Bellyaching Jack Murtha hides behind Constitution

| November 19, 2008

If this doesn’t get your blood boiling nothing will; fatassed cow John Murtha claims that he can’t be sued by the Marines who he slandered by calling them murderers because to do otherwise would violate his freedom of speech as a legislator. In other words, the same crowd who claims they can arrest and impeach the President of the United States for supposed lies are saying that to hold them accountable for their lies violates their privileges. From The Hill, by way of Defend Our Marines, by way of Michelle Malkin;

A government lawyer representing Murtha argued that the congressman does not have to agree to testify under oath and is immune from the lawsuit because he was acting in an official capacity as a member of Congress when he made the comments to the media.

Last year a federal judge ordered Murtha, a decorated former Marine and Vietnam veteran and close ally of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), to testify in the case. His lawyers are appealing that decision.

Apparently this isn’t the first ridiculous defense the slimy, scum-sucking lawyers defending slimy scum-sucking Murtha have tried;

Murtha cited a Time magazine report when asked how he knew the killings were conducted in cold blood and why he thought there was a cover-up. Murtha’s lawyers later claimed that Defense Department officials briefed him and “deliberately provided him with inaccurate and false information,” according to a court filing.

Yeah, it wasn’t his fault that Murtha lied – the evil Pentagon fed him false information. Maybe if Murtha  wasn’t in the habit of shooting off his heavily-jowled face, he wouldn’t have been a target of this imagined misinformation campaign.

What Murtha said on May 17, 2006;

Now, two days after I made my statement, on November 19th, we had an incident in Haditha in Anbar province, where a Marine was killed with an IED. Time magazine reported it, and it’s kind of a puzzling report, because they’re investigating it right now. Let me tell you what the consequences of this have been.

It’s much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that’s what the report is going to tell.

So Murtha thinks his right to shoot off his stupid mouth supercedes the rights of those Marines to be considered innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. It seems to me that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was written to protect the Marines from the Murtha’s pompous and arrogant wielding of power.

Category: Code Pink, John Murtha, Phony soldiers, Politics

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you’re right, my blood is boiling

the audacity to claim the pentagon fed him false info on top of all his other crap is disguisting


Someday Jack Murtha is going to get his ass kicked. I mean a good old-fashioned, physical ass-kicking. Some day he’ll piss off the wrong person: the person who feels he has nothing left to lose. When that day comes, I wonder if he’ll understand how the rest of America will stand and cheer and celebrate his educational moment. Because really, I’ve found that most liberals have never had a serious, physical ass-kicking. I mean the kind where you are tasting blood, tears, sweat, maybe some dirt or pavement, and possibly a few other things. It humbles you. It makes you rethink what an ass you are. It gives you a perspective on things that you didn’t have before.

It forces you to realize that you are mortal. An honest-to-goodness ass-kicking really brings everything down to a few basics. I’ve never been in combat, thank God, but I imagine when that first round coming at you snaps and jolts you into adrenaline overflow, it humbles you. So how is it that Jack Murtha, a former Marine (former because I’m guessing the Corps wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on him if he was on fire) hasn’t been humbled? What’s wrong with this traitor?


Went up there last month. Was there in ’06 as well.

The POS has filled the trough. And the pigs will keep voting for him as long as he keeps it full.


This POS should be dragged out of the Halls of congress, and horse-whipped. Barring that, maybe just lock him in a room with the Marines he slurred.
The folks in Pennsylvania deserve this mockery of a human being, they voted his sorry, saggy ass in, let them try to defend themselves over their votes.
And, Martino, I’ll stand there and cheer, along with a whole lot of other Americans.



We’ll stand together, my friend.


There is a special place in Hell reserved for Murtha and may the pork that his supporters drool over and voted him back in for rot on their plates.

SSG David Medzyk

Any report from the Pentagon about the case, would be under strict guidelines to remain as evidence in the case against/for the Marines, and would not be allowed to be released to the public.

Yet, acting in an “official capacity”, he released this information to the media anyway.

Immunity doesn’t save you from being stupid Johnny.