eHarmony forced to sell toasters

| November 20, 2008

So, this morning, reading my usual news sources, I find on Michelle Malkin and Moonbattery that some whining cry baby sued eHarmony, the online dating service, because they didn’t have opportunities for same-sex singles to meet. CNN writes;

Under terms of the agreement with the New Jersey attorney general’s office, eHarmony Inc. will start the service, called Compatible Partners, by March 31.

“With the launch of the Compatible Partners site, our policy is to welcome all single individuals who are genuinely seeking long-term relationships,” said Antone Johnson, eHarmony vice president of legal affairs.

The company and its founder, Neil Clark Warren, admit no wrongdoing or liability.

“Even though we believed that the complaint resulted from an unfair characterization of our business, we ultimately decided it was best to settle this case with the attorney general, since litigation outcomes can be unpredictable,”

OK, well, not only was eHarmony forced to set up an entirely different data base just for these people, they also had to offer a six months subscription free. I’m sure gays across the world will take advantage of this – even though they already control the date-matching market in airport bathrooms and in rest stop foliage.

It’s like suing a Chevy dealer because he doesn’t sell toasters, too. There’s no civil rights issue here – it’s just the camel finally getting his tail under the tent.

It brings to mind the “gays in the military” issue which will certainly raises it’s head this year, like it does every time we get a new president. It’s not that gays are some sort of vast manpower reserve that’s been untapped for recruiters – gays don’t really want to join the military. If they did, they could join and just not be gay for their term of service.

Gays just want all of the barriers lifted – they want a general acceptance of their lifestyle choice despite the fact that many find their lifestyle choice to be deviant. The rest of us aren’t allowed to have opinions like that – we’re too judgemental and that hurts their self esteem. They discovered what the majority of Californians think of their lifestyle this last election and it’s driven them to hateful, disgusting anti-social behavior in an attempt to change the will of the majority.

I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their homes. What I don’t like is someone telling me I have to accept it – in fact, I’m probably more likely to resist someone telling me I have to accept something than if they’d just kept their stupid mouth shut in the first place.

Category: Politics

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I don’t see why they want to be on eHarmony. My dad signed me up for the last 6 month and there are only 2 extremes, douche bags, and not just your regular douches the guys you see pictured on hot chicks with Douche bags, or ultra mega Bible thumpers, don’t get huffy about that one, I say that as a strong Southern Baptist woman who actively attends church weekly. Trust me you aren’t missing out, if you want proof read the helmet reports on my blog. I think my favorite match was the one who said he wrote a paper comparing the patriotic programs in elementary schools to Hitler Youth…I don’t think any dimension of compatibility could make up for that with this USO Girl.


I don’t think that they should have been forced to start a new site. That said, however… It’s not that gays are some sort of vast manpower reserve that’s been untapped for recruiters – gays don’t really want to join the military. If they did, they could join and just not be gay for their term of service. That’s some sheiza, Jonn. First of all, what if the military started requiring complete celibacy from all its members? Would you tell straight people they should just accept that they shouldn’t think about sex, romance, or love for four to twenty years? We are not the Roman Army. Where’s Saint Valentine when you need him? You can’t “just not be gay” any more than you can “just not be straight”. People are what they are. I’d be in trouble in a red hot minute if my service to my country required me not to even think about how much men are pretty nifty creatures. I’d also be out of the Army on a rail long ago, because, well…just no. Gay people deserve to have just as happy lives as the rest of us, including with their partner. I’m not sure how ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ somehow protects the soldiers from the rampaging gays. So now we have closeted gays instead of out ones? Does that really change a damn thing except give a large segment of your soldiers an additional cross to bear? It impacts my readiness if I have soldiers in the closet. What happens when one of them has a problem, but can’t go to me for help because they fear being kicked out? While I was retraining my MOS, I met a female Marine sergeant. She was hardcore, and “moto” (As they put it) as hell. She was also a lesbian. I didn’t realize, it never came up in conversation. It finally came up the day she went to celebrate Valentines Day with her girlfriend, and they called her back in, and she had to explain why she was staying in a hotel with a female on Valentines Day.… Read more »


[…] Moonbattery, Outside The Beltway, The Corner, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, This ain’t Hell …, Jules Crittenden, American Power,  and Riehl World […]


[…] —-This Ain’t Hell… So, this morning, reading my usual news sources, I find on Michelle Malkin and Moonbatterythat some whining cry baby sued eHarmony, the online dating service, because they didn’t have opportunities for same-sex singles to meet. CNN writes; Under terms of the agreement with the New Jersey attorney general’s office, eHarmony Inc. will start the service, called Compatible Partners, by March 31. […]

