PANG colonel facing fraud charges

| March 6, 2014

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that Pennsylvania National Guard Colonel Gerard Mangi has been charged with 110 counts of fraud related to creating a job for a friend who had financial problems, in exchange for padding Mangi’s own pay check;

Mangis and Robert St. Clair, 50, a civilian contractor at the Air National Guard’s headquarters in Maryland, became friends in 2000. When financial problems in 2002 threatened St. Clair’s security clearance and his job, Mangis falsified enlistment papers and other documents to make St. Clair a Guard member assigned to the 171st Air Refueling Wing in Findlay, Hickton said.

St. Clair was physically unfit to serve in the military and never showed for training or other duty because his lack of fitness and Maryland home would have “aroused suspicion among the members at the 171st,” the indictment states.

Having the military position allowed St. Clair to keep his security clearance and receive military pay and benefits.

In return, St. Clair used his job at headquarters to authorize Mangis to receive military pay for special training days and other “workdays,” often for the same days that Pennsylvania paid him as a full-time Guard employee, Hickton said.

I’m thinking that O-5s need training so that they understand that it’s improper to create phony jobs for friends and claim work days that they didn’t actually work. I think a six-hour Power-Point presentation would probably cure the problem, you, know, like all of the problems that O-5s have created in their fiefdoms in the last ten years.

Category: National Guard

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Old Tanker


BTW, I see the hyperlinks are now a different color….thanks!

AW1 Tim


You know, back in the old days, pre-computer, even back in the 80’s, you might have been able to get away with this sort of crap. Not today, however.

One would think that in the days of declining budgets, auditors are looking a lot more closely at pay & expenditures, and those nifty computer thingies help compare and contrast all sorts of data.

On top of all of this, there’s also the looming question of whether any of that “extra” cash was reported to the IRS? Guys might be in for a LOT of butthurt if they were remiss in reporting that money.

A Proud Infidel

It sounds like that O5 has flushed his career and retirement down the shitpipe, stupid asswipe!


His career? Likely. His retirement? Don’t be so sure. Even that crazy, diaper wearing, stalker atronaut retired at rank. And then there is the case of the Navy O6 at Lejeune who was sleeping with his patients (because according to them, that’s what was necessary to get better), spent a year in the brig and then retired with his full retirement pay and benefits.


Douche rocket. Guess when they did ethics training, the good Colonel was otherwise engaged. Enjoy prison asshole!!


AW1 Tim: if it was military pay, it was almost certainly reported to the IRS. JUMPS-RC is pretty good about reporting pay to the IRS, and withholding taxes from same.

However, if said pay was obtained fraudulently, I’m guessing these two (and any others who might have been involved) may well be “invited” to return same to the Federal government. (smile)


from O-5 to O-shit. Sucks to be him. The worst part is the public image it throws back on the hardworking and ethical NG troops that are out there doing the right thing.

A Proud Infidel

No shit! That, and the audits this will probably trigger on the same honest hardworking folks that do their job right! I hope that Bubba, Thor, and Company straighten their asses out every day, knowhutimean?


There isn’t a word to describe how utterly stupid this fartknocker is so…

Double Dumbass on you.


There’s stupid, and then there’s this.

Green Thumb

No surprise and no comment.


Pittsburgh ANG and Reserves are just tore up. No wonder why nobody wants to work in either place.


You beat me to it Jonn. More Power Point Presentations on how to hire or not hire your friends and relatives for phony military service. I guess a heart that is bent on fraud, knows no limits in rank or position.


Yup, whenever something bad happens in the military, “more training” is the default answer. As if we are all just blank slates who have no idea that it’s wrong to lie, cheat, steal, sexually assault, etc., and need to be indoctrinated. At length.


The “training” will be aimed at us peons and not the higher ups that are doing this crap.


Always is my man!!!

Green Thumb

You should consult General Fermijon Marrero.


LOL the remarks remind me of the phantom shitter we had at Manas in 07-08. The 1st shirt came down and did a blanket punishment and ass chewing for all E-6s and below because it couldn’t be a SNCO. Well, Mr. phantom shitter made the mistake of speaking about his exploits in the chow hall and it made it’s way back to the leadership. The fucker was a damn Master Sgt. So all us peons got blamed and punished because someone of the rank of E-7 and up could do no wrong. UGG.


CATM: phantom shitter? Sounds like an interesting story. (hint, hint)


We had an issue with someone shitting in the shower stalls and on the floor around the shitter while we were in Manas. Nothing too exciting, but ol’boy struck enough that leadership got pissed at all of us.


LOL Funny, we had that issue too in Al Udeid in 2003-04


I’ve come to the conclusion that “ethics training” is an oxymoron. Such training IMO doesn’t train anyone how to behave ethically. All it does is explain the “do’s and don’ts”. It has little or no effect on “will or won’t”.

Further: it’s not a matter of rank or power changing someone. I’m convinced that attaining rank or power does not corrupt anyone. Instead, attaining rank or power simply reveals much about the individual’s underlying character.


Sounds like a variation on Panetta’s observation that the higher up the flagpole you go, the more opportunities you have to show your backside.


We had a fanroom phantom, someone who would pleasure himself in the fanroom but not entirely clean up afterwards.