Breaking news; Hugo Chavez is still dead

| March 6, 2014

Amid riots in Venezuela, which have claimed 18 lives, the government of Nicolas Maduro, led a massive rally to remember the one-year anniversary of the death of Hugo Chavez, according to BBC. To celebrate the death of the communist tyrant Chavez, Maduro announced that he would cut diplomatic ties with Panama, that he claims is conspiring against him and his government with the US;

“I’ve decided to break political and diplomatic ties with the current government of Panama and freeze all trade and economic relations from this moment on,” Mr Maduro told the presidents of Cuba, Raul Castro, Uruguay, Jose Mujica, and Bolivia, Evo Morales, among other leaders gathered around the tomb of Mr Chavez.

Panama’s President Ricardo Martinelli expressed surprise at Venezuela’s decision.

“Panama only hopes that this brother nation finds peace and strengthens its democracy,” Mr Martinelli wrote on Twitter.

Panama’s official statement said the country was “astonished” and called Mr Maduro’s words “unacceptable”.

“The measure announced by President Maduro should not become a smoke screen intended to hide reality,” it read.

Yeah, all the conservative Martinelli did was ask the Organization of American States to investigate the violence in Venezuela. I guess the last thing that Maduro needs is a little scrutiny.

“There are moves by the United States government in accord with a lackey government of a right-wing president which has been creating the conditions for the OAS and other bodies to step towards an intervention in our country,” Mr Maduro said.

Yeah, well, when the richest nation in the region becomes one of the poorest in the space of a few years, someone needs to intervene. Of course, Panama is benefiting from Venezuela’s problems since the wealthier residents are fleeing to politically-stable Panama with their money.

Category: Hugo Chavez

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B Woodman

The ghost of Hugo is still alive in the body of Maduro. And the conspiracy hits just keep on comin’. What is it with either the water or the quality of tin foil down there?


In further news, corrupt assholes bankrupt Venezuela, trample on civil rights and kill citizens. Sean Penn could not be reached for comment.


B Woodman: distraction and misdirection. Keep the population focused on an external enemy, and they’re less likely to ask disturbing questions about why things went to hell in a handbasket – starting about when Chavez took over.


So, they’ll be getting toilet paper and toothpaste from — where? The Soviet Union, maybe? I noticed that Frere Castro was there at the parade.

Well, this is just another excuse to be a cheesedicktater, isn’t it? Is this because Vlad is now parking a Russkie warship in Havana Harbor?

When are we going to get a real president in this country?


“When are we going to get a real president in this country?”

Not soon enough… momentum is one of those physics things my son loves to talk about so much. In this case momentum is not in our favor at all.


Reminds me of the old Saturday Night Live skit about “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead”. They did weekly updates on his still being dead. Funny as heck.

Kevin Hunt

I remember when he scored a perfect 10 in Cadaver Diving…. those were the days


Sparks – who the hell nowadays remembers Generealissimo Franco? Might as well say Charles de Gaulle!


We are getting daily updates from our friends in Caracas. Word is Jimmy Carter is going down there again. He will prove me wrong for thinking things couldn’t get much worse. Surprised he wasnt there to help try to raise Chavez from the dead today.

B Woodman

Sorry, at that hour of the oh-dark-too-damn-early, I forgot to add the (/snark) tag at the end.