Justin Case Mears; Another career measured in weeks

Mary sends us the records of Justin Case Mears and the announcement of his engagement;
Mr. Mears served three years in the Army National Guard. He also served five years as an active duty sergeant in the United States Army, while stationed in Washington state.
Mr. Mears is employed at Lauderdale County Detention Facility as a corrections officer.
Nothing earth shattering, well, unless you think that five years in the Army can be compressed into the space of 3 months and a week;

I hope he didn’t get his job based on his eight years of military experience.
Category: Phony soldiers
So what did dumbass do in his imaginary Military Career? I’m wondering too if he got his job based on Veterans Preference based on that career he did not have.
Has this wife also been mislead, ala, William Derek Church’s wife? Will she come on here to tell us all about the turd’s exemplary career?
What a way to begin a marriage. Whatever “they” get from this exposure, they fully deserve and more.
I am not defending this turd at all, but sometimes, 3 months in the army can seem like five years…
I don’t like it when the BS is not traceable directly to the target. I prefer the dress-up pics and personal stories. In this case, we have neither.
So; this chowderhead went a whole 3 months in the NG??? Awesome!!
I find it hard to get excited about this one. No claims to being a hero. No claims to being Ranger/SF/SEAL/Delta/POW. No claims to being a war Vet. No TV exposure, no running for public office. Just an exaggeration of service in a wedding announcement.
No Spec Ops claims…but a “Thruth Molester” just the same.
Make that “Truth Molester.” Damn IPhones.
@6: While I follow your statement; what I’m wondering if his rockin’ the lie got him his job? That would be the part that gets me whipped up. Since we don’t know that, yet, I guess I will withhold more criticism.
Obviously the dude has lied somewhere along the ways, enough to get someone to send his information to Mary. Wondering just what is the back story on this guy? As far as valor Thieves go, there is not a lot to show for it here…
No one should be allowed to get away with it, but how is it he came to the attention of Mary in the first place?
I’ve got more time on the crapper than that assclown had in his entire military career.
@10. It could be that someone at the jail is pissed at him and using this for payback. We don’t know. What bothers me is that we don’t know who the source of the engagement announcement is. We’ve seen families embellish obits on their own before but we have also seen some merely repeat the lies told by the dearly departed before they departed. He could be a knucklehead. Or maybe not. I just wish that there were something from him directly.
If he did get his job because of his fantasy military career, don’t they do background checks for security jobs these days?
Just asking.
I can assure each of you that he is a compulsive liar! He has lived with this story for years…long before ever working at the jail. As for his current wife knowing the truth, I’m very doubtful. He wants everyone to think he has done great things in his life which is far from the truth!
“Justin Case” he wasn’t the source of the lie. 😉
I personally know that his claims are far from the truth. I am to hoping his current employment was not gained because of his careless accusations. As far as his wife knowing about the lies, I seriously doubt it. He just has her convinced.
I know that he is the source of the lies. And when he is called out on those lies he does one of two things. Guilt trip and lie some more or he gets very angry. He see his ‘military career’ to get what he wants. I have no doubt he used it to get his job and his new wife.
I have a son-in-law who spent 3 or 4 years as a Corrections officer at the local county jail. He is now a deputy sheriff for our a neighboring county. He’s also currently a SSgt in the US Army Reserves and an Iraq vet. When he first got the corrections officer job, he had to pass the background check as any sheriff deputy (for our County) to include proof of military service. My question is, how did he pass the background check? Or maybe they don’t do that in Mississippi, I guess.
If he did it to get a job I am going to be mad. I know many vets who are already struggling to find work. When I got my job I had to provide my college transcript, my DD214, and VA letter saying I was service disabled and I do not even work for a government contractor. They allowed the VA letter to slide since I am a medical retiree and have my retired ID.
It really pisses me off when morons like this abuse the system. He is not even a Veteran by VA standards.
@17 I have met numerous guys who pull the angry vet card when its very obvious from their BS stories that they got an entry level sep. I called a guy out for being a fake Ranger, who told me he had two combat jumps from 2006-2011 and was honorably discharged. I told him he would still have IRR time (He had no clue what IRR time was). After I told him he was full of shit he got all pissed off, until I told him I had actually been to Afghanistan and Iraq. I never saw him again.
And what in hell is he doing wearing a Tractor Supply cap? Is he claiming to be an actual farmer? Or is he wearing it because they are free at any Tractor Supply grand opening, and at Christmas shopping season?
If he is posing as a farmer he better keep his ears open, listening for a John Deere to be coming up on him to run his poser ass down.
Him a farmer? That’s funny! To hear him say it, he is a jack of all trades. As far as the hat, I’m pretty sure it was a give away, or he threw a temper tantrum to get it.
He clearly knows about this page now. Wonder why he won’t comment and defend himself. Gutless sob
that is his facebook page although it was locked down pretty tight when i saw it.
He has two facebook pages. He has changed the name on the other though.
I’m sure he feels the need to keep them locked down. He would hate for his lies to make it out to everyone he knows. You know all those that thinks he has done so much. If his wife hasn’t found out, she might would find out then also.
On the announcement it said “The bride-elect graduated from Meridian High School with honors in 1997”
It seems kind of silly to put you graduated from High School with honors. What’s the point? That is inflating something that nobody cares about…
Am I wrong?
Well, it been a week, he knows about this, but yet he obviously refuses to even try to defend himself. That proves he’s guilty into opinion! Our soldiers deserve more respect than some low life like this claiming he has done so much. They stand in harms way to defend our country, and he wouldn’t even stand in harms way to protect the children that he has helped bring into this world. He doesn’t mind doing what it takes to get them here, but after that he’s done. He has more than one, and would you guess, the “super hero” has not anything to do with any of them. For the kids, it’s a good thing. He’s not anyone any child should have to look up to. I’m sure all the mother’s of his kids would gladly say, “thanks for him stepping away!”
From his FB page: Went to Newton County High School Nov 2002 to Dec 2013
Don’t look now, but we’ve got a bright one here! Haha, I’m sure it’s a typo, but still funny!
Wonder if his wife knows he has two Facebook pages, especially when the second one says he’s single… Probably not, but she’s about to 🙂
Chatting on Facebook with the wife time now.
E-6, how did that conversation go? There are aeveral of us that would like to know.
I’m sure she knows nothing about his past. There is so much for her to know. She would be in utter shock!