Another love message from Code Pink

| October 17, 2008

TSO is already in a fired up, very angry mood. And nothing soothes the angry soul like a message from Code Pink.

Today’s outrage of the day involves a poor immigrant:

Dear TSO,

War in Iraq took her son, Wall St. greed is about to take her home. Jocelyne Voltaire hasn’t stopped crying since she received notice that her son was killed in Iraq. “I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. He was my firstborn; the light of my life. Every day I cry and cry and scream. I can’t help it.”

Today, Jocelyne will be hit by another tragedy: losing her home. Jocelyne immigrated from Haiti 21 years ago, worked two jobs while bringing up her children. In 1987 she achieved the American dream: she put $55,000 down and bought a white, two-story house in Queens Village, New York. Now, caught in caught in the largest financial scam in history, she is one of thousands of Americans whose homes will be sold on the auction block.

Last night while Obama and McCain were playing tug of war over Joe the Plumber, just a stone’s throw from the debate at Hofstra University, Long Island locals are losing their homes, their jobs and their children to America’s failed policies. Watch this short video below of Jocelyne telling her story- read more below.

OK, so let’s start with the obvious, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child in Iraq, and my heart goes out to her. But do I believe that Code Pink cares about this woman one iota? Not on your life.

So I went to the video, and it is another classic from American News Project, which is some lunatic fringe group that wouldn’t know what end of a rifle the round comes out of. Case in point. As this poor woman clutches a photo of her son in a marine uniform, ANP informs us:

She [Ms. Voltaire] was informed that her oldest son, a SOLDIER in the NAVY, was killed in the war.

Now, far be it for me to reproach the media, but Soldiers are in the Army. In the Navy, they are “Seamen”. Members of the US Marine Corps are known as “Marines.” And Marines who are demoted for bringing home war trophies are “Sergeants” but only online, and always using the appellation against their will of course.

Further, the account of Code Pink states that:

She had sent her soldier son to private school using money from subprime loans that she now cannot pay off.

Again, I feel for this lady. But, she borrowed to send her kid to private school, and she can not pay it back. Does this mean that Code Pink is now endorsing the concept of school vouchers to make it easier on parents like Ms. Voltaire to get their kids the proper education? OF course not, why would they. They don’t care about this woman, they just like her story. They’ll raise money, save this womans house, and move on to any other issue, real or contrived, which they can use to bludgeon someone else with.

It takes a group like Code Pink opposing the bail-out to make me think there may be good reason for it. I think the bailout is a total crock of [IVAW] but if Code Pink is against it, maybe I should rethink my position.

Code Pink: as ridiculous as a stainless steel football bat.

Category: Politics

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Raoul Deming

Code Pink should raise Humanitarian Aid for this Gold Star Mom like they raised $665,000 in Humanitarian Aid for al-Qaeda in Fallujah.

Code Pink Founder, Jodie Evans is a multi-millionaire and with her husband, Max Palevsky, has access to billions.

There are other Code Pink Founders worth millions too.

Code Pink itself could solve this Mother’s problem in the blink of an eye, but they won’t.

The Sniper

Can’t we all just get along?

(Don’t hit, don’t hit!)


Raoul- OF COURSE NOT!!! Why give up thier money when the government should be helping her? Why practice what they preach…mmmm-hmmmm. Another example of what a double standard is.