Sunday morning feel good story

| August 18, 2013

Chief Tango sends us this morning’s feel good story from Montgomery County, TX. A homeowner had an altercation with a dude who wasn’t properly armed;

Detectives say the homeowner and shooting victim were arguing at a house nearby and then the shooting victim drove his vehicle through the yard of another home making threats to the family. Investigators say he took out an ax to confront the homeowner.

The homeowner armed himself with a gun and shot the victim in the chest.

Category: Politics

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The axe, while probably a superior tool in a knife fight, still is not the weapon to bring to a gun fight…


Let me see if I understand this correctly: someone with brain the size of a pea gets into a fight with one homeowner, who shoots him, and then the same idiot drives THROUGH someone else’s yard and threatens him and gets shot by that person.

How is this idiot a victim? I am having difficulty understanding how that works. If someone would be so kind, please ‘splain this to me. Thank you.


Always have something on your side that barks here and bites over there.


The stupid is strong in this one. Need to add a little chlorine to the gene pool.


PH: The new lingo defines a victim as anyone who is hurt (feelings included) by the actions of another without regard to whose responsibility the hurt might be. Yeah, that pretty much includes everyone. Because, you know, like, we are all victims and must be protected by our superiors.

(That is the definition that the unicorn whispered in my ear this morning.)


I axed him not to do that any more, but when he came at me I dropped the hammer.

Could this be a “Home Improvement” episode?

Old Trooper

Never bring an axe to a gunfight.


OWB: Thank you. I’m still living in the Dark Ages, I guess.

That’s the time period so very long ago when, if someone attacked you and you fought back, you were still the victim of an attack. You just fought back.

I see that now it’s changed so that the person who attacks someone is the victim if the person who WAS attacked fights back.

Those stories from the “Twilight Zone” and “The X-Files” aren’t so far-fetched, after all.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has the feel good story of the day […]


Damn, I saw “Montgomery County” and got my hopes up that it dealt with another subject . . . .

Roger in Republic

Axe = deadly weapon = lethal force authorized = Commence firing.


I’ll give the perp points for originality. Don’t see too many people pulling an axe out these days.


There’s that V word being used to describe the suspect again…reporting has hit rock bottom…


I’m getting tired of all that “victim” business, when it’s a bad dude who has been shot. Today’s reporters write and talk in set phrases, and “victim” always follows “shooting.” Write to your local news station when that happens, and follow up with another letter and then a call if you don’t get a response. If those also fail, tell the TV people you want on-air time to respond.