Christopher David Duke; that phony Marine Sniper

| April 14, 2014

Friday, I decided that Christopher Duke needed a wake up call to let him know about the shit he had stepped in. He had called me Thursday and admitted that he hadn’t been a Marine at all, let alone a sniper. His experience in weapons and tactics were limited to a time as a corrections officer. Well, then I was ready to drop the whole thing. But then, we heard from his friend Joe that was different from what he was telling folks face-to-face. Duke was still rocking the lie. So I decided that I need to call him back and let him know that we are serious about that lying shit.

Anyway, if you read his comment the other day, you know how the first twenty-five minutes of our conversation went. He told me what a nice guy he is, how smart is his daughter, all of the good work he does in his community, blah, blah blah. I patiently listened to him yammer on and on. I was polite and listened carefully.

Then the conversation kind of went south when he started telling me that I should moderate comments that he deemed were mean, or something. He reminded me of the countless conversations with Joe Teti who didn’t like that I allowed comments about him that he didn’t like. So the conversation drifted away from his phoniness to making him feel better about being a lying sack of shit. First of all I don’t like anyone telling me how to run my blog, you know, my business that I fund out of my pocket. Secondly, I’m not crazy about spending 25 minutes on the phone with phonies. So this is how the last few minutes of the phone call went (language warning);

My inner platoon sergeant kind of surfaced. That’s why I can’t be like Don Shipley. I have no patience with these assholes, and I hadn’t even combed my hair that morning. But needless to say, the website magically came down within an hour after that call. He had told me that it’d take a couple of days prior to that.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Get him Jonn. Man, Dookie is something else.

Sabrina Ethern

OMG I just wish people would mind their own bizz and let people be! But no…you need to go mess with people’s lives and reputations! Only God has the right to say otherwise. I mean, seriously? THIS WAS NECESSARY?! No, it wasn’t! How would like it if you were this guy? Every story has a reason behind it, so he surely has a reason. Yeah, he told a lie, but you can’t tell me you’ve never lied before. I know this guy and, he has a lot of true stories. He might not have been in the army, but his life has been nothing but a battlefield. You all would never know…if anything, you guys need to learn when to say something and take a stand, and when to sit down and shut up.

A Proud Infidel®™

If you had decided to stay silent, this thread would not have popped back up, but you just resurrected it !

HS Junior

None of the regular commenters are ever going to be in his position unless we use fraudulent military experience to bolster our business. He was never in the military, so any shit he’s been telling you about his life being a battlefield is a lie. He stole the valor of men better than himself to make a buck, and it’s more than within the rights of the people on this blog to remedy that false speech with true speech and to ridicule him for his lies.

And yes, Proud Infidel is right. Nobody here was even thinking about this thread for months until you necromanced it back to life. Good job.


Sabrina Ethern: OMG I just wish people would mind their own bizz and let people be! Like how you minded your own business and decided to revive a thread that has been dormant for approximately half a year? Yeah, way to do as you preach. 🙄 Sabrina Ethern: But no…you need to go mess with people’s lives and reputations! Don’t blame us for that, blame Christopher David Duke, and the things that he did that earned him a mention on this site and others. He did all the work for us, all we did was point out his actions as not being an accurate reflection of what he did. Exposing lies and/or embellishments doesn’t constitute messing with people’s lives and reputations. If said reputation is based on a lie, one that involves stolen valor, then we’re going to rightfully going to impact that unearned reputation. Sabrina Ethern: Only God has the right to say otherwise. Someone has to fill in for him while he protects the troops and their families. Sabrina Ethern: I mean, seriously? THIS WAS NECESSARY?! No, it wasn’t! Yes, it was necessary. If his claims weren’t true, and he were gaining based on claims that puts him with people that actually did what he claimed, then this is necessary. Sabrina Ethern: How would like it if you were this guy? Many of us here don’t go around making claims that Christopher David Duke made, so we don’t have to be in position to ponder what’d be like to be him. He created his own mess, none of us need to be sympathetic to the consequences of the mess that he made. Sabrina Ethern: Every story has a reason behind it, so he surely has a reason. Yes, his stories were intended for his personal expense… on the backs of those that he tried to make others think he was. Not a good reason in the eyes of this community. Sabrina Ethern: Yeah, he told a lie, but you can’t tell me you’ve never lied before. Those of us posting here for the most part aren’t making lies… Read more »


