own this blog.
So just how much ARE you getting paid to deflect attention away from Walsh and Savage?
Shhhhh…not supposed to know that, PH2.
😉 😉 😉
Final word to you Mermaid to Dirt Sailor to Disgruntled Discharge Recipient,
I dont give a damn what you think of me, particularlty and considering how you walked in here and projected your childish attitude, high holy roller and lack of basic skills to form a proper sentence and develop a cogent thought.
In my 32 years (over 20 years as CPO, SCPO and MCPO) I have supervised and managed many like you. Yes 2/3 of my career was spent leading, mentoring, commanding and preparing young Sailors for war!
If you presented yourself to me in such a manner while I was on active duty, my boondocker would have been so far up your overboard discharge, you would have had trouble whispering, “I am sorry Master Chief”.
And I also know such a frightened and selfish whispered repsonse would be less than sincere!
So again, I dont give a damn what you think, I just prefer that YOU go away.
Savage is in charge of this.
Roy Boy
Roy Boy
Roy Boy will be front and center come tomorrow.
Not only with other Vets, but the media as well.
“Everyone” who does it is not a field-grade (later general) officer violating military law.
PTSD, as far as I know, does not make someone a lying sack of shit.
I’m even pretty sure that sedatives like Walsh mentioned to not have listed side effects like “pervarication, serial lying, and denial of general untrustworthiness.”
Dear Savage and Sub2CB,
Well my friends in the biz say and attribute the legs of this story, that was just covered on the “Kelly Files”, to a certain blogs and the debate on said blogs.
Good job!
Here is what I wrote:
“BTW … Joke is on you and your Walsh’s election. This blog is well read, cross posted, monitored by most major media outlets and most importantly, based on your input … Will effect the outcome of the election.
So … In short, I did vote today!”
Remember Rules #1 and #2 when dealing with the media!