Your Saturday Feel Good Story

| July 27, 2013

Tim sends us our feel good story to start out our weekend from Phoenix, AZ. A homeowner heard someone kicking in his door;

The 54-year-old homeowner woke up, saw the intruder kicking in his bedroom door and fired multiple shots, according to Phoenix police spokesman Tommy Thompson said.

Thompson said the 32-year-old suspect was hit several times by the gunfire. When officers arrived, the suspect was lying in the hall and a handgun was recovered near him.

The suspect is expected to survive. Thompson said charges are pending his release from the hospital.

The suspect, who was apparently just turning his life around, is expected to survive.

However the homeowner maybe facing charges because, although he had a medical marijuana card, he had too many plants in his house.

“This individual had the proper credentials, but the problem was he has more plants than were allowed by permit,” Thompson said.

Thompson said charges against the homeowner will be submitted to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for review.


Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hmmmm. It warms my stoney old heart to see the perp doing the B&E get what he deserved. But I do have to wonder if those “excess” marijuana plants might have had something to do with the break-in in the first place.


What – the idiot couldn’t just turn the doorknob on the door?


Doh… good for the homeowner exercising their rights..

I have issue with the pot part of it. Medicinal Pot, has been nothing but abused everywhere it has been introduced. I do not believe any person who is prescribed it should be growing it. Look at California and how badly that system is abused there. If the medical community says that Pot is good for some medical condition, let them get the pot like every other prescribed medication in this country. Just something that irks the hell out of me, as I see the medical marijuana movement as nothing more than a back door attempt to legalize for personal use.


Oh no, not Sheriff Joe’s pink underwear. Good shootin…good luck splainin having >4x authorized limit of plants.

Roger in Republic

Too many MJ plants! No need to ask the shootee’s motive for the break in attempt. The same thing happened in my old hometown a few months ago. Two killed in a shootout in a two car garage! Opps, too much pot in the house. Homeowner went to jail, perps went to Oak Lawn.


@3: then let’s do full legalization. Pot never nade anyone dangerous, although bags of Doritos, boxes of Twinkies, and jumbo pizzas get a little nervous around pot heads.

I M Simpleton

Yeah, these potheads are “law-and-order” types all of a sudden. They’re not so into redistribution as you’d think, at least when it’s their own stuff.

Arizona Vet

‘Merica !
‘Zona !


The suspect is expected to survive.

Only bad news in the whole story.