Weekend Open Thread

| March 8, 2014

I got nuthin’.

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, it’s all good, just look at the tsunami of TURDS®™ we’ve had this week, it’s GOT to be tiring after so many of them!!
Any more word or threats from “Dan” lately? Last night Ex-PH2, Val & Toasty Coastie looked like they were ready to go off on him/it like heavily PO’ed Honey Badgers!!


No, Proud™, he did not reappear until early this morning. I waited until 12:15AM my time and then turned over the watch to TC, but DANNEEEE BOIIEEE© did not reappear until later.

However, I did leave some messages for him and his buttbuddy vanfleet, e.g., DANNEEE BOIIEEE is a girlieman who doesn’t like ‘foul language’ and has a limited vocabulary and equally limited IQ. I also inquired AS TO™ how he was getting paid by vanfleet – was it sex or money? Or both?

I’d guess he ran out of gas. However, we know he’ll probably be back, like a wino who sleeps in the alley but shows up at the pizza parlor’s back door looking for more cheese.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is he/it looking for cheese or waiting for the busboys to throw out the leftovers from the customers’ tables?


I’d say both, for want of any better info. Nothing like someone pretending to be a tidal wave cockpuppet finding himself crashing against the breakwater of TAH, is there?

I’m just waiting for the next thing to happen, which is the lawering up and lawsuit threats. In an interesting aside, this is the 50th anniversary of a libel/slander suit against the NYT, here: http://news.msn.com/us/at-50-landmark-libel-case-relevant-in-digital-age
which makes it quite clear that if fraud is exposed to the light of day, there is no libel or slander involved.


Love the AS TOs with trademark signs. Do you pay Psul the Uncool royalties?


Naw, he pays us to even look at them.


I’ve got nothing also. Happy weekend everyone!

A Proud Infidel®™

Back to you, Val. Howya been doing lately?


Been good. Planning my Panama trip for this summer. Trying to get Julie to join again this year, you game again? Frankie is meeting me again.


I think I could have put few more “again” in there, again. Haha!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, sounds like fun, I’d love to do another TAH get-together!

Toasty Coastie©

Ooohh I’m not to far from you guys…Could me and the Hub join up with you?

Toasty Coastie©™

Ooooh…I’not too far from you guys…could me and the hubby join you?

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh yeah, about the ®™ after my screen name, anyone can do it, it’s a number typed while holding the Alt key.
Alt + 0169 = ©
Alt + 0153 = ™
Alt + 0174 = ®



See if I can get this to work


not so far


Well shit .


One more time


Okay. One more more time


Guess I’ma dumbass. I can’t get it to work.

Toasty Coastie

@Army ATC

Hold down the “ALT” key and then the numbers 0153 that will get you the ™

Toasty Coastie

gahhh Hold the “ALT” key down and while holding it down type in 0153

Toasty Coastie

Don’t use the + sign..just “alt”0153


I found the Windows character map. Now I can post stuff in Vietnamese and the diacriticals will stay in.

I am now doing the happy dance.


I got plenty of nuthin’ and now that damn song is stuck in my head.


Here you go. Fixed it for you.


Hello everyone. I hope are having a great weekend. I don’t have anything to say much…which is usual but at least now I have a proper place to post it! 😀

Green Thumb

“I got nuthin’.”

I do.

Phildo takes it in the ass.


Durnburnit, Proud™, you give me a new toy, and I forgot it takes the machine some getting used to it.

Anyway, it warmed up here yesterday, and then got cold againg last night, and the squirrels are stealing birdfood. Haven’t seen the little black squirrel lately.

A Proud Infidel®™

HAVE FUN with it, Ex-PH2®™!! I oughtta post the link to the rest of ’em, whatdahell,..


Now you can post things like


Thanks, API. Now I can play with that, instead of just staring out at the snow in my yard.

