Another Creative Example of Conservative Recycling
I must confess that I once knocked newspaper advice columnist, Heloise, flat on her butt. There was no intent to do so but we happened to intersect with our shopping carts in a Sam’s Club in San Antonio at precisely the wrong moment for that lovely lady. In any event, I did in fact knock her from her feet onto a low display of something in large, relatively soft burlap bags so that, thankfully, she suffered no injury. I helped her to her feet, apologizing profusely for my inattentiveness, and then went on my way. I knew who she was but I didn’t want get into any kind of celebrity slobbering thing with her. She was shopping for her family as was I and I had no intention of intruding on her private life.
That said, Heloise had previously put one of my ideas in her column which in effect proved her advice in a prior column to be wrong. Earlier, she had stated unequivocally in one of her columns that all, absolutely all and every old toothbrush, must be destroyed because it might harbor contagious disease forms and represent a household threat. I had written to Heloise, identifying myself as an old paratrooper and combat infantry NCO and explained to her that in six years of infantry service that the only time I ever threw away an old toothbrush was when the bristles were down to the nub. I told her that when I was ordered to Vietnam back in 1965, I packed all the toothbrushes I’d been saving for just such a mission and yes, those brushes served me well.
In all its years of existence up to that time, the United States Army had never come up with a better all-purpose weapons and equipment cleaning tool than a simple toothbrush. Through what soldiers call field expediency, which means using whatever is available to accomplish your mission, those warriors in the light infantry, and no soldier goes into combat in more of a light infantry status than a paratrooper, learned that a couple or more of old toothbrushes were exceptionally desirable tools to have in a combat environment.
However, that was not the toothbrush role I proposed to Heloise after she had written her column advising their mass destruction. I submitted to her the reality that a toothbrush could be cleansed of bacteria with a simple dip into some household bleach and after that, the potential uses of that small brush were endless.
I listed several as I recall but then I revealed the absolute very best use I ever have found for an old toothbrush. One day, decades after my military service, I was sitting at my computer when one of our several felines came in and began threading her way through my legs. I saw an old toothbrush on my desk kept nearby for keyboard cleaning, picked it up and began stroking her head from under her chin to the tops of her ears. Within a couple of minutes, she was all mine, purring ecstatically and tilting her little face up for more. Based on that success, I tried it with every one of our kitties and all responded the same way. Eureka! Ol’ Russ had discovered the Kitty Facial.
Shortly thereafter I sent Heloise a suggestion that she advise her readers that instead of destroying all those old toothbrushes, she should alert them to their potential value in giving kitty facials. Instead of being just another piece of plastic to go into the landfill, an old toothbrush could be the source of much pleasure for a kitty and its owner. In a future column, she did precisely that. You who own cats should try it. You’ll see very quickly that a simple toothbrush can become a source of endless pleasure to your little feline family and to you as well as a dispenser of so much pleasure. It is one of those opportunities in life to be a giver of pleasure to a creature you love with minimal effort. We have no dogs but I will wager that Ol’ Shep will respond the same way little kitty does.
OK you libs out there who delight in accusing conservatives of being heartless and unconcerned about our environment, how’s this for a creative and humanitarian example of recycling?
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Society
“Kitty facials”…
I had a snarky comment to make but I can’t even type that without laughing.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
Dear God, man!
I wasn’t going to go there. But, you made my blow an entire mouth of coffee all over the floor because you went there. So much for an innocent story of how to use a toothbrush to properly stroke a… um… cat.
Mmmmph! My cat puked on my keyboard yesterday. ( Anyone want a free cat? He’s old and fat and lazy.
Poetrooper…Thanks and I enjoyed the article. It did make me laugh and your experiences in the field with toothbrushes mirrored mine. As for the cats, well since we don’t have one anymore and the wife wants another, I will not read her this story. But should one turn up one day I will remember the “facial”. 😀
Please tell me that your kitty’s dont wear pearl necklaces.. um collars
Enigma, actually most of the many cats we’ve owned over the nearly fifty years we’ve been married have been strays that wandered up. When we lived in the Texas Hill Country, feral cats would sometimes adopt us, most of whom, if you could have gotten a collar on them it would have to have been chain link or they’d have chewed it to pieces in a very short time.