Cannoneer No. 4

basicload over at said it better than I ever could: . . . its about privacy and the freedom of every service member NOT to feel like they are being sexually exploited. Even under the most spartan conditions, Female soldiers are usually given the opportunity to tie up a poncho on a piece of 550 cord so that they can change clothes. When a homosexual is added to the mix you essentially have someone of different sex (or in this case sexual preference) that is thrown in with the people that they are attracted to (by gender). Now pro-gay people will say “just because you are a breeder man does not mean that every gay man wants you”. OK, I will buy that….. but guess what, the Army still protects the rights of fat ugly chicks regardless of the fact that I have no desire to have sex with them. America and by default our military have laws and rules that prevent people of the opposite sex from showering and using the bathroom together. This protects the privacy of all parties. By allowing homosexuals into that mix, you lose all of that privacy. This is yet another example of the BS PC double standards that this country puts upon its people. When will it be OK for Gays to openly serve in our military? When we change the entire culture of our country, thats when. When there are no more male and female bathrooms and the Army requires females to shower with me in the same open showers, thats when. A female in the military deserves no more privacy than I deserve when it comes to my right NOT to be looked at by a gay man while undressed. Of course we could always segregate them…. but we know that the PC police would never allow us to have “gay showers”. They would use some stupid analogy like “its the same as black water fountians….DISCRIMINATION”!!!!!!! So you see that there is no good way out of this situation, but I will tell you one thing, the secular liberals in… Read more »

Just A Grunt

I hope they stack the new database with some of the best lifers this county’s prison system has to offer.
Hey they need to get it up quick right????



420 words worth, me thinks thou doust protest too much.

That “Some of my best friends are gay” part is so uber liberal of you.



You’re right. I’m talking from a privileged position about a condition of discrimination I’ve never had to experience. I don’t have a right to talk for the group-but I still feel it’s important to speak up, and I think that people care more about personal issues than they do policy ones.


What is wrong with teh gays? Are they all computer illiterate and unable to form a g-Harmony dating service for themselves?

There is nothing discriminatory about e-Harmony’s business model in an open marketplace. I’m surprised there isn’t a same sex online dating service – for the longest time that’s what I thought IVAW was all about.


ArmySergeant Said:

I’m talking from a privileged position about a condition of discrimination I’ve never had to experience

Why are you doing this to yourself? Seriously AS, there’s no need for you to feel straight guilt, is there? Have you ever persecuted a gay person? I would guess not. Then why feel that you’re in some sort of “privileged position”? That’s friggin’ diversity brainwashing speak. We’re all equals, aren’t we?


The whole arguement for Gays in the military is silly. If you KNOW you aren’t allowed to join the military, but do anyway you’ve committed fraud. It’s really that simple.

I could care less what you do at home. I’m a male Nurse who used to work as a professional actor… do you think I may know a few gay people? I don’t care about sharing a dressing room with gay men… but some people are sensitive about it for the reasons put forth in Cannoneer’s post, and those are valid concerns. Me? Well…In my youth I was doing a show, and was approched by a man in the cast who asked me out for a date. I simply told him “I’m straight”. He responded, “You just haven’t met the right man yet”, to which I replied “Well if you know him introduce him to me, because it ain’t you”. We all laughed and it was over. Had he continued to push it… well, I don’t know. Eventualy he would have ended up on his ass missing some teeth, but it never came to that. As long as they keep their hands off my ass I have no problem with gay men. I am lucky now, I don’t get bothered anymore as I am not near “pretty” enough since I’ve gotten older to be attractive to them ( or anyone for that matter, thank God for the wife. LOL)



“You’re right. I’m talking from a privileged position…”

Oh pulleeze Louise.

When Bill Ayers was in the SDS (pre-Weatherman) but still definitely a radical, they hung out with and worhsipped the Black Panthers.

When Panther Fred Hampton was killed, the Panthers expected the SDS to make flyers for a Hampton memorial. But the SDS had no printing supplies and no money to buy them.

So the Panthers went to the SDS and beat the snot out of Ayers and company with 2 by 4s. And Ayers rationalized that he had it coming because as a white dude he came from a privileged position.

WTF Over?


Cannoneer said it. I have also been subject to showering with females who were lesbian and didn’t know. Call it naive, but I caught on quick and to be honest, even though we were all chicks, it was wierd. Some gay people can barely accept themselves, and so they feel it necessary to exercise their chant of equality for themselves and their peers. I’m not buying it.

This was a private business, the judge was wrong. This Christian guy has now compromised his beliefs because some asshole feels he wasn’t treated equal. That is just horseshit. Soes it mean all gay people are total losers. No. Just that guy for forcing someone else to change his business practice.

Fred Jones

man, you rightwing nuts are fun. You actually started your post with “So, this morning, reading my usual news sources, I find on Michelle Malkin and Moonbattery…”. those aren’t new sites, those are hate-filled depositories of nonsense. once again, that is why the “republicans” lost and will lose for the next twenty years. enjoy the view from the outside. and this is classic: “Soes (sic) it mean all gay people are total losers. No. Just that guy for forcing someone else to change his business practice.” that, loser, is called america. that is why we have lawyers and judges.


Fred Jones,

Only left wing moonbats say, “man, you rightwing nuts are fun”.

“that, loser, is called america. that is why we have lawyers and judges.”

That’s right Freddie, America loses when we let you use lawyers and judges override the Constitution.

Any means necessary, right Comrade Freddie?


Unbelievable? since when does the government and/or states have the right to tell a privately owned business what their business plan is going to be? or that they will change it, if the christians want to have a strictly heterosexual website then they should have the right to have it, if the gays dont like it the solution is really simple “go somewhere else” the bottom line here to this issue is that the government and/or states are DICTATING what we do with our businesses and what does that remind us of, isnt this supposed to be the land of the free.