Democrats propose “redeployment”

| November 13, 2006

On ABC’s “This Week”, little Joey Biden and fat-ass Carlie Levin adopted the language of “Cut and Run” John Murtha and proposed “redeployment” from Iraq. They can’t summon enough testicular fortitude to call it what it is; de-Iraq-ization in the Left’s muddled language of the Vietnam era.

They’d love nothing more than to have photos of US troops scrambling to a waiting helicopter on the roof of the US embassy under fire or footage of US sailors pushing helicopters into the Persian Gulf from the decks of US carriers. They pee themselves a little just thinking about it.

We’ve already got the soon-to-be Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Pat Leahy taking the terrorists’ side;

…Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.

A spokeswoman for Leahy told the newspaper the bill would be intended to repeal portions of the law that prevent some detainees from pursuing federal court challenges to the government’s authority to hold them indefinitely.

And Pelosi has decided to reward Murtha’s cowardice with a post as House Democratic Leader – odd that Murtha has never led troops in combat, but now he’ll get to lead them away from combat – hence the name “Cut and Run” John Murtha.

Levin lied about the American voters when he went on to say;

 “The people spoke dramatically, overwhelmingly, resoundingly, to change the course in Iraq,” he said during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week.” The Senate’s “first order of business is to change the direction of Iraq policy.”

Of course, given history, we know any Democrat victory is a “mandate” (including a 43% popular vote, apparently), but Levin’s ass is showing in this statement. Maybe he’d be right if any Democrat had put forth a plan for the Iraq War before the election, but we were denied access to any plan other than the vagueries of Pelosi’s “drain the swamp” plan.

Only after victory can Democrats claim to have any kind of a plan. The American voters might have decided differently if the Democrats decided to tell us specifically what they had in mind. Of course, if the Democrats had told us what was on their minds in the beginning, they wouldn’t be the Democrats we all know.

Maybe if Democrats had any sort of successful record of using military force in the last 60 years, we might listen to them when it comes to strategy. But the only thing they’ve been able to do with any great success is leave the enemy choking in their dust. 

Category: John Murtha, Politics, Terror War

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