Many of the the feral toms we’ve fed over the years were scarred from fighting and tough as nails. They’d take your hand off if you tried to scratch their bellies, but guess what? They’d sit still for a tooth-brushing. In all the years we’ve been doing it, I’ve never seen a single cat that doesn’t like it no matter how tough and battle-scarred they are.
God, I hate cats.
Your loss, Whitey. If you’re the type who prizes his independence, trust me, cats can give you lessons on the topic.
PoeTrooper, without going into too many details, have you ever been cockblocked by a cat? I mean the moment of truth with a gorgeous, out-of-my-league blonde, rounding Third Base and rushing for Home, being *right there*, only to have a cat snatch this golden opportunity right out from under you? Because that happened to me. Since that day, cats suck.
I was with ya on the many uses of old tooth brushes, until you said you have a cat. What kind of self respecting paratrooper has cats?
Cats are evil! Get ya a good dog, I recommend a pit or lab. Nothing more loyal on the planet
A smart frickin’ paratrooper who doesn’t have to keep his cat on a leash and take it out for a poop and pee walk on icy cold or wilting heat mornings.
Big difference between your dogs and my cats: turd size. My cats crap in their small box, no big deal,little turds with odor controlled and easily disposed of. Your large dog takes a dump on premises…yuck, messy, messy!
Trust me, brother, I’ve owned large dogs and while I enjoyed them, they are a pain in the frickin’ ass compared to cats.
Actually, cats display some of the qualities of a good paratrooper, mainly their “screw you, dude, I’m doing this my way,” attitude.
Poetrooper…….couldn’t agree more. Like I tell my wife “he’s a cat he can’t help himself” talking about attitude.
I’ve had outdoor mouser cats. However where I live is coyote city. My current cat is totally indoors. Goes by the name of “Big Eddie” he’s a twenty plus pound orange tabby. Mucho attitude.
Also have two shorthairs in the outside kennel
Actually, Whitey, we once had a young male cat who was occasionally attracted to that pink sack containing two obvious orbs in motion inside as it bounced between mama’s legs. Bounced that is until he pounced. Ever read that poem, “Kitty’s Revenge,” by Claude Balls?
Although she’d never admit it, I think the Missus actually enjoyed my immediate response. I sometimes wonder if she hadn’t trained that little bastard.
Never had that happen, but my feet have been attacked while in a similar position before.
Cats are great. They are very hard to hit when running through the backyard when you use a 22 pistol. Great practice
There is a far side cartoon here just waiting to be drawn
I’m going to try this. I have a teeny dog that just loved to have his face stroked.
Again – conservatives have always recycled. It is the lefties who have recently discovered the concept, and pretend that it is a new idea.
But indeed, using an old toothbrush on the cat seems particularly inspired. Now, to find a cat…
I can spare one. Address?
got four of them and a loonie old lady who seems to collect ’em faster than the dog can find the dinner bowl. Please supply address to send ’em all to.
I use my old ones for cleaning around the taps and faucets in my kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower. Also works great for places in the washing machine. 🙂
I hope I’m not being ridiculously gullible and being taken in by an Internet spoof, because I’m going to e-mail this information to everybody I know.
Maybe I ought to check the SNOPES web site first?
John, did you follow the link to the Washington Post? Only time in my life I’ve ever gotten my name in that paper and likely the last considering our political differences.
Trust another old Screaming Eagle: 101st MP Detachment, 1st ABG/327th,2d/506th, 2d/327th VN.
And actually, I’ll wager I’m the only other person here at TAH who’s been in that Gulfport vet’s home. I had a friend who was a retired Navy PA who provided medical services there for a while after they modernized it back in the 80’s. I used to call on him a couple of times a year back then.
I lurk here daily but only comment infrequently.
I feel the same way about a toothbrush and a good spoon. I once took a great spoon from an Irish pub an awesome spoon. You could knock someone out with this spoon. I took that spoon on numerous tours to the suck. And now it sits in my drawer, hoping it never tastes another Army ration.
Phuzzz the cat haws been with me for 15 years now, she has adapted quite easily to life with me and has seen me through several failed relationships, the birth of a surprise daughter and riding in both my RV and a Diesel Volvo yanking 50K lb trailers all over the USA. Phuzzz has been to more places than most people have !!!
I love this cat and she loves me. She is pretty independent but she still likes to just be near me a lot of the time.
Cats are an acquired taste I believe, like beer.
I hate to burst your bubble but your cat does not love you. You feed her so she sticks around.