Sabrina Ethern…You said and very appropriately “and when to sit down and shut up.” Good advice which…YOU should have taken before posting your comment. I haven’t thought about this POS clown in forever! Now, you have brought this thread back to life for your dear, sweet Christopher, all by yourself. I wonder, did you ask Christopher before hand, if it was okay with him for you to, you know, put him back in the Poser spotlight? Or did you just take it upon yourself on an otherwise quiet Sunday to resurrect him to Poser fame and shame again? Wow, talk about getting into someone’s business, go look in the mirror Sabrina! Then look in the dictionary under, “Minding One’s Own Business”, for a nice picture of you there.


We need more platoon sergeants like that now. The discussion with the GA ARNG sergeant who decided to complain about the inherent racism of AR 670-1 needed to have a similar discussion with the platoon sergeant before she went full retard.


Some people never learn. This guy could have been merely a small blip on the radar screen. But NOOOoooooOOOOoooo…He had to stick to his lie and try to make himself the victim. Fuck that shitheel.

Shipley still has better hair than you.


Was it Martha Stewart who said, “use your inner platoon sergeant, it is a good thing”?


No, I believe that was R. Lee Ermey from his show, “Better Holes and Fighting Positions.”

NR Pax

Don’t forget the children’s version taught by Barney the Dinosaur.


Is that show on YouTube? 🙂


Way to go and be Jonn!!! I agree with other posts. This guy could have been a small passing blip on the screen. His choice as they all have to make though. But he chose the self righteous indignation and sockpuppet route. His bad.

A Proud Infidel®™

As I see it, ALL of the intimidation and anxiety that Cheesy D. Duke feels right now is 100% SELF-INFLICTED WOUND!!

Kinda old ET1

You the man Jonn!
Maybe could have used a couple more f bombs though. ..


That was fucking epic Jonn. That’s one of the reasons why I never contact these douche bags by phone. I would be boot Camping them back to puberty. Plus I don’t have near the hair that you and Don have.


First I snorted at Jonn so loudly that my office mates asked if I was choking. …then I stood up in my office and started the slow golf clap…..


Sandy vagina too?

Obviously not a US Marine.

What a chump.


The USMC has their share of whiny former members who have mangina issues, FatCircles0311. See the discussion on Visconi for an example.


“Fuck Nut”



Oh how I miss the conversations with you in the office!! No intelligent life left here since you and Gary left! Get them all John!

Taco Bell

Are you sure you weren’t a Marine in a prior life??
Well done brother!!


Epic! Nicely done.


Love it! Keep up the good work.

A Proud Infidel®

*POW!* Right in the kisser, that fucknuts little Brony-blowing mouse shit phony needed that!! Cheesy D.Dukey-boy can continue to GFH sideways with two dozen flaming squirrels at a time!!


Yeah, you don’t have Shipley’s hair…but who does? But I really do like your eloquent use of the term Fuck-Nut. Well done Jonn.

JarHead Pat

My third nut just dropped,way to go,classic poser douche.


Oh, Jonn! I think I love you! (in a totally platonic, and somewhat worshippy sort of way)

Your use of the word “fucknut” was perfect as well!


My compliments, Jonn. That was a classic PSG housing of a lowlife piece of shit.


Only a platoon Sergeant could grab a numbnuts by the stacking swivel through the phone! Outstanding!


I see a while new type of Fake.

I see two guys sitting in a bar, one says I used to be a fake SEAL until I was outed by Don Shipley,

The Other Says I used to be a fake Marine until I was outed by Jonn at TAH.

A third guy walks up and says I used to be a fake AF LT COL Until I was outed by Scotty,

They all look at one another, The Fake SEAL reached into his pocket and tosses a challenge coin with Dons Face on it on the bar, The Second Guy Tosses one with Jonn’s face on it.

The third Guy swears he had one, and it was lost in the flood while he was flying fake c-130’s. The Fist two look at him and say, Dennis?

