“A plumber is the guy he’s fighting for”

| October 17, 2008

Cuffy Miegs put together a video of Obama mocking the profession of plumbing by making the statement “A plumber is the guy he’s fighting for”. Now, to hear Obama over the last 20 months, you’d have though he’d have a little more sympathy for a working man. As many times as I’ve heard him tell crowds how he’s going to “fight” for us little guys, I guess he meant to add “except for plumbers”. Here’s the video;

Listen to the crowd laughing at Obama’s “plumber” line. Look at the disgusted look on Obama’s face after he delivers it – as if even saying the word plumber is distasteful. All to distract from Obama’s answer that apparently is causing him some discomfort in the polls (Gallup says it’s 49-47 among likely voters according to the Drudge headline)

I’ve got some plumbing experience because the man my mother married was a plumber and I used to pick up extra money when I was home on leave by working with him when I was home on leave – much more money than I made in the Army. It’s dirty work, long hours and every job seems to be an emergency. But it’s absolutely essential. But that’s what makes this country great – folks putting up a shingle over their garage and living off of the sweat of their brow.

Who’s Obama fighting for? ACORN. Racist preachers. Unrepetent domestic terrorist bombers. Unrepentent foreign terrorist bombers. Union thugs. Incompetent teachers. Americans don’t usually fit into any of those categories. So who is voting for Obama? What kind of person thinks they deserve a portion of the money that Joe the Plumber makes after a day of soldering pipes in a tiny crawl space under someone’s house?   No Americans I know.

I wrote last night about the elitist swine over at Democratic Underground who are spreading the most scurrilous rumors about this guy because he didn’t drink the koolaid. Well, that’s what’ll happen for the next four years if we get an Obama/Biden presidency. Joe Biden claims plumbers just don’t make $250k…does Biden or Obama know what it costs to run a business? Do the folks at Democratic Underground know what iit takes to make payroll? It’s real apparent that they don’t care.

Look at how Sarah Palin has been demonized, look at how John McCain went from being the left’s favorite Republican (who they all claimed they’d vote for back in 2000) to a horned devil. And now look at what they really think of the American working man.

Michelle Malkin’s syndicated column this week is about Operation Destroy Joe the Plumber.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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David M

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 10/17/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.


Joe Wurzelbacher is a regular working person and is genuine. Sarah Palin and her family are regular working people and genuine. The regular people of Pennsylvania “get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

I’m sure you see the pattern here. Obama is an elitist, who by his public statements has proven time and again that he looks down his nose at us, the regular, hard-working people of American, the ones who don’t want Obama’s socialist vision of America.