Wanted: Clint Cleaver

| March 6, 2014

Here, share this one so folks in New Mexico can find Clint Cleaver while they’re looking for the Round Ranger;WANTED_Poster-Cleaver

Category: Phony soldiers

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Combat Historian

Lots of fake bling for a ARNG reject with only six month’s ADT; and had to borrow the girlfriend’s bike to attempt to join. Advice to girlfriend: dump this poser and find yourself an honest dude with his own bike…


Left ‘jug-eared’ out of the description.

Nice job. Print and post time.


Sheesh! I’ll have to ask Jonn to vet these posters through you so we can get better nicknames.

Gotta love it: “Jug Ear” or “Prince Charles”!!

Let’s see if this format works:

( )(..)( )



( )(..)( )


( )(..)( )

Green Thumb

APL material.

Maybe a certain Veteran MC down there in Florida will let him in?


Always a place for another team member on APL All Star Squad


Looks like a Checker cab coming down the street at you with both back doors open. Loser.


Sparks…Man you’re on your game.


ChipNASA sometimes…I’m just on. Being a kid growing up with rather, large ears, because my military father cut our hair at home boot camp, buzz style, to make it all the worse looking, someone said that of me at six years old. Never forgot it and it gave me a slight complex for several years. At least until sixteen when he let us grow our hair out a “little”. 😀


Thank you, first laugh I have had all day!

Just An Old Dog

Looks like he stolr two catcher’s mitts and stapled them to the side of his dome. Bedwetter.


Man … they’re crawling out of the wood work.

I wonder if it was like this after WWII?


Old Soldier 54…

after WWII

Try during AND after…(check out this thread…)



OldSoldier54 Do you mind if I ask Jonn to send you my email address? Okay to say no brother.

Green Thumb

It also appears that he has been around a few sets of balls in his day

Green Thumb

Hey, I’m Green!!!


The link in your name takes you to “Internet Explorer cannot display web page”.

Green Thumb

I will also bet he has used his “Cleaver” to split some manbuns before.


He’s a wanted man alright… several bill collectors, NM Child Support, cops, etc. would love to find him. He financed a freezer from Conn’s, and then a big plasma TV three weeks later. Sold both of them to friends, and then didn’t make one single payment on either appliance. He lies, he cheats, and he steals from anyone and everyone. He’ll take things he thinks won’t be missed to sell or pawn. His so-called friends are dwindling by the numbers, since he will lie and steal from them too. He’s full of lies, to the point that he can’t keep them straight. He stole money out of the safe from his own job. He’ll feed a new sob story to anyone who will listen, but if you listen long enough he stories don’t mesh. His “apology” he posted on FB is total bull. He’s never sorry for the things he does or says… just sorry he gets caught and called out on it. Gotta love Karma!!