Just An Old Dog

I’ve recently found a distant cousin who is trying to get his records straigntened out. He was Army, so Im not sure exactly what their procedure is. His 201/DD214 Shows about 2 years of service as far as time goes but other than boot camp and AIT he says there is nothing covering the rest of his time. He went through a hard time getting into the VA system. He basically got called a LSOS by his rep. He ended up storming out of the place, locating his old compant commander and driving 12 hours to get some copies of his orders and a statement from his CO saying he was in country. Once the VA checked that they got him squared away for medical treatment and pension. He has been getting statements from his buddies he tracked down and copies of his orders. He is set as far as the VA is concerned, but he saying he wants to get his 201/ DD214 corrected as far as his Schools, awards and duty assignments. He sorta knows what he has to do. Get a 215(?) to ammend his records and send copies of what he has in to get it corrected. I think his concern is that since his record was so jacked up, it will take forever for him to get it squared away. His Timeline was that he Went into the Army in 2002, He did Boot and AIT at Fort Benning until October of 2002. Thats Where the gap Starts. He said from OCtober to November he went through an Accelerated Ranger Program at Sand Hill (Fort Benning) The Idea was to give infantry units a more qualified soldier, the emphasis was on MOUT. His class number was 258 and he was Candidate # 132. His instructors were SSG Tibor SSG Cambell( 3x canopy) and SFC Simons. Upon completing this he was jump qualed then sent to Fort hood. He deployed to Iraq with C company 2nd Bn 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. He was in Northern Iraq. During an operation he ended up taking a facer… Read more »

Toasty Coastie

@Just an Old Dog~
In order for your cousin to get his records corrected, he will need to go The Army Board for Correction of Military Records found here:


I would recommend to start there…The process can be somewhat daunting so I would also advice to contact your local DAV or a Military lawyer to help you.

I am in the process of going through the USCG BCMR and so far its taken me about 4 years with both DAV and a Military Lawyer.

Good luck and if I can help in other way, just let me know. I been dealing with record corrections for a looonnggg time.

Toasty Coastie

*gaaahhh* Should read -advise-


How does one post to the recipe page? I’ve a kickass Shepard’s Pie recipe I’d like to share.


Came across this site, hope it helps:

Toasty Coastie

Happy Saturday everyone!

Hope its full of fun and adventure for you 🙂


Captain Philips. Then monkey sex!


Wait. I am not having monkey sex with Captain Philips …

We (wife and I) will watch the movie … And if I am awake at the end of said movie … Monkey sex it will be.


Just remember, kids:

You ♥ your dog.

I ♣ my seal.

Peace out!

Toasty Coastie

here’s some more “alts” for you guys..have fun lol ♥

alt 1 ☺
alt 2☻
alt 3 ♥
alt 4 ♦
alt 5 ♣
alt 6 ♠
alt 7 •
alt 8 ◘
alt 9 ○
alt 10 ◙
alt 11 ♂
alt 12 ♀
alt 13 ♪
alt 14 ♫
alt 15 ☼


Maybe I’ll get lucky this time


Well, fuck me to tears. I dunno what I’m doing wrong


One more time


Okay. What’s the secret?

Toasty Coastie

Press and hold “ALT”and then type 0153, don’t use the + sign.


That’s what I’ve been doing

Toasty Coastie

Is your numbers lock on?


What the hell. One more try

Toasty Coastie

lol ok here’s a really easy way…

™ highlight and then copy and paste it ™


Could be this POS Dell XPS I’m using. Worst laptop I’ve ever owned.

Toasty Coastie

Its possible…in that case just copy and paste it to your name..it’ll work that way.


Can this be done from a phone?

Hey! While looking for “alt” on my phone I found all these cute little faces and pictures I didn’t know about. I wonder if they would work on here.




Thanks TC! ♥

A Proud Infidel®™

I ♣ HIPPIES!! Yeah, beats using the British Pound sign!


Ya’ll are just a bunch of characters this weekend.


Too funny clamsgotlegs! ♥


Failing that (like being on a laptop) you can just hit the Windows Character Map and go from there.


See if that works.


I’ll just copy and paste like TC advised.


Thanks NHSparky ♥♥♥♥♥ Not that I want to start dating or anything. Just like that keystroke combo. ♥♥♥♥♥

Green Thumb

You guys are losing focus.

Tighten up, folks.


Good reason not to use laptops.


Yeah but when’s the last time you did your timesheet, posted here, ordered a part for the truck, and watched NatGeo, all the while hauling down your desktop and setting it up in the living room?

Welcome to the 21st Century, dammit! We got this thing called WiFi!


I’m back, long ass week. I have driven half wat across the country. In Arlington tx for a couple of days then I pack up the rv and head to Kansas yay


Last week three detectives in Phoenix were involved in a shooting with a felony subject in the same area that the Jan. 19 feelgood story happened. Unfortunately, one of them didn’t make it, leaving behind a wife and three kids. There was a barbecue fundraiser a couple days ago which raised at least 100,000 dollars, the mayor of my city was caught refusing to have a moment of silence at a town meeting until way after the fact, and I believe the service should be taking place sometime tomorrow.

