A Marine “Sergeant” Honored

| July 27, 2013

Yesterday, the Commandant of the Marine Corps honored a “Marine” from the “Forgotten War” – Korea.  A statue was dedicated in her honor at a park near the National Museum of the Marine Corps.

Yes, you read that correctly – “her”.  The statue was of “Sgt. Reckless”.  She had four feet – or, more precisely, four hooves.

“Sgt. Reckless” was a war horse.  Literally.

Though not today particularly well-remembered, pack animals were used by the US military in both World War II and the Korean War.  They were at times literally lifesavers.

For the Marines fighting near Outpost Vegas in March 1953, “Sgt. Reckless” was indeed a lifesaver.  (emphasis added)

When the Chinese first attacked, lighting up the sky with tons of incoming fire, Reckless was frightened. She ran to a bunker, where the Marines found her covered with sweat. But the Marines calmed her and sent her on her mission.

Reckless is credited with making 51 trips in a single day from the ammunition point to the recoilless rifles, which were firing continuously as Marines fought to push the Chinese back.

She carried 386 rounds of ammunition totaling more than 9,000 pounds and walked over 35 miles. Most of the time she walked alone, knowing the route by instinct. “Her gun crew kept firing,” Wadley said.

Outpost Vegas was retaken after a five-day battle.

The Army Times has an excellent story on the dedication, giving additional background.  It’s well worth taking the time to read it.

And in case you’re wondering:  yes, the USMC did indeed bring her back to the US at the end of the war.  She died at Camp Pendleton in 1968.

Well done, “Sgt. Reckless”.  Damn well done.

Category: Historical, Marine Corps

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2/17 Air Cav

I had thought that the greatest horses in my lifetime were Secretariat, Affirmed, and Ruffian. I can now add a fourth: Sgt. Reckless.

Green Thumb

Good post.


Well done, indeed.

Drew Collins

Amazing. Apparently she got promoted to SSgt after the war.



What an astonishingly brave and devoted animal. Thank you for posting this Hondo.


Job well done, Sgt. Reckless.

2/17 Air Cav


That’s the link to a video featuring Reckless–um, Sergeant Reckless, that is. At about 2:35 the fun really begins! It’s the promotion ceremony where Reckless gets her rocker!


Truly a brave animal and dedicated Marine!

B Woodman

Who sez horses are merely dumb animals?


I had a horse that liked beer and lemon drops. And the occasional potato chip.

Trapper Frank

That animal had more heart and soul than any human in this year’s, Stolen Valor Tournament.


The streets of Heaven has an equine defender to stand with the rest of the Marines. Excellent story, Hondo. Well done.


Reckless has a FB group for those interested. https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/sgtreckless/