We need to get poser challenge coins to send to these guys

A Proud Infidel®™

For a logo, I propose that it be a dog hunched over taking a crap with an arrow pointing to the turd labeled “THIS IS YOU!!”.


How about just copying Larry Flint’s style? A shot of a donkey’s ass with a pic of the shitheels face superimposed right over the browneye.


“This is you.” I laughed so loudly that think I may have injured something internally. It would make a nice coin and would sell well these days. I think its exacerbated by the internet and that it creates a certain level of madness and therefore much fiction. Semper Fi.

SSA Life Member
SRO North Island ’96

Pinto Nag

Jonn, I like the fact that we get to see Don Shipley, and now YOU, in action. Most of the time we look at pictures and listen to video of posers. It’s GREAT to get to see and hear you and Don.


I want to see the two of them together, smoking cigars, drinking rum and ripping a new one in a seriously demented hardcore faker.


I recognize that tone of voice. I’ve been both on the receiving end while locked up at parade rest, and I’ve been the one dishing it out to some dumbass pvt.

Doc Savage

As soon as I head “fix that shit” I had to look down and check my gig line.

Ahhh…the good old days of the Platoon Sergeant pep talks.


Not to nitpick, but after thinking about it, I realized that Jonn forgot one thing that would have made it perfect. He didn’t end his sentences with “you” as in “Fix that shit, you!”. Other than that, epic win.

NR Pax

He didn’t rate the extra effort.


Naw. It’s, “Fix that shit, you numnut motherfucker.”


Airfreakingborne Platoon Daddy!
Dumbass Christopher David Duke the fake Marine!


If you notice, Jonn called him “Joe”, which I’m sure was a sub-conscious reference to Joe Teti…interesting.

anyways, I snorted milk out of my nose on my keyboard when the fireworks started. I needed that today

Just An Old Dog

There is just some inherently American with our Military’s NCO/SNCO/PO/CPO course. In every service, Army, Navy, Marines,,,( and Im Sure the Air Force and Coast Guard has it too, there are people that are capaple of what Jonn did.
NCOs are the lower level justice system of our military, and the traits carry over long after EASing.
When someone does something stupid, they examine calmly examine the facts and correct the issue. When you fuck up in front of an NCO there are two options, admit you fucked up, take the punishment and move on. If you want to be a twunt and argue it’s going to get worse.
A comparable action in the military would be if shit-sack had left his weapon unsecured, lost his gear and was UA for Duty. Shit sack’s weapon is found, his gear is replaced and he is given an Art 15 for UA.
Then he shows up whining that he was non-rec’ed for promotion, has a negative pg 11, extra duty and restriction, To top it off the other Soldiers are callig him a piece of shit.
“Sergeant, make the mean guys stop!”

Yeah that works.


I screwed up an Art 15 in the 101st in Phu Bai VN. Trooper had stepped on his crank over something…no big deal. I went through the process and asked him if he accepted the Art 15. He said yes BUT there I screwed up and didn’t make him sign up. I gave him a wrist slap punishment and then he said he wouldn’t accept the 15. He had me. First Sergeant Edwards blew his stack and it almost got ugly. Mysteriously he got a max from his Summary from our higher and ended up in Long Binh jail. Always wondered if Top had anything to do with that. That broke up all the Guard House Lawyering though.


I wouldn’t be a bit surprised, SJ. 1SGs and SGMs/CSMs talk from time to time. They sometimes talk to other NCOs, too – like mabye even the NCOIC for whatever organization provided the toolbox’s SCM judge. As I recall, those presiding over SCMs aren’t usually military judges – they’re typically Field Grade officers from within the same chain of command, but on occasion are appointed on an area basis. (smile)

3/17 Air Cav

Long Binh Jail, or “LBJ” as it was commonly called. Only saw it once. Thank god from the outside! I remember when passing it you had to walk on the other side of the street.

We had a crew chief that got caught dealing drugs. 1st guy I flew with. I remember taking him down. To LBJ. Normally we flew with the doors open, not this time. Doors closed guys if cuffs. MPs have weapons drawn the whole flight. Often wonder what happened tithe guy.

