Unintentional Truth In Advertising, Political-Style

| May 22, 2014

Here’s a quote for ya. Let’s see if you can guess the source:

“And of course, the reason is we’ve proved that Communism works. If you give everybody a good government job, there’s no crime.”

Now, who said that? Lenin? Khrushchev? Stalin? Brezhnev? Mao? Castro?  The leader of the Shining Path, or some other Communist guerrilla group?  Maybe Marx, speaking of his future Communist utopia?

Nope. None of the above.

If you guessed a current Member of Congress from South Florida – give yourself a big honking Attaboy (or Attagirl).

No, I’m not joking. It was Representative Joe Garcia of Florida. He currently represents western Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys.

I’ll leave figuring out Rep. Garcia’s political party affiliation as the proverbial “exercise for the reader.”

Predictably, Garcia has since backed away from his statement.  He’s now claiming that he never intended to endorse Communism and was being “tongue in cheek” when he made the remark.

Of course, this was the same Congressman who was also caught on-camera  engaging in what can at best be described as rather disgusting personal behavior on live TV (House Jusdiciary Committe markup, broadcast live on C-Span).  And who’s also featured video of himself hanging out with a politician awaiting arrested last summer on public corruption charges in a recent political ad (which has since been pulled from Youtube).  And who thinks we have a “border problem” in Puerto Rico.

So personally I just don’t buy his claim of, “I was just kidding.”

“Tongue in cheek”, hell – try “foot-in-mouth Freudian slip”.  Or maybe, “I was just doing what comes naturally – being the village idiot.”

Hopefully the good voters of South Florida will replace this    moron        idiot    fool with someone of at least normal intelligence in November.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Politics, WTF?

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Lemme guess. I’ll take Joe Garcia the numbnuts dipshit for $500 Alex.


Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys are an enclave of liberal, artistic, smarter than the rest of us dip shits. No wonder he was elected and will most likely still be in office after November. (By the way Hondo, I answered your question from the quote, without reading the rest of your article. So that sets me up for a “Daily Double”.) 😀


Hondo Let’s hope that constituency is as solid anti-communist as they have historically been and remember this and toss him out on his ass.

Farflung Wanderer

I love it when they backtrack and say, “oh, I was being sarcastic!”

Buddy, we can listen to your comment. It’s on the internet. If it was sarcastic, we’d know (admittedly, I haven’t heard it, but I’m positive he’s going to say it in that Romney/Obama-esque, dead straight voice that we’ve come to know and loathe).

Would it kill the man just to say, “yeah, I’m serious, that’s how I feel, deal with it?” Even though he’s wrong, I’d respect that he’s standing for what he’s saying rather than retracting it.

A Proud Infidel®

SHIT. FOR. BRAINS. The article was linked to Drudge yesterday, that’s when I read it, and they say he’s the Son of Cuban Immigrants, I pray that the voters in his district do what’s right and throw his ass out of office!!


Proud if he is the son of Cuban immigrants, he above all in his district should be anti-communist in a big way. That being said, he just slapped a whole bunch of his fellow immigrants in the face with his comments.

A Proud Infidel®

I hear you, Sparks, given the number of Cuban folks in his district, I hope they contribute to his being FIRED come November!!