GOP wants your input

| November 19, 2008

I got an email yesterday from the Republican National Committee begging for input on what they’re doing wrong. Unfortunately, they only gave me 2000 characters to tell them so I guess I’ll have to do it in chapters. I find it difficult to believe that they didn’t know the answer before they asked the question.

When I wrote the other day about Michael Steele’s intention to become the Chairman of the Committee, I was asked the question what we can do. Well, here’s your opportunity.

You’ll have to register and get a password by email, but I suppose this is the only way for the time being. The website is here.

The name of the project is “Republican for a reason” and that’s how I began my first message to them. I said I didn’t join the Republican Party because it’s a cool club, that I joined for ideological reasons. I also told them that I didn’t want to support a party that acts like the Democrat fat cat power wielders. Although Republicans have been fairly good on National Defense, on domestic issues, they’ve just sucked. Buying votes with taxpayer money just doesn’t get it. They need another Newt Gingrich “Contract with America” and tell the voters what they’ll do if we elect them (I can’t believe they haven’t done that in 14 years since it actually worked) and then stick to it.

We need new blood in the party and I think that will come with Michael Steele.

Category: Politics

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B. Giguere

Thank you so much for posting this, Jonn. The length limit for our responses is probably a good idea; among other things, it tells me this input will actually be read, and it forces us to be succinct rather than unload the hair-pulling frustrated where-do-I-begin massive manifestos we’re all capable of! 😉

Seriously, I’m glad to see they want to listen. Abd I agree about Steele.

brenda giguere

B. Giguere


William Teach

Dear Republican Party:

What are you actually doing Right? That would be a shorter list, and give you an idea of where to start. Perhaps you could read a book on Ronald Reagan as a start. There are also great websites, magazines, and blogs that show what being a conservative is about. Even being a Republican would be preferred to your being Democrat Lite.

Please grow a pair and start attacking Democrats and their insane Moonbat base back.


(Insert my real name here)


Great explanation of the problem, Jonn. I’d be prescriptive and limit our primaries to Republicans in early states. The democrats and independents crossed over and gave us John McCain with no intention of supporting him in the general election. They figured he would suppress the vote – which he did – until he selected Palin. She was the wild card they sought to destroy.

Closed primaries would give us someone the party would support. We shouldn’t use our primaries to convert – that’s our candidate’s job.


Gosh. I guess they could start by not giving a standing-ovation to a convicted felon when he retires from the Senate…