A Proud Infidel®™

When I was a wet-behind-the ears “Joe” in OSUT, I stepped on my dick a couple of times and got called into the DS’s office for a “smoking’. I quickly found out it would be painful and sweaty, but MUCH shorter every time I just shut up, kept my eyes straight ahead and did what the DS told me to versus the bawlers, whiners, and drama queens that put on a show. I carried that lesson with me when I got to my Permanent party unit, and when I was getting an ass chewing for stepping on my dick, i fessed up to fucking up vs. playing shithouse lawyer and the punishment was short and sweet.


One of the skills I learned real quick when facing the PSG.

Shut up, and own up to whatever your there for. If both those things are done, the repercussions were always lessened.


Hat in hand.

Admit to wrong doing.

State you knew it was wrong and you will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.


Graciously take punishment and get back to work.

A man is not measured by the fault … He is measured by how he comes back!


The best line I have ever heard from a NCO was from my BN CSM. As a PSG I did a relief for cause and field grade article 15 for one of my team leaders for falling asleep on guard in Iraq twice, I did corrective training the first time since the person he was with was still awake. When the Battalion Commander asked for recommendations on punishment my CSM stated “I don’t care as long as he doesn’t leave this room a Sergeant”.

That SSG Medzyk guy

……….I’m still waiting for the bad language we were warned about….


I watched that and immediately clicked the PayPal button to send you some beer (or legal filing) money. Well played sir, well played.

On the one hand, the only thing I hate about watching that is that all that stress might give you an aneurysm (I get that same feeling watching Shipley’s voice start to tremble, eyes blink and roll back in their sockets, etc.) But then, it’s probably therapeutic stress release for you to rip loose on butt weasels like this guy.

HS Sophomore

Listening to that jackwagon speak gave me brain damage after two minutes. If you took that shit for twenty minutes beforehand, you’re made of sterner stuff than me is all I can say.


That was Hawt!!!

Totally fan-girl crushing right now. (A little more than usual)


Valkyrie, check your e-mail. Sent pic of moon.


Awesome! Thank you!


Wow! Can I get one? I haven’t seen a good moon pic in ages, especially one wrapped in a flannel lined leather thong.


This scrotum faced fuckwad still has all the phony claims up on his Facebook page. Might it be time for a wanted poster?


And if one is made, maybe include, after the usual outlining of his lies, that this cock breath monkey sucker has a really bad fashion sense. The only reason for that stupid looking hat is to cover the point on top of his head.


Oops. Wrong liar. I’m starting to get all these frauds an liars mixed up. Can I chalk it up to the pain meds? Even though I did mix them up, Duke is still a lying cock breath glitter monkey.

Green Thumb

Dude looks like he could dominate a ballsack.


He looks like he could dominatea taste testing session. No one else would stand a chance. Or a lunch counter – no room for anyone else.


OMG are we still talking about this scuttlefutck?


Yep. Check out his Facebook page. He still has up all his lies.

Hack Stone

His Facebook page has a review of some knife, and in that review (December 2013), he is claiming twenty years USMC.

Hack Stone

March 23 Facebook comment from Dookie:

“Eric Wells , what I actually look like is what real camo is supposed to look like….I have other pictures of this day and you CANT see me at all . This may be a joke to those I grew up around but I have trained myself to perfection , I have worked my ass off to get where I am today . I do not expect anyone from nash county to understand my travels but I do however expect to have just a little respect for my dedication to my craft . When shit gets thick it will be me and people like me who free the people like you who just naturally assume that life as we know it will continue as it does , so pick on me , joking or not….I am not the one with blinders on….”

Yeah, I would say the shit is getting thick, alright.

Just An Old Dog

I would say he does have blinders on, and from the looks of his belly a feed bucket as well.


A Proud Infidel®

So my question is what kind of stupid shit will we see coming from him next?


“Trained himself to perfection.”

What a laugh. I’m reminded of that seminal Army documentary “Stripes.”

“Where’s your Drill Sergeant?”

“Blown up, SIR!”

“You mean to tell me that you men trained yourselves?”