The officer’s name was John Hobbs, and chances are if you knew him, you know about it already, but if not, there’s info about memorial t-shirts available on the AZ LE Emerald Society’s facebook.



Okay since it’s Weekend Open Thread, can we talk about…you now…hemorrhoids.

Yuck, yuck, yuck. Remember the commercials with he wimpy guys. One wanted to talk about hemorrhoids and the other wanted to talk about…you know…diarrhea (in a whispered voice). Just a little Sunday morning humor but if you really want to talk assteroids, we CAN get serious if you’d like to. 😀 😀 😀

By the way, good Sunday morning to everyone.


© ™ ®
Hey, it does work!!


It’s up on his web site, Bill Guarnere, Easy Co. 2/506 Parachute Infantry, passed yesterday. http://wildbillguarnere.com/
Rest in Peace, Bill.


Rest In Peace old soldier. What an honorable man. I am truly sorry for his passing.

Thanks for the information UpNorth.


Hemorrhoids ©
Diarrhea ™

Eh! It works!! 😀

I loose now. Thanks too NHSparks for the Windows character map.

Now my posts will all look like ransom notes!

A Proud Infidel®™

I think I’ve opened Pandora’s box!!


OMG….You’ve created a monster. Thank you Dr. Frankenstein.

Toasty Coastie©™

I can not brain today..I haz the dumb…..:(

Green Thumb

Commander Phil Monkress at All Points Logistics is still rocking the claims.


Of course he is. And he will, until someone who holds the purse strings of the taxpayer dime starts asking the hard questions he’ll never be able to answer.


I’m at a funeral for my Step-Dad’s ex wife. There is a retired Vietnam Air Force Colonel and a Corporal plus my nephew who is back from Afghanistan who’s 14 years Air Force. I tell you the stories these guys are telling, I think I’m going to need some hip wadders to get out of here. Who knew a funeral could be so much fun.


And now I feel bad about saying I’m having fun.


Why shouldn’t funerals be fun?

They always end with tears and a journey.

Why not end them with laughter and fond memories instead?

That said, my condolences to you and your family.


Monkey sex update:

It never happened!

We watched “Dallas Buyers Club”.

OUTSTANDING movie, acting, true story, simply tragic … yet inspiring!

This Matthew Mac What Ever His Name is nailed the Oscar and thanked his God first … It was because of that we watched the movie first of all the Oscar winners.

And no kiddin’ divine intervention must have been involved to see how this young God fearing man transformed himself for this movie and the difficult subject matter.

I highly recommend this film …

I also recommend monkey sex … when you can get it!


Speaking of Whiskey

Master Chief, once in my life I would like a glass of Redbreast “Single Pot Still” Non Chill-filtered 21 Year Old Irish Whiskey. Just to say I tried it. I hear it is the end all be all of Irish Whiskeys but I don’t drink much Irish Whiskey.(Kentucky/Tennessee Bourbon man myself)
So I can’t really speak knowledgeably about the brands. What do you think?


Sounds like “potcheen” to me.

I brewed up a batch once in my garage and the explosion blew out two windows.

The “pot” was so strong “it could put hair on the balls of your toes!”

Now that is Irish Whiskey …

BTW … Potcheen and US Moonshine … Same thing!


No matter what Valkyrie, I am truly sorry for your and your families’ loss.


Thank you Sparks.


I wonder if you guys might have a brainwave on a problem of mine. My NPTT team was interviewed in Iraq in March of 2008 by a correspondent to ABC World News Tonight. The subject was the approaching mark of 4,000 KIA in Iraq. One of my teammates and I were the two who they actually aired on national news. My Google-Fu seems weak because no matter what I type, I cannot seem to find an archived video or article and I’m hoping one of you might be able to think of something I haven’t.

If it helps, my quote was something along the lines of “The number 4,000 is no less important than the number 1. We feel them all equally.” That’s as good a quote as I can muster because I’m sifting through 6 years of memories here.


Any idea who the correspondent was? Al I can find is Peter Jennings’ broadcasts.


If that correspondent was Martha Raddatz, this may what you’re referring to. Best I could do.



Thanks for that. I found that article yesterday and was hoping it would lead me to the one I’m looking for but no such luck. I don’t remember who the correspondent was except that it was a tall white guy. Thanks for looking though


If that correspondent was Martha Raddatz, this may be what you’re referring to. Best I could do.


Green Thumb

Commander Phil Monkress and the All Points Logistics Detective Agency.

Commander Monkress and the case of the Mushy Manhole.