Except Chris Duke isn’t anywhere near as funny as Bill Murray.

Ryan Fountain

I was in the Navy as an ABE on the USS Theodore Roosevelt for 4 years and I am in no way excusing what Chris did. But I will say this.I have known Chris a looooong time,and knew he was full of it sometimes.But u Marines talk all about God and Country ALOT.Hes been called out and humiliated enough.Now let the God part come out of you and FORGIVE this man for his transgressions.And if this opens me up to your anger and retribution,so be it.I don’t give a FUCK what u retards think anyway. Bunch of keyboard bullies if u ask me anyway.U wouldn’t know a fair fight if it hit u in the mouth.Let the man up for a minute. This is not a fair fight.SEMPER FI mutherfuckers!LOL



Full of it SOMEtimes?

Try a LOT of times, sockpuppet.

This thread has been dead for three months. Thanks for stirring things up and re-highlighting Duke’s douchebaggery. More Google hits when people look up his name, y’know?


Beat it, kid, ya bother me. This thread has been dead for MONTHS and you just resuscitated it. Good job, pendejo. I’m sure your butt-buddy Duke (see what I did there?) REALLY appreciates it. Now GFY!


Sounds like Chris loves you looooong time GI.

Obviously you do give a fuck what we think or you wouldn’t be here crying over your boyfriend.

Go away and let sleeping threads lie…

BTW, it’s not just the Marines that think your buddy is an azzz – so do us Soldiers.

Kinda old ET1

And sailors.


And Senior NCO Top Three Retired Chairforce, that’s Senior Master Sergeant, E-8 to you asshole.
Chris is a tiny prick and I’m surprised that you can still post here while gargling his balls.



And old, broken down prior enlisted Army Engineer officers who were in the Air Force. Yeah, fuck this Cryin’ Ryan guy.


And I’m pretty sure that my dogs think he’s an ass.

Mustang1LT 's Dog

Yeah, this guy’s an ass. Lemme at him, I’ll bite him good.
Oh by the way, why does a dog lick his nuts?


Because he can!



Chris: ” I sure wish I could do that…”

Ryan: “That’s probably not a good idea Chris, I think that Mustang1LT’s Dog would bite you…”

😀 😀 😀

Mustang1LT 's Dog

Yer damn skippy. Only things I hate more than cats are posers and sock-puppets.

Mustang1LT 's Dog

And jes’ so there’s no confusion… one licks my nuts but ME!



I think yer bordering on TMI there, Mustang1LT. (smile)

Everything still OK out there in that land south of the Oxus?


Ask for the God part to come out in us.
And then cusses us out.



What Scotty said!

Green Thumb



What, no hearty handshake or soup for this one?


Green Thumb

Maybe he could try out my shoe.

Doc Savage

Hey,Fountian boy..thanks for stopping in; stay and chat a bit…stay for breakfast even.

Todays special is a big plate of ‘your a twat waffle” served with a hot steaming mug of “go cry somewhere else” and for an additional 99 cents, I’ll even toss in a side order of “fuck off”.

It’ll cure that raging case of butt hurt you came in here with.


I thought the best cure for a case of butthurt was a nice steaming cup of “Shut The Fuck Up”. Oh well, ya learn something new every day!


I was just talking to God and He says you’re a twit for resurrecting a dead thread and subjecting your friend to more criticism.

Ba 'al ze bub

And I heartily agree!

Toasty Coastie



Well Ryan, maybe some of us don’t believe in the same God or Gods that you do? As a Heathen who worships Odin, one of the things that we believe in is HONOR. So I don’t think I will forgive this poser POS.


WTF? I’m gonna guess that for Ryan, ABE stands for Asshole By Example. I’m sure your turd friend, who admitted he was a lair and valor thief, will greatly appreciate your dumb ass coming here and resurrecting this thread. BTW, bringing up God and cursing in the same post? God didn’t appreciate it. He told me your an asshole. Now GFY with rusty barbed wire.

Dave Hardin

What the hell is a ‘u Marine’? Are they “Special-Purpose”? Did the rest of you have a secret ‘Honorary Marine’ ceremony? Hey, before you conjure up a God an everything around